Why are cartoons so sexy? Ever since i was a kid the main thing that got me off was cartoons rather then people

Why are cartoons so sexy? Ever since i was a kid the main thing that got me off was cartoons rather then people.

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Because the designs never disappoint

Because cartoons are unrealistic, as in they can accentuate and exaggerate the best parts of a person and make them better than reality, not to mention make them do anything they want.

It's about imagination, and the choice to let your own interpretation fill in some of the blanks.

Fictional creations don't have many of the faults of the real versions.

Of course, they lack many of the boons of the real versions.

How unfortunate that, canonically, this character doesn't have breasts. Or genitals.

Cartoons are cute. If you're attracted to cartoons, you're also attracted to cute people.

Why do I masturbate to them?

>implying gems dont have pussy and a tits standardly

I dunno... because you're autistic and anti-social, maybe


True. But what makes autists and anti-socials attracted to cartoons anyway?

An autist can reproduce a cartoon perfectly if they apply enough skill to drawing

but unless they're da vinci, they're not going to be creating accurate enough depictions of real people

or maybe just because cartoons are cute, nonthreatening and you know what to expect

2d static designs, always the same...rarely even changing outfits

I'm not implying anything. I'm outright saying it. Its commonly accepted that fusion is their version of sex (among other things).

Clear and easy to interpret facial expressions

The fact that you used a SU character for the OP image just tells me everything I need to know

The fact that the character is given to you; you know her, see her intimate moments and failures and ability to get back up and fight. She has a personality that you can read but still have surprise you. And she is in a way, an ideal. It's a relationship with no downside, the ultimate projection.

Abstraction of emotion through one-sided fantasy is safe, it allows us to feed our wants without all the messiness of real life. A malleable character you can mold to fit your needs and wants that possesses all the traits you desire is naturally attractive, and stands to gain from its non-corporeal status.

Except when the character starts saying and doing things that you don't like, and you stop liking the character.

Nothing lasts forever user, especially not in fiction.

Near every piece of media has an end.

Because they're characters who we can easily understand, know well, and are designed to be visually appealing, and they lack any really bad flaws that would make us hate them.

When you stand them up beside real people, who are generally disappointing at a glance and absolutely shit-tier when you get to know them, there's no contest.

>Of course, they lack many of the boons of the real versions.
Like what?

There's something about Mayor Dewey that just does it for me

because you have autism

this makes perfect sense and actually worries me a little

Well he has good taste


Being able to actually have sex with them?

no faults. easier to interpret. designed to be appealing

what a time to be alive

What really confuses me is that truly normal people don't find cartoons attractive at all. Like, they just think its funny. Seriously, naked cartoon characters are apparently a good joke for these people. They laugh. I don't get it.



Why does it worry you? Thats a pretty good explanation as to why retards like thomas the tank and sonic

I can find a nerdy girl who acts like a cartoon. Better yet, find one whos so insane she based her life around a specific character i like, and is basically that exact character except in different physical form.

Normalfags are a bizarre breed user, I don't think men like us will ever be able to understand the things they do.

There is a good philosophical argument to be made regarding experiences taking place entirely in the mind and that sex with a human is essentially the same as sex with the imagination. The differences are incidental flavors.

What are you gay or something? You're telling me you wouldn't want Mayor to bend you over

Well, if you mean cartoon women like your OP pic, because you're attracted to tits and shapely figures, abstracted slightly as they may be.

Same goes for older cartoons and anime.

If you mean you're attracted to modern 2010s cartoons, I don't know, since they lack most anatomy, especially sexualized features like busts.

He's definitely the most decent character on the show with his conservative views, also I like the new uncle character

they DO find them attractive, normies are just better at hiding it.

That character is from a 2010's cartoon. This is what she looks like on the show.

she's like a curvy loli. i mean I'm into that, but i doubt most people are

I don't really understand how people find Peridot sexy.

Essentially the same? So you think that having sex with a cartoon in your imagination is "the same" as having sex with someone in real life?


>barfing at the prospect of a shortstack

def gay

It's strange because there are so many different kinds of normalfolk; intelligence, creativity, temperment and any other observable qualities play no apparent role in determining whether someone is normal or, well, can appreciate the non-real. It appears on the surface that there is no difference between us and them, yet we are clearly different in some fundamental way. Wherefore comes this schism between us and them?

When observing normals it almost seems like they aren't self aware. Is perversion a noble act of free will and defiance against nature?

Short stack with a booty

the connection shared between two people is different in a few subtle ways, but from the perspective of sensory stimulus they are comparable yes.

I am very much into anime characters, but I don't understand an attraction to cartoon characters either. They are simplistic caricatures and lack a narrative context that would give them a sense of reality.

It's time you stopped being tricked by the Dimensional Jew

this is what i used to think as well, but i'm not so sure anymore

I like them fat and disgusting like the purple rock

The way she acts is fucking adorable and shes got nice boobs and ass.

Dimensional Jew? Is that like the flying Spaghetti Monster? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

The difference is, the real person will always be there, while the imaginary person will disappear. when you snap back to reality.


naw see you are still a part of this universe. Maybe a different species, but we live in the same space. The normal people don't even find anime characters attractive, even after watching the whole series. If they don't have the physical triggers like scent and contact its like their endocrine system doesn't engage at all.

user, the main difference between the normalfag and us autists is that the normalfag cares about the joy of society while the autist cares only for his own joy.

Normalfags are social because it makes them look good to others, which in turn earns them more social contacts and ingratiates them into society better. The Autist cares not for him image or how many friends he has, he will often stay reserved and have few, if any friends.

The Normalfag will strive to constantly improve his position in life through challenging and ever changing careers, trying to climb the social ladder always. The autist seeks only enough to support an acceptable level of comfort, so long as his desire to stay home and play vidya/shitpost on Sup Forums/whatever while still eating are met he is content.

And of course the normalfag will always look toward fulfilling the ultimate social contract to bring more of his kind into the world, to contribute to the next generation. A autist feels no need, he shuns the idea of children, and so real women have limited allure to him, at least not enough to abandon his rather reserved nature to seek one out, yet the autist still has needs, and he satisfies them through idealized characters with little faults.

>The Normalfag will strive to constantly improve his position in life through challenging and ever changing careers
Nah, this is a different type of fag, who often eschews society at large as well.

Normalfags tend to stay in the same job for most of their life

in the end, what makes you a normie?

Interesting perspective. I'm sure that a "normalfag" would say that they live the way they do because they want to love and be loved, and want to lead a fulfilling life while contributing to society.

They would also probably say that people on sites like this are weird, lonely misfits who who live in arrested adolescence and can't compete in real life.

I guess both outlooks are pretty cynical, in their own way.

>literally has no breasts or ass you speak of in the show
>acts like a child

>>acts like a child
Confirmed for not actually watching the show.

i agree with
There are many autists who strive for more challenging environments and there are many normal folk who are completely misanthropic. I can't help but feel the difference lies elsewhere...

There are so many different kinds of autist and so many different kinds of normal and many traits of both overlap, yet the separate nature of an autists reality and a normals reality is almost instinctively perceived.

I believe that being able to be attracted to imaginary things is an important clue in isolating ours and their nature.

A normie is a term people use for Normalfag, it's the same thing.

A Normalfag is someone who still operates in society normally, where anons are more erudite in the ways of Sup Forums.

A normalfag is someone who wouldn't know what >mfw meant, or someone who posted reddit memes unironically


>only autists can find cartoons sexy

Normalfags are just people who try too hard to fit in.

acts like an AUTISTIC child.

Alright Sup Forums

You are allowed a harem of five. You choose who is in. Be sure to take personality conflicts and temperaments into consideration. Who you got?

ultimately i believe that a normal fag is a normal fag because they don't question whether what they are doing is normal or not. If asked about their choices or behavior they will shrug and, with the self-assuredness of a lion or dog that knows whatever its doing is right and natural, say that this is just the normal way of doing things.

There are many overlaps but never really to the point of confusion, it seems no matter what variant we are always capable of identifying a normalfag and identifying an autist, usually at a glance, if not that then with only a few minutes of conversation.

But what is that fundamental difference? It can't be a simple matter of introversion vs. extroversion, as there are extroverted autists and introverted normies.

thank god for the french

It's Normalfag.

A Normal Fag would be your run of the mill gay person

Maybe so. But their is definitely a hivemind mentality here too.

I'm sure there are people here who say things like "numales" and "libtards" just because they want to fit in and belong.

>Its commonly accepted that fusion is their version of sex (among other things).
Commonly accepted by idiots maybe.

Fusion is an analogy for emotional intimacy more so than it is for sex.

Its supposed to be an alien concept. Fans with little critical thinking skills just equate it to sex because they can't interpret nuance.

Yes exactly. This is feeling more and more like something that should be explored through art as an important query within our never ending search for a clearer definition of consciousness and existence in general.

It's called group think and it's a very well observed phenomenon.

ITT: Autists sniffing each others' butts.

A normalfag, is simply someone who puts being 'normal' on a pedestal. Nothing more, nothing less. The typical issue is, that they come to somewhere like Sup Forums, to do something, like talk about how watching cartoons/reading comics isn't normal, and therefore bad.

I think that some people care more about doing something they find enjoyable even if they have to disregard some social norms

if fusion is an analogy for emotional intimacy then sex, as a consequence of emotional intimacy, is less profound than fusion, making fusion a kind of hyper-sex

To be fair though Sup Forums is kinda right leaning, I mean with boards like Sup Forums and /k/ it's not really the most left wing friendly place.

They've used fusion for utilitarian purposes several times, completely void of any intimacy.

I'm in a similar state of confusion, only it extends to the entire cast rather than just peridot. I like this show alot, and I sexualize other shows constantly, yet I simply can't see anything sexual about the characters in the show.


The term is meaningless. Don't worry about it too much.

All I know in the end is that real sex and real women are dissappointments and that I often had to close my eyes and think of whichever cartoon/anime girl lended herself well to the moment. Imagine being gauded into sex by a woman "out of your league" and the only way you can perform is to think really hard about Starfire or XJ-9.

The situation has gotten so bad that I don't notice women at all and I actually had to fuck some to prove to my friends that I'm not a faggot. I've traded female companionship for food and weed countless times (having a choice between sex and a burger results in me dumping the girl on the spot).

The fullest tragedy of it is that I'm fucking thirty, socially active and accepted, and I still desire progeny. Unless I resort to metaphysics I have no clue how things ended up this way. The girls tend to latch on to me because they mistake my coldness towards them as a seduction tactic or something, while it is in fact just my pure disinterest. And I've never witnessed a girl that would charm me or seemed worth the effort. It feels terrible. I desperatly wish for a good girl with something to offer but I've never found her. And even on an emotional level the phantasms offer more than flesh and blood.

honestly ignoring some of the people that are acting really pretentious this is pretty intresting. I never thought about what caused people to get into niche hobbies or weird fetishes

sounds similar to sex for the sole purpose of procreation, for example a gay king requiring an heir

Which is sort of odd, considering that some of the most popular topics here (Steven Universe, My Little Pony), are shows that espouse liberal philosophies and attitudes.

I don't think fusion is comparable to sex.
Since that example is for reproduction, and the assumption that fusion was supposed to be intimacy all the time, when, it clearly isn't.

>I actually had to fuck some to prove to my friends that I'm not a faggot
Is this something that people with friends often worry about? Like really, who gives a fuck what a bunch of people think about you when you're just gonna go home at the end of the day and forget about them anyway?

Fuck off back to /r9k/ cuck


If he were from /r9k/, he'd have said Normie

Liberal in what nation?

In America probably not. American liberalism is a different animal from perhaps what you might call a "classical" liberal.

And yet clearly you are not asexual as you find specific cartoon characters sexually arousing. What does it all mean?

Chances are he's fucking retarded and so are his friends.
That, and lying.

Just saying, Steven himself seems to be pretty much the definition of a "numale".