What's his weakness?

What's his weakness?

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Female villains/anti-villains

Pretty much everything to be honest

If you show him a photograph of his dead parents, he starts sobbing uncontrollably.

People with superpowers.

A sharp sword to the mid-section.

Dealing with his emotions like a mature adult.



he usually gains the upper hand against villains by exploiting their weakness, and when caught in a fight where he cant do that he is usually on the receiving end of a beating

wonder woman managed to beat him because she didnt have any obvious weakness to exploit, negated his martial arts with her super strength and speed, and is a good fighter herself to boot

He is a furfag.

That guy looks like he wants to fuck Batman.



People who don't job to him.


Father's/Mother's day.

The masketta man

Headstrong and independent women, specially if they're manipulative as well.

Also, surprise attacks.

Bat-pussy ;)

Geoff Johns

Shit writers

He can get raped by any woman.

What's Johns fixation with Hal and Batman being in conflict

His only weakness is the reflexive hatred from people who take their imaginary crimefighters way too seriously, or just want to show they're speshul snowflakes not like those NORMIES REEEEEE-


Darkness and light, bro. Geoff Johns wants them to be frenemies for that purpose.

Wesley Willis

Bat-kryptonite. But he keeps some on Bat-hand in the Batcave in case he ever needs to take out a Bat-clone.

arrogant dickishness
paranoid dickishness
stubborn dickishness
controlling dickishness
emotionally constipated dickishness
dickish dickishness

Anyone who doesn't panic while using a gun or is superpowered to around aquaman-superman level.

A rare element with the atomic number 82. It goes through him like kryptonite through Superman.


His tendency to let little boys and teenage girls fight armed killers, rapists, traffickers, dealers, psycho in spandex who later (rightly) blame and hate him for their injuries and trauma.

Yeah, he should break their spines so they stop putting themselves in danger instead

How would one cuck the Batman?


>I've traine myself to kill
>Throws the exact same punches as him instead going for actual vitals.

>"Bite the pillow, i'm going in dry"
