Action Comics #968 Storytime

"Men of Steel" part two!

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With solicits teasing "Superman: Reborn" I think I might bring this back to my pull list.



















jesus, that tour sign was made with the worst fucking font imaginable
but I think its neat that they call him super-lex in universe


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Hal Jordan & the GLC:

>Fake Clark is all aboard the murder train


I consider it one more evidence that he is Prime

would be an interesting twist.

PUM... Clark Kent Has revealed himself as boss of these 2..

>they call him Superlex in-universe


Action Comics 968 (2017) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)


ction Comics 957 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Action Comics 958 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Action Comics 959 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Action Comics 960 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Action Comics 961 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Action Comics 962 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Action Comics 963 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Action Comics 964 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Action Comics 965 (2016) (Webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Action Comics 966 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Action Comics 967 (2017) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

I don't trust Clark

I hope you're happy Timmy, you got to see Superman and almost die.

Neither do I. And now he knows Jon exists

I fell behind since Jurgens' writing is so dull: is Lex's status quo still the one at the end of the Darkseid War? Is he still the messiah of Apokolips with a mother box and all?

He definitely still has a mother box

Is this DC's take on Gwenpool?

>that bitchslap

You just know N52 Supes will just be brought back as a bad guy user

Read the previous issue.

Jon looks so badass in this panel. Can't wait for the Supersons to start.


As I said before, Clark is definitelySuperboy-Prime

Regular cover is the better of the two.

Variant cover is OK.

>Superman: Reborn


This is basically what it's like dealing with soccer moms in customer service.

I hate how Jon is written so dramatically different between Action and Vanilla.

>stabbing Superman

I like how little things like that can be so surprising when done against the right characters.

Is his reaction foreshadowing something?


That's bullshit though. Lex has no history of being a murderer, only a criminal and power monger.

Yeah, Clark Kent can definitely not be trusted.

Thanks, OP.

Clark is Hank Henkshaw.

Superbro returns.

He's still a kid, user. Jurgens isn't doing a bad job with him.

Prime quit being a creep and shut up.

Its weird because Jurgens created the character, but the Tomasi run fleshes him out a bit more, so it makes sense that both writers have different ideas of what Jon is supossed to be like.

I doubt it.. If he returns DC he will not be too kind with him.. Is better dead,

It's probably going to be Superman and his family estabilishing themselves as natives of this universe. Superbro is gone.

Is Jon flying?


So how did they end up explaining the Clark Kent thing?

And here I was wondering how the fuck Lex protected his head. He has an energy shield. Great.

>Visions of a possible future aren't enough to --
Justify ruining your whole line of comics by having an 8 issues event where nothing interesting happens decides your new temporary statu quo?

He is jumping.

>cotton-uity master
>cotton master

Is this a slave driver joke?

He can jump a tall building of a single impulse


except for Superman


So Command and Conquer?

Anyone gonna storytime Super Powers? That has Supes/Bats/Wondy in it.

You know what I like about Lex? He never even for a frigging instant doubted himself.

>We're from the future and you do (X)!

Lex: Yeah, no. That shit isn't happening. You're a dipshit and now's a good time for you to fuck off.


I might as well since no one else has.

Since this is pre-New52 Superman, he is ridiculously strong and fast right? Like to the point were him actually having a physical fight with someone is more for show than anything else.

He could literally, go grab Lois, Jon, and Kent and take them to the Batcave between trading punches with this guy and he'd never know Supes was gone.

(Assuming moving at those speeds wouldn't immediately kill any human, blah blah blah).

I'd do that if I was Supes, just to piss off Bruce. Drop random people in his cave for safe keeping while I fight baddies then come pick them up later and say thanks, I couldn't done it without you.

What's wrong with your faaaace

Anyone seeing a nod at Civil War II here? He hasn't become Darkseid yet, but he might!

New52 Supes would let Luthor die, probably find some other disaster that needed his attention so he would be too busy to help him and not look like a total douche.

Pre-New52 Supes saves everyone. He is the hero we need. He'd save Darkseid if it came down to it. Its what he does.

Pre-New 52 Superman killed Darkseid.

Dude come on. You don't know what superbro would do. You're just trying to start an argument

Cool cover.

Lex has been one of the least bad people lately.
Is it wrong if I've been loving him more then pre52 Supes and this possibly evil Clark?

Probably got it from Brainiac.

>he is ridiculously strong and fast right?

New 52 superman was supposedly stronger. *shrugs*

>New52 Supes would let Luthor die

Superdad fans make it quite plain that they never read any superbro stuff every single time they post.

He's actually acting like less of a dick than either of them, so no, that's fine.

Lex is one of like 3 people who still cares about the old supes, after his passing he went through lex routes to acquire his mantle and tried to take up the position of hero for metropolis, he was subsequently told to go fuck himself by new supes who assaulted him, he still helped fight doomsday with new supes even risking his life. It's like they're trying to make him out to be the better man in all of this.

>Superman and Clark Kent
>Clark is saying Luthor has to die
Golden or Silver age

Jurgens is just an idiot who writes Superman as a codgy old man who's right because he's right. Tomasi's plots are barebones, but at least he knows that Superman is supposed to have some fun and assert himself in ways other than scowling at anything he didn't personally approve.

Golden Age Superman didn't kill people, although he wasn't constantly struggling with that fact. He just roughed people up and sometimes gave a threat that he'd beat them up even harder.

Thank you so much.


Gleason's doing it right, his way, by eliminating this ugly diamond and using the S-shield. I really wish it became the norm.

>Fuck Marvel

Cap is already fucked too much.
Shazam: Rebirth when?

They haven't yet. The next arc is about what Clark really is.

Superbro fans reveal they're complete retards who take the bait every time.

>For a big guy

I'm trying soooo hard not to Bane Post. I haven't since 2014, but they're making it really God damn hard on me right now