Cosmo! Wanda! I wish I had a hot chick on my bed!

Cosmo! Wanda! I wish I had a hot chick on my bed!

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's a hooker, some gasoline and some matches.
Go nuts kid.


It his mom

And then Timmy winds up with a baby phoenix.

neat, a thread to post this in

One of them is not like the others

And then his house catches fire.

>Its a Palcomix episode

Yeah, one of them is that chick from Jimmy Neutron on the crossover.

>Worst. It's a Milftoon episode


You beat me to it.

>it's a Tramparam filler arc

And Cosmo delivers.

Don't worry, Turner! You and your family are more than welcome to sleep over at my place until your house is fixed!

Wish granted

Off all the things that changed over the years, making Dinkleberg the perfect neighbor was one of the fucking great ideas

Why did the last thread get pruned?

the funny thing is, Sanjay is probably the one obsessed with him the most after Tootie

>Nick Thread on /CN/
I wonder

Excuse me but I am sure that is a rampant burning hot COCK.

And we have a winner

Is every fucking FOP thread just bait to lure waifufags


at this point in the series thats all thats left because what little continuity existed at the beginning of the show was slowly but irreversibly destroyed

Tfw i actually read that comic, the horror

Did you say $600,000 in debt? Sure Timmy!

>Sorry sport. According to Da Rules, you can't make any breakfast wishes after 10:30.

he's right, you know.

>the IP I was on before unplugging my modem was right, you know

>timmy mates with the blonde buckteeth girl and produces an army of bucktoothed children

And that's how the skaven were made

Some one just post the greentext

There was a thread earlier? That actually went somewhere?
I saw like two or three of them a day ago but it looked like falseflag tier spamming.

>almost unlimited power via vaguely ruled wishes
>to preserve comedy Timmy can only ever ask for something stupid
It hurts getting older, I just can't buy the premise anymore.

Every fucking *Sup Forums thread

The show's continuity is fine though, dont let Youtube reviewers fool you.

Or at least, as messed up as it always was

The lore of magical shows go to shit without rules.

That's what did in Adventure Time. It has even less rules than even FoP at it's worst. And why Gravity Falls' final episodes were underwhelming when everyone realised the weirdness wasnt going to be explained

We had one last night and got some new Vicky material.

Im not what you'd call a hater of this cartoon and I could give a shit about any of those Youtubers (fuck Mr. Enter, literally got offended by a 2003 shipping episode because it had no gays). But the cartoon has major problems with storytelling right now. Ill point to the recent Chloe MILF episode we had linked in the previous thread... Cosmo explains that the wish is to last until the carnival is over, and everything goes wrong as per usual in this cartoon, then Timmy's dad shows up because he's the only character they can consistently make funny, and all of a sudden Chloe's parents have fairies and they are the ones to end the grown up Chloe wish, so Cosmo's time limit earlier ended up really making no sense, it just seems this cartoon struggles making a story go from A to B. In fact the episode just sort of ended abruptly, like they forgot they only had 11 minutes.

Timmy also felt like a sidekick now throughout the episode, and this has happened a few times.

Granted, the show isn't as absolutely unwatchable or pretentious as Adventure Time or Gravity Falls 2B yet (ironic how this show's threads are still more alive than AT's despite all the bullshit Alternative and Redwood pulled the past few years), but it has major design flaws and it all points to a lack of oversight and proper supervision from the creator.

The wish was to last until the carnival was over, but Chloe couldnt handle it and was a bad enough parent to make her kids need fairies, just like her parents were to her. It was a clever way of showing that she really couldnt handle the job she was complaining about earlier, and didnt even make it to the end of the carnival.

Timmy ended up being a sidekick because Timmy/Chloe is not quite like a Gumball/Darwin or Lincoln/10 sisters dynamic, but one where they are both very definitely the main characters. And since she's the new one, we'll be getting plots about her more in focus for the first half of the season at least.

Seemed fine to me honestly. Though I wouldnt say the storytelling is perfect now. I just dont think MILF Chloe is a good exaple, as that was pretty good

And yeah, despite the changes over the years, even the show at it's worst (last season) didnt actively make me angry like Adventure Time does. Fuck that show.

Wish granted

Also, while they still go to the Mr Turner well more often than not, at least he's actually funny again. The Mr Turner jokes in Season 9 where generally fucking dire.

Also making the family rich and keeping them rich was the best thing they did in years

Forgets pic


>Sure thing Timmy

would still bang

it's okay to be wrong sometimes.

Dinkleberg is what Ned Flanders was 20 years ago.

technically, Flanders is back to being the good neighbor, just with more religion jokes. It's not as bad as during the teen seasons relating to him is what I mean


>NO ONE will ever let you in on how an image like this is made

I really like the episode where it was shown he was a villainous bad guy

at the very very end it was shown he was just putting on an act for Mr. turner to make him feel better

I saved a bunch of them knowing I'll never figure out how to do it myself. I dont even know what to search for

That one was great. I cant even remember when the nice Dinkleberg instead of rival Dinkleberg started but that's the earliest I can remember of it

Funny how the voice of Crocker also does him



I wouldn't even be mad.


What happened?

Cue a warm baby chicken popping onto his bed.
Should of wished for an attractive woman


>that episode where Tootie calls Francis a "big GAY bully"

damn I dont think they could get away with that shit anymore... I mean I know he likes Britney Britney and touches boys and shit but damn

What were you doing?

I wish I was bisexual, immune to STDs, and had no standards.

He'd just turn into Sanjay

>It's Ebola

Is that an aged-up Chloe? Does she get thicc like Vicky?

I thought Flanders was gone.

What? Why?

He even had a good (relatively) recently about how Homer was bullying him

yes and yes

Ok turns out his voice actor was leaving the show, but I guess they got him to change his mind.

He was pretending to leave so Fox could give him more money but Fox told him to get fucked. And then he came back anyways.

I wouldnt normally side with Fox on these things but I'll side with them over Harry Shearer

Got any pics? I cannot find this episode online anywhere. (I don't watch the show, just want to see sexy Chloe)

See for yourself.

Has this show always been so retardedly unfunny? Why did they make her parents turn into kids too? I tried to watch 2 minutes and then close the tab, but that is really fucking stupid.

What is it from?

need more of this

It's pretty much the same it's always been so yeah. People who like it aren't expecting anything more than a silly 11 minutes. I liked it a lot. And the parents thing was part of the plot, you'd get it if you watched the whole thing

I think he means the FOP milftoon comic, but the reaction image in from Freddie Fear

>TFW no MILF Chloe getting femdomed by Vicky

>Not wanting MILF Chloe /ss/ing Timmy

>not wanting MILF Chloe /ss/ing Gah

I'll take two to go

Gah's 16. That ain't /ss/.

I never said anything about that
>Not wanting MILF Chloe to be forced to /ss/ Timmy by Vicky who femdoms them both



>Timmy wishing Vicky hot because if she's going to torment him in, he's going to get some fapfodder out of it

I like this idea

The noblest wish he's ever made.

I want this so much

Found the waifufag


Sauce pls?

And the more she torments him, the bigger they get.

The bigger what gets?

I don't think it's finished yet, I just nicked it from Proteus last week.

They get bigger alright; both on Timmy and Vicky.

>Just the tits
>Not making her curvier all around
>Not having Timmy wish her slightly hotter each time after she babysits him as stress relief
>Not having Vicky put two and two together and though she may not realize how, she makes the connection that tormenting the twerp is making her more and more attractive
>Not having Timmy hate her even more now but realize he's enjoying the eye candy too much to stop
>Not having Vicky take notice of the twerp's attention and start to use her new assests to tease and torment Timmy leaving him frustrated in a way he never knew he could be

I was thinking something similar, but have her notice not only her assets getting bigger the more she torments him, but that they shrink a bit when she's nice to him, so she has to balance out the torture and niceness enough to keep herself nice and hot, but not end up so large as to become immobile(she doesn't realize yet there's a minimal threshold to how much they can reduce through being nice, and that that minimum is getting larger over time...)

also I imagine Timmy gradually starts developing some masochistic tendencies from all this and comes to enjoy all aspects of Vicky babysitting him, eventually leading to very lewd things

Can we make this a thing?

Assuming this thread isn't kilt by mods like last time, or else we go somewhere else

>her notice not only her assets getting bigger the more she torments him, but that they shrink a bit when she's nice to him,
That's a real good idea, keeps her from getting stupidly huge but also encourages her to keep tormenting him

>she doesn't realize yet there's a minimal threshold to how much they can reduce through being nice
Also a fun touch, but I don't want to give her a reason to be too nonsadistic

>also I imagine Timmy gradually starts developing some masochistic tendencies from all this and comes to enjoy all aspects of Vicky babysitting him, eventually leading to very lewd things
I like to think he still hates her and what she does to him, but he's also starting to strongly hate how much he enjoys and looks forward to what she does to him
[spoiller]And of course it leads to lewd things, I don't doubt Vicky would hesitate to torment Timmy with her new assets, especially once she notices how conflicted he is over them