Holiday Lanterns - Thanksgiving Eve Edition

Time to have some holiday lanterns!

Other urls found in this thread:


hope corgi died and everything sux



Template links?

>starting it when it's not even a holiday yet

This is why these don't get as much support as they used to. Because you faggots start them early and it spreads everything overly thin.






Happy Thanksgiving

This one is good.

>that file name
10/10 m8

>dad was leaning Trump
>mom froths at the mouth at the mere mention of his name

Gonna be an interesting holiday. Just lucky I don't have to deal with them in the same house.

I saw a picture shared suggesting to ban politics at the dining room table and to give everyone a cheap kazoo to use if someone starts up.

Jokes on you, I'm just having dinner with my mom and we're on the same wavelength.

Better than me. My in-laws have the opposite political views from me.

Sucks for you. Luckily I'm having Thanksgiving alone.

No one cares about this shitty meem




>tfw dad voted for trump
>tfw mom for hillary
>tfw older sister voted for gary
>tfw 2nd oldest sister voted for stein
>tfw they all blame me for the election results for writing in Peter Gallagher in my ballot

Brits can't be president moron. You committed borderline treason.

Peter Gallagher is from New York, you mong.



Aunt Carol memes will never not arouse me.

jesus christ your thanksgiving is going to be a bloodbath


rip user.

Everyone know Oasis is as British as the Beetles.



This guy was right. You faggots started it early and now the thread's dead before it could even start.

any Black or Indigo ones?

Is there a Jessica one? Thanksgiving has some good neet/hikkikimori come out of your cave potential.

People will wake up soon and provide stuff.

And for the lazy, here's the handy dandy holiday pastebin for the generator links.









Fuck I forgot the punctuation


No joke even though everyone bring their own dish and whatever my grandmother go out of her way to cook like 2 turkeys, a ham, like 3 trays of bread rolls plus a ton of other side things by herself. Without a doubt mashed potatoes will be one of them and it would be like at least 20 giant servings worth just for that one side alone. She want people to take whatever at the end of the day, she don't want to see anything to go back into her own fridge. Oh also like 6 kinds of drinks both diet and normal in both bottles with cups or cans. If we ever run out of drinks it is only because someone left early and decided to take an unopened bottle all for themselves.

Well now that it's actually a holiday.

Could someone explain each of the templates to me? Some are obvious, like carol, but some are less clear to me






>Not writing-in Lex Luthor

He has enough money to be genuinely unbribeable, the only illegal aliens he has a problem with are ACTUAL alien migrants, and his technocratic idealism is our best bet for a post-scarcity Star Trek-style Humanist future

>not writing in Oliver Queen

Bracing for a rough evening.

A shame Doom isn't an option. Proven the only good world to survive in the long run was one made by him.

Time to enjoy my thanksgiving! Hehe...


Do one for boyfriend's family.

You're very lazy, but I'm a man of the people. Happy Thanksgiving.

Any chance you can be with a friend?

There's an earth 2 Alan Scott joke here but Im already and full of turkey


Thanks for having me, Ive brought Alfred's famous stuffing. I know Kilowog will like it.


Wouldn't trying to pull that shit get your family at your door to get you to come join them?

That could be a Red Lantern too.



Depends on the family.


Uh, is everything alright, Bruce?



And have my tax dollars go to child support for what must be half a dozen illegitimate kids?

Respect your brothers, user.


>I wonder if they still do Holiday Lan-

>First thread

Thanks guys.

On mobile with family if someone wants to make for me

1. A Hope Corgi with a caption "All the Left Over Table Scraps"
2. A Larfleeze follow-up with the caption "ALL THE LEFT OVER TABLE SCRAPS"


Two seconds, I got you user.

I can imagine Hal, John, and Guy as big Trump dudes. Not sure about Kyle, Jessica and Simon.

>Inb4 they write the Lantern election special and it's the other way around

I mean, let's be honest, these haven't been that great for like 5 years now.



Fuck you.


You're good people, user.
Let no one tell ya different.

Hey Ollie, don't you have to go and be upstaged by your tech support?

Anyone willing to make a Black Hand one of
"Tom Turkey of Earth"

>On break at work
>See this thread
Thanks guys. I needed the laugh.

Someone make a Saint Walker of
"Hope you get warrantees double-time at your job today" or something more clever among those lines.

here ya go, chief


it's only 1:30, Aunt Carol.