
So it's widely acknowledged that the Inhumans are the worst superheroes ever created, but why does Marvel still think anybody would ever be interested in them? Nobody likes their comics, nobody wants them around, and everything they touch gets dragged down. They even had to try and trick their way into getting a movie, and that's with the entire MCU backing them.

In ten years, are the Inhumans going to be a walking joke like edgy 90's characters are today, or will they just be swept under the rug and forgotten about?

You sound really childish user. I enjoy the various Inhumans books and will continue to read them.

IvX could be great.

The thing is, the Inhumans weren't so bad back when they were F4's sometimes-enemies sometimes-allies who spent most of their time living on the moon (the times where Black Bolt teamed up with Dazzler are personal favorites of mine).

It's all the recent stuff, the Terrigen Mist, them being not-mutants, them exclusively keeping to themselves, etc. that's made them so insufferable.

>anything kirby
>worst ever

yeah np

I agree that marvel is using them poorly however I'm also of the opinion that the connection between inhumans-mutants-eternals is too often-ignored

wtf are the eternals even doing these days?

>IvX could be great.
While I agree with you, let's not be crazy here. IvX is a means to an end. The ResurreXion books sound like they're going to be great and make the inhumans great again, but IvX is the endcap to years of mediocre to shit storytelling.

>Jack Kirby could do no wrong

end this meme

>wtf are the eternals even doing these days?
Fucked off to space. Yet another thing that Marvel is just directly pulling from Earth-X.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

>IvX could be great.

pffffttttthhhhhh hahahahahahaaaaa

The sad part is that it really isn't a bad concept at all.

I am just so fucking tired of having them shoved into my face. Oh and Black Bolt getting a complete handwave despite fucking humanity and mutants up the ass.

I am just stunned at how bad this was. Amazing.

Are you kidding?
In 10 years, not only the Inhumans but Marvel in its entirety should be forgotten.

It may be widely acknowlegded by idiots who don't read comics.

Jenkin's Inhumans is a fucking masterpiece.

Reading anything published by Marvel in the past ten years, doesn't count as reading comics.

they're using them as a replacement for the X-men since they don't have the film rights for them. That's it, Marvel doesn't really care about good comics only about gimmicks, events, and film tie-ins. I like the Inhumans when they're creepy slave owning borderline villains and I don't think they've ever even been that except maybe their first appearance. Regardless a eugenics based monarchy literally built on slavery doesn't make for good heroes.

>b-but inhumans was ALWAYS bad because of the shitty comics from the 2010s

end this meme

>company wars

I knew you were full of shit

At least it confirmed without a fathom of a doubt that Scott did LITERALLY. NOTHING. WRONG.

Back issues of Doctor Strange are selling well, despite the newer books being crap.

Nobody is seeking out back issues of anything Inhumans related. They are, hands down, the worst comic book characters ever created. Ever.

But he's right. Marvel hasn't published anything remotely readable in over a decade.

>Moon Girl in every fucking book

>Nobody is seeking out back issues of anything Inhumans related. They are, hands down, the worst comic book characters ever created. Ever.
That's because most of those appearances happened in Fantastic Four ongoings and Marvel is busy giving the F4 a giant middle finger.

I always thought Jenkin's Inhumans was really overrated. That first issue is great but overall it's nothing special, it's just fine.

This. Marvel is finished. Name a single Marvel comic in the past decade that comes even remotely close to the absolute genre-defining brilliance of DC Rebirth.

That's right, you can't. Now fuck off, shill.

My only guess is that Marvel thinks that they're doing a good job at writing them. They also seem to think that they're not all that hated and unpopular.

It's kinda like the WWE with Roman Reigns. WWE thinks they're doing a good job at booking Reigns, but they're not, and just ignore any criticism that he gets.

He never got the chance.

>They are, hands down, the worst comic book characters ever created. Ever.

Nnnnoooo. Oh, dear, no.

- Mannites
- Children of the Vault
- New Guardians (orig.)
- Young Gods
- Five Lights

To name but a few.

Lol, Rebirth did not define shit.

It's just a rehash, but this time it had to shit on the arguably best comic book ever to push for sales.

Marvel has plenty of stuff that is way better than Rebirth.

Superior Foes is vastly superior to anything DC in the past ten years. Hands down.

Are all X-Men fans really this insecure?

This is the same person forcing a company wars argument between himself, isn't it

I legitimately get super excited when somebody remembers this clusterfuck.

lol, spiderfags are this delusional

Well, Marvel is literally killing off the mutant species in favor of Inhumans, so there is some reason for concern.

>Marvel is literally killing off the mutant species in favor of Inhumans
>mutants get a dozen new books
>inhumans get kicked off the planet and sent back to space where they belong
OK, user. Keep that persecution comple-X alive.

i havent read anything marvel outside of xmen and spiderman but how does the marvel universe let the inhumans get away with so much?the mists killed and fucked over mutants and even killed people but the avengers dont give a fuck and ms marvel in civil war 2 even has them as allies and trusts them, even the weird arc in spider-man, peter doesnt give a shit about whats happening but just helps them. why?

Extremely good PR, which is something that the mutants have always struggled with.

Even if that were true (and it isn't) the X-Men were Marvel's hottest property for THREE DECADES. There's a ton of worthwhile Mutant-focused material in there and I find it hard to believe you've read every last shred of it.


Switching from phone to desktop won't help you there

Something I really wanted to see during this Inhuman cloud bullshit was what happens when the Inhumans show up in Wakanda or Latveria ad try to take citizens. The cloud floats over the ocean all the time does that have any impact on the Atlantians down below, what do they think of it? It just seems like a big missed opportunity, of course I get too bored to actually finish reading any of these Inhuman books so maybe they did and know one gave a fuck then either.

Oh, so you're just a fucking idiot who took obvious bait, then.

nice joke, even the trips are rolling over from laughter

yeah i agree and i often wonder this too, if i were black panther and i saw inhumans taking people for their own id have counter measures or at least bring it up as an issue to UN or avengers or someone

I imagine Wakanda probably has some kinda all encomposing dome to keep the city safe in case of roaming death clouds.

>It is widely acknowledged

No it's not. Fucking nothing about comics is widely acknowledged. Nothing except that the people who read them are usually fucking autistic neckbeards.

Nothing the Inhumans cover is anything that hasn't been done by the X-men a hundred times before, except they're way less sympathetic and interesting.

Literal cavemen uplifted who still practice fucking feudalism, who act like their powers are some super special gift with dumb rituals when they're just a boring alien experiment, constant arrogance despite the fact they are continually bailed out of their own messes by other people

There's barely any mutants left on the planet and they STILL manage to come across as chumps compared to the X-men. No Inhuman will ever have the following, name recognition or in-universe respect titans like Wolverine or Magneto have. Mutant C-listers are more compelling than fucking Medusa and her leg humper karnak.

Terrigen instagibbing mutants is just the icing on the shit-cake, why the hell is Kree bullshit that didn't even work right better than the X-gene

>Why does Marvel-Thread

Because Marvel gives a shit about the people who will read comics. Theyre pushing the MCU, because theyre earning a buttload of money with that.

Amen OP, amen

New Inhumans runs are like old X-Men in that its just a fuck ton of very minor characters. Big difference being the MU citizen fear and hatred of mutants makes them actually interesting, while the Inhumans are so unbelievably unremarkable, boring, and practically conflict-free (besides their MTV style drama of course) I will forget again that they exist after posting this comment

I loved the inhumans since they first showed up
Really great and interesting characters and stories
And now marvel completely changed everything good about them and then shoved them all over everything
Hopefully the Royals and BB books will be able to redeem them somewhat and Make Inhumans Great Again

>because theyre earning a buttload of money with that.
Marvel Studios isn't part of Marvel anymore, so no they're not.

Hopefully Ewing finally brings in Maelstrom. What a hugely missed opportunity to not use him as a major big bad.

Immortal Iron Fist

There are a few inhumans that I personally like. Auran/McGee teamup, very Guards!Guards!Guards! Karnak, before he got written and redesigned by Ellis. Quiet Room and everything about it. Reader. That's it, every other inhuman is garbage and should be ignored.