Doctor strange made a sinister villain a joke

>Doctor strange made a sinister villain a joke
>Civil war was a joke
>Bad jump cuts and cinematography
>Thor Quips, iron man quips, Spiderman was the least quipping character in civil

I'm glad fox will never give back rights.

>civil war was bad
>posts the worst Xmen movie

Yeah, I kind of don't get why people would want marvel to have the fantastic four or x-men rights. They clearly don't give a fuck about any of them.

Marvel movies are worthless trash

Your comic books will never be deep and serious dramas. They're about men in tights punching each other.

Get the fuck over it.

Daily reminder this was a better civil war

Muh Doom and Annihilus for GotG.

It at least had enough people fighting to qualify for a "war."

Yeah, who doesn't want doom to have no character, 6 lines in total, only to die in the end.

This thread is bad and I feel bad.

Your Quicksilver is a joke and nothing progresses in the X Men film universe. They retread the same shit over and over again

and be turned into a completely pathetic joke

like, even more than in the FF movies thus far

silly user, that is not how you spell Avengers

>mfw Marvel movies look like shit
Can you just fucking hire a competent cinematographer for once

Agreed. Civil War also looks plain ugly, like they've put grey instagram filter all over it.

>Implying both arent shit

>bad jump cuts
jump cuts have been used in great movies for the last 6 decades

>Doctor strange made a sinister villain a joke
Uh, no it didn't? The only reason he beat him was because he had a fucking Infinity Stone.

Blame the russos

I'm more scared for Quipfinity war

Good cinematography in Marvel ended with Iron Man and Matthew Libatique. Now it's only tv tier (the CW type, not peak HBO.

Cherry picking.

>P-please stop it doctor mr strange

He looks like a fucking transformer lmao

Aren't the gems not supposed to work in his dimension?

Fuck marvel for ruining this shit

Why didn't they just hire the same colorist for Civil War that they did for Guardians of the Galaxy?

Marvel is fucking retarded, they can't get a single thing right with their movies

Shut up, this is amazing.

Their dimensions were merging or something, can't remember exactly, but that basically means there was some connection between the two which would allow for the gem to work in his dimension anyway.

>TV-tier movie
>still better than BvS
this will always be hilarious

I really fucking hate that they gave him pupils.


Yeah, whatever you say pal.

It was a bold choice on the directors' parts to make a setting as flat as the Midwest. Not since "Badlands" has the audience been able to see miles beyond the actual point of action.

>that claw drag

Civil War was fantastic, easily in my top 3 movies of the year

You misspelled Iron Man 4.

Black panther is a furry and a weeaboo

Fuck off Sup Forums

When will the quips trend go away? Most of the time they're not even funny and don't contribute anything relevant to the story.

When they stop using quips in comics

>implying mcu is anything like the comics

>muh men in tights

Every speculative and historical fiction you'll read has weird ass outfits, including tights. "Herr superheroes can't be taken seriously" is just there to justify Disney's Quipverse, and is only used by people who were exposed to cape through it. The X-Men films predate any of that.

they use quips

X-men dofp was some pretty feely stuff. Seems like Logan is gonna be too.

you would like civil war you nigger lover

I hope those arrow heads were shopped on

>Fox Quality


>Aren't the gems not supposed to work in his dimension?

Universes. Gems aren't supposed to work in universes diffrent form the one they originate from. However, each universe has its own Dark Dimension and its own Dormammu.
Also, the rules for the Infinity STONES might be different from the ones for the Infinity GEMS.

Don't forget about a speedster killed by a fucking bullet.

real quality filmmaking

what was Apocalypse's character again?

Patrician taste, OP. X GON GIVE IT TO YA. "It" being X-Men rights an "ya" being never back to Marvel.

Back then, they were painted in for the advertisement.

the biggest joke here is the OP

>They didn't just use the god-tier concept art
Glad Singer is gone, seems like he just rushed it.

Fuck off Fox shill

Post yfw marvel will NEVER get rights back

Maybe you're retarded?


What are you talking about? I thought this was Sup Forums

Then you pick some nicer looking cherries mouskateer, no one is stopping u

And its awful in the comics too

He thought mutants were the dominate race and would do anything to make it so. He also had a god complex. Its not much, but more than any marvel villian so far

Sup Forums please leave


>Bad jump cuts and cinematography
Might as well swear off western movies all together if thats a deal breaker.

>m-muh quips meme

You just blow in from Sup Forumstown?

Loki is better tho.

Yellow Jacket too.


Zola on WS.

Thor wasn't in Civil War

Most people didn't notice. That's how much presence hemsworth has.

I miss how the original x-men trilogy actually paid attention to strengths and weaknesses of everyone's powers and avoided scenes like .

>implying first avenger is better than winter soldier

>Doctor strange made a sinister villain a joke
That's not how you spell Apocalypse

Or BvS

What am I supposed to see in these random shots?

After Logan comes out, who cares.
The twink-addict is already tired as fuck of everything.
Don't see any reason to watch their movies after 2017.

Great now I can't help but picture a little T'challa as a massive weeb after they import some Naruto

so Magneto

>Don't see any reason to watch their movies after 2017.
Because they might actually get good again?

FOX has already made more bad superhero movies than good ones, I don't expect that trend to change now.

Come on 3 out of 9 are bad. Plus singer is finally gone and they are rebooting and planning future films.

>X-Men 3
>X-Men Origins Wolverine
>The Wolverine
>Fantastic 4
>Fantastic 4 and the Silver Surfer

And Daredevil.

>The wolverine
It has issues but its not bad. We're talking about X-men so F4 isn't involved.

See, I'm actually really worried about that.

Singer's movies were good-to-decent, but the ones he didn't work on tended to be godawful. They honestly have a terrible track record without him.

"But what about First Class?"

Ignore the social progressivism focus and OMGSOHOT new cast, and I actually really didn't like First Class.

It had a decent premise, but Wolverine had really no reason to give a single fuck about any of what's in the movie, not about the Japanese soldier, nor about the rest of gooks.
Not to mention the terrible 3rd act.

He direct Apoc but it seems like he just doesn't give a crap. Singer isn't terrible but the franchise needs someone fresh,

He's right though.

In Avengers Tony rides the nuke through the portal and blows up the ship. This gives him PTSD which they explore in Iron Man 3

The events of numerous films are used as justification for the Sokovia accords in Civil War.

Loki being locked up because of the events of Avengers shows up in Thor 2


Now I'm not saying these are good plot points, but they are progression. All the X-Men films have is the constant retread of "Xavier and Magneto used to be freinds" with a liberal sprinkling of "Magneto was in Auschwitz, feel sorry for him"

One line about "Magneto trying to assassinate the president" does not story progression make if all they do is use it as justification to have him hidden away somewhere, only to bring him back to do the frenemies thing with Charles again.

But it does make the films consistent with the source material.

Well you got to admit, its pretty close to the source material with all the retcons, character deaths/revivals, and nothing getting done. I cant bring myself to care for LOGAN because Im personally so sick of the X Men film universe

>Triggered by quips.

>Spider-Man was the least quipping character in Civil War

I'd wager a good 80% of his dialogue was quips or quip like

I can't tell if this is banter.
Or if everyone is a fucking sperg and hates comics, but pretends they don't.
>Crying about quips
>Marvel, the company where half their characters quip in comics
>Implying Thor quips
Are you legitimately retarded?
inb4 'pretending'

Sup Forums's just making its weekly shitpost. Ignore them and they'll go away

“Make it dark, make it grim, make it tough, but then, for the love of God, tell a joke.”

This formula worked for movies before Marvel was making movies.

Just admit you are jaded and nothing would make you happy.

Why? The worst Marvel Studios film is still better than the best X-Men film.

i wonder why the suck so much at making villians?
i can only fear for the worst whit thanos.

>Thor 2
>IM 2
>Better than X2


>He thinks X2 is the best

Not him, but X2 hasn't aged well.

I watched it again the other day and as a product of its time it's decent, but it really hasn't stood up well

That doesn't validate your cherrypicking, retard.

they have to make their villains shit because in truth there are no stakes. we know that the heroes will prevail because we've already been told that they're going to be in twenty more films over the next few years.

Fair enough. But it's still better than those MCU movies I listed.