Robert Crumb comics & stories

Storytiming some stuff about the pope of underground comix, some stories are autobiographical.

thread theme:
































Be careful OP, posting good comics around here might get you banned.
Always loved the Little Lulu jogging girl in that last panel. My full run of Weirdo and Arcade is one of my most treasured parts of my collection. Speaking of Arcade do you have the Bearzy Wearzy story from #4, I think it is? Always loved that one...


































I almost wonder if hes trying to say something about his own life


>Be careful OP, posting good comics around here might get you banned.
Banned is an exaggeration, but I did get my thread deleted the last time that I storytimed some Harvey Pekar. (Not OP btw)




Oh baby.

That's Muntz TTV.

Yeah, it was a joke, nothing to do with the content more the fact that it's not capeshit or CN noodlearms CalArts shit. You're doing God's work, anyway. I mean you're preaching to the choir with me but hopefully threads like this might make more Sup Forumsmrades get into Crumb's comics...

jeez Crumb

>post says not OP btw
>you respond like it's OP btw

I just finished watching his documentary, holy shit it was fantastic

Not OP, btw...

Good shit, love Crumb

I dealt with the same kind of grief for posting a 4 page spoiler imaged Corben super-hero parody a year or so ago.


Thanks OP.



Damn Bob Crumb tells it like it is








Hey OP, I was going to throw this in the win-o but you seem like you might have Spirit World #1by Kirby lying around somewhere. I'm dying to read it, if you have it I'd be eternally grateful.


Great stuff

Thanks OP. Crumb is an interesting creator to say the least.

Crumb comics are the Great American Graphic Novel.