Couldn't even get the shot composition right

>Couldn't even get the shot composition right

you're right that means the movie is shit

>huuuur put this dream sequence here because its cool! The flick is too linear!

>But Snyder, why? What this mean?

>LOL I dont know, we will figure it out later!


I've liked BvS more every time I've rewatched it.

Yes, the Martha scene is pretty dumb and it doesn't really work but I really do like the majority of the Extended Ultimate Suck my Dick edition.

it serves a narrative purpose, i.e. representing the worst of batman's fears realized and giving him real motivation for stopping superman. maybe snyder put it in because he wanted to make a more experimental film, but it makes a lot of sense and serves a clear narrative purpose

A lot seem coincidental but if this much thought really went into it, it's failure is kind of sad then.


>it serves a narrative purpose, i.e. representing the worst of batman's fears

Good to know that Snyder is subtle like an elephant, like the rest of the movie doesnt make it clear that Batman is a nutjob going without reaserch after someone that he barely know.

>representing the worst of batman's fears realized and giving him real motivation for stopping superman

By also putting symbols and characters that confused the hell out of most of the audience that he was suppused to attract - if you dont know Darkside, you will get confused.

> but it makes a lot of sense and serves a clear narrative purpose

And also ended up showing that you just need Lois to die for Superman to go full dictator, because he has no other ties and not much more empathy toward the rest of the planet or the human race. Shitty Injustice fanfiction.

Showing that the guy is mentally unstable, apart from having the delirious dreams where he talk with his dead father out of nowhere.

All of this demaging the brand and name of the characters, beccause a movie with fucking Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman sells less dvds than fucking Deadpool.

>muh movie tries to be different

There were serious super hero movies before, waaay better received than your shit, Snyderfag.

Snyderfag, you need to stop acting like "serious and different" means "Snydershit", because there are a lot of ways to make a movie different, and still make it good.

Nolan trilogy is way superior than anything that Snyder did or try Hellboy for example, for a different, but still good movie.

I unironically love MoS and BvS and can't wait for more.

DC Drones still trying to defend their movie

Its just one nigga samefaging.

We call him Snyderfag.

Most of the parallels this video draws are either completely empty and meaningless or purely coincidental. It takes more than referencing a bunch of supposedly high-brow shit to make a smart movie.

There are some clever parts in there, juxtaposing Bruce staring up at Clark before their fight with that women on the rooftop reaching up for her savior is a very good example, showing the audience the disparity in how Batman sees Superman versus how others see him rather than merely telling them.

But that example is just about the best you can hope from Snyder. You can draw as many parallels and make as many references to classic and contemporary mythology as your heart desires, but it won't prescribe and meaning to what's going on.


Most DC fans hate this, and the nigga who defend it just care about Snyder movies. He is a Snyder drone, not DC drone.

>Most of the parallels this video draws are either completely empty and meaningless or purely coincidental. It takes more than referencing a bunch of supposedly high-brow shit to make a smart movie.

If you think about it, Snyder is no different from Steven Universe crew, on the way that they make empt references. At least with SU they are meant to be meanless, but with Snyder it is just pretentious hack writting.

So he's like barneyfag but for BvS

I wish that were true. Sadly, people are so thoroughly in denial after hyping themselves up for three years that BvS would be the movie of the goddamn century that they will go to ridiculous extremes to convince us that it is.

>Good to know that Snyder is subtle like an elephant, like the rest of the movie doesnt make it clear that Batman is a nutjob going without reaserch after someone that he barely know.

so this sentence makes no sense. ironic that you would criticize snyder for being unclear when you can't even right a coherent sentence.

>By also putting symbols and characters that confused the hell out of most of the audience that he was suppused to attract - if you dont know Darkside, you will get confused.

Supposed* Darkseid* and it's perfectly obvious to people with an IQ above 100, even if they're not DC fans, that he's seeing some post apocalyptic reality in which Superman becomes some kind of cosmic dictator. The Omega the Parademons are just window dressing, they don't matter.

>And also ended up showing that you just need Lois to die for Superman to go full dictator, because he has no other ties and not much more empathy toward the rest of the planet or the human race. Shitty Injustice fanfiction.

"shitty injustice fanfiction" isn't a criticism. Injustice is hardly the first story to deal with Superman going crazy. Ever read Red Son? That has far more influence on Snyder than Injustice.

>Showing that the guy is mentally unstable, apart from having the delirious dreams where he talk with his dead father out of nowhere.

Hey, you familiar with the New Testament? Jesus' forty days in the wilderness? It's an important part of the Hero's Journey, and the character arc that culminates with Superman fully accepting his role and sacrificing himself for the planet, while redeeming Batman, who in the story represents mankind. Man of Steel is about birth, BvS is about rebirth and redemption

>All of this demaging the brand and name of the characters, beccause a movie with fucking Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman sells less dvds than fucking Deadpool.

Yeah, it's really unfortunate that audiences are retarded

Nah, after some threads you start to notice that is the same dude using the same arguments of Snyder being the "Kirby" of this generation.

There could be other people who like and defend the movie here, but nobody as obnoxious and desiluded as him, making threads about BvS everyday and discussing with others the entire afternoon.

You want to be fucked by Snyder, doesnt you?

i'm a snyderfag samefagging in this thread, but i've literally never mentioned Kirby

so whoever is doing that is a different snyderfag

maybe we should start tripping or avataring

you don't?

I am straight, and I dont like dumb people.

Hey Snyderfag, we argued awhile last time.
Fuckin hate you.
Eat shit, uguu

>semi-referencing Kubrick makes a movie great
Works cant express how stupid you are.
Being a fanboy makes people THIS delusional?

Yeah visuals are top notch but ZS have to force a lot the plot in order to archive all the symbolism he wanted, so you can call it Visual outstanding but Story is a mess.

I wanted every last character to drop dead but at least it was occasionally pretty and referenced better movies so that's a victory?

the story is a sprawling mythological epic about the relationship between god and man, the immigrant and the host country, xenophobia in a post 9/11 world, a treatise on the characters of both superman and batman, and an excellent retelling of both the new testament and the arthurian legend

i'm only half joking

I know what he wanted to do.

I'm a DC regular reader and i felt the story was supersaturated with second lectures happening in all places

> Dark Knight Returns
> Yisuscriast's stations of the cross
> Excalibur
> Men vs God allegory
> Nationalists vs Aliens
> Moby dick

and i am only half joking

So when you try put all that in a consistent plot it falls

>So when you try put all that in a consistent plot it falls

But it didn't.

Jar of pee


But it did? It said nothing new, evoked no real emotion, had no weight, no great plot or characterization or meaning. IT CREATED NOTHING! Even the "proof" of OP is just a vague reference to set and shot in a classic movie.

It was just trite, stayed "art cinema" tropes filtered through snyders usual "dark gritty and edgy" film style. Its not the worst thing ever but it is by no means great. It barely even attempts to place itself in a genre other than "superhero movie with action and coming of age but dark?". Its a deconstruction of a set of genre stories THAT DONT EXIST IN THE MEDIUM HE IS DECONSTRUCTING THEM IN!

The only thing saving it from being some random film school students arthouse piece was the amount of practice snyder has as a film maker - he actually knows what he is doing behind a camera and how to compose a scene in a personal consistent style. I am not saying that arthouse pieces by students are "bad", many are great, but snyder has not improved other than budget and basic techniques since he was shooting music videos.

And reference and solid technique is not enough to make a piece of film work GOOD.

i dont exactly frequent to get my rocks off

>References are what makes a movie good
>Tarantino and Nolan are the best directors in the world

> people on Sup Forums still take months-old Sup Forums bait

> people on Sup Forums still respond to "kino" bait


>a movie with fucking Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman sells less dvds than fucking Deadpool.
Is that true? Holy shit.

Get ready for Justice Quip League from now on, because that's all Warner will greenlight.