
So, wait, did they resolve the Crisis on Infinite Networks? I thought Supergirl was an alternate universe because it wasn't originally a CW show.

Other urls found in this thread:


Barry and Cisco go to Supergirl's Earth to bring her for the fight. She still lives in another universe.

Why does that shot look better than Civil War?

The people flying allow a better framing.

There's actually more characters involved in the DC storyline.

So... No singing or that is for something else?

Supergirl/Flash crossover later this season

Oh that is still happening then? NICE

>TFW I dropped The Flash this season, and never watched Arrow or Supergirl

best decision I've ever made

We value your opinion in this thread.

Now go take your 0.01 cent in the mail

And yet here you on wasting your life away on Sup Forums.
That's like feeling smug that you managed to save your pinky finger after you managed to "catch" a disease just in time that you had to amputate all of your other limbs and your dick on top of it.
I guess small victories matter a lot more when you have literally nothing else in your life of value.

Dumb frog poster.

Legends of Tomorrow is pretty shit though.

The short little teasers weren't doing anything for me, but this trailer finally brought the hype.

I really hope this doesn't disappoint,

Pointless bait.

I miss the green vampire cloaks for the Dominators but other than that it looks nice. All of the characters I enjoy finally interacting with one another. Kinda bummed Martian Manhunter, Superman, Huntress and such aren't around but it's not a major problem.

4 Episodes of this is basically a 3 hr movie and this feels more like DC than anything in their movies to date. While I appreciate elements of Donner, Burton, Nolan and Snyder as a whole a couple of cw series are superior in everyway.

I wish more cape shows were a thing and less cape movies.

Give heatwave the orange and white costume please. Also take him off the team. Love the actor but he really looks out of place. Put White Canary or Vibe in costume instead.

Still excited but yeah Flash Rogues on JL/JSA whatever this is pisses me off abit.

>pretty hyped
>Felicity speaks

Annnnnd I don't care anymore.

Who would have thought Smallville would lead into Arrow and Arrow would lead into Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl. Good time to be alive.

Also Thea in costume again YES

I dropped Legends of Tomorrow after they traveled back to 1975 and made a Star Wars reference. ANH came out in 77.

I spend most of my time on Sup Forums now actually.

I can't believe grown ups watch this

Jesus christ, this discount JL is hilariously bad

is superman not in this?

Says the Sup Forumscksucker on Sup Forums

You can't just tease people like that man

Who cares? Star Wars is shit is only useful for normie "nerd" references now.

Not an improvement at all.
Though I do understand where you're coming from. Every few months I come back here seeing if there's a good storytime or two (Englehart Strange was awesome), but I stopped coming here on the regular over six months ago.
Board quality has really dropped overall, nothing but trolls and storytimes of shitty new comics that are just desperate cash-ins of movies or attempts to make the industry relevant again.

It's depressing as fuck in here these days.

Huntress was terrible

Sup Forums is just annoying as fuck, it's always been annoying, you gotta get tired of it eventually.
Sup Forums has much better posters, and while they have shit opinions, they understand what makes a movie/show good way better than Sup Forums does.

Heatwave is out of place here, they are kinda pocking fun to that with supergirl reacting to his backstory.
He is not out of place in legends, surprisinly the character works well even without cold.

Storytime on Wednesday. Other days of the week apart from talkbacks Sup Forums is for garbage people. Is this not common knowledge?

>Super-advanced interstellar race.
>Runs around naked
>drags victims around like cavemen
>Talks in a hoarse unsophisticated manner

Seems kinda Syfy silly.

>Green Batman in the center
>people are ok with this

Hey. There's also regular non-new book storytimes, which can be quality, although JSAnon abandoned us to prepare for the Trumpocalypse and X-user's on a long hiatus.

Here's how Supergirl arrives:
(sorry, here's the correct link)


I was a Star Wars autist before ANH 2.0 came out last year. Now it's all mainstream and cool saying you're a fan means nothing as most normies pretend to be super knowledgeable about it and don't even know what a jizzwailer is...

Marvel movies look like bad TV shows while DC TV shows look like good TV shows.

>Sup Forums has much better posters
Have you seen Sup Forums these days? It's 90% shitposts. The other 10% are posts on dead shows.

I grew up not caring at all about Star Wars, and most of the people I've met in my life found this somewhere between weird and unacceptable. It's the most mainstream franchise I have ever known and always has been.

Anyone else excited to see Diggle freak out the entire crossover

still better than Sup Forums.

I grew up where it kind of felt socially unacceptable to talk about it desu. My school was like that though, it was all sport or cod games. It's one of the most normie franchises though but I'm into more than just the films and normies never seem to know anything other than what they've seen at the theatre.

But I didn't even see star wars until I was like 10 or something and that was the clone wars cartoon. So I'd never been exposed to it and that's in the UK where it's supposed to be kind of a big deal.

>Crisis on Infinite Networks

>Why does that shot look better than Civil War?
>Barry shuffles to the side as if he missed his mark
>shot is slightly tilted the left
>everyone looks awkward as fuck

Civil War looks like shit, but this looks like shit too.

If you were 10 when the first Clone Wars cartoon was airing though there's at least a 5 year age gap between us but my school was the opposite. It was the socially unacceptable thing to not be into it. Was really bad during the lead up to ep III.

Kinda moved me from disinterest to hate, since anything remotely like Start Wars other than Star Wars got you marginalised, but Star Wars you're expected to like. Which I both resented it for and was sick hearing about it.

But yeah I agree only the films are mainstream.

will never understand why Sup Forums praises these crappy shows.

Sup Forums is filled with insecure racists crying about cucks and blacked

Why are you here?

>that Citizen Steel action figure on the left

>Heroes v Aliens

It is an screencap from a video not promotional material. The positions are not gonna be perfect

The "s" in vs is not coming back bro, give up and accept change. It is current year.

>deathstroke is in it
>Felicity is still there
Already ruined anyways

No I don't mind it, I just thought it was interesting. Notable I guess.

Fucking hot damn this looks good. That final shot of all of them lined up is comicbooky as hell.
>mfw we'll never have something like this of DC on the big screen because Snyder is hack that thinks heroes acting like heroes is lame
FUCK. This just makes me even madder at the shit show DCEU.

Deathstroke is part of the dream that oliver has while being captured by the dominators. It is the 100 episode of Arrow, so expect to see a lot of familiar faces.

Any word on if NPH will be playing Music Meister? I know everyone was screaming for it when the musical was first announced.

>>mfw we'll never have something like this of DC on the big screen because Snyder is hack that thinks heroes acting like heroes is lame
Well here's a shot like that.

Am I the only one who can't stand how The Flash looks in the snyderverse?

Like I don't want to voice any complaints because the existence of this is so amazing.

That shot of everyone on a roof top with Supergirl, Firestorm and the Atom hovering. amazing

I'll never understand people who eat this stupid fucking garbage up and then turn right around to insult the DCEU as if the CW is truly of any higher standard than the movies.

>photoshopped beyond recognition
There's no fucking way we'll actually get this shot in the movie itself though. Whereas the CW ones actually line/fly up like that and look like they're actually enjoying themselves.

Doesn't take much to be of higher standard than the DCEU.

The difference is that the CW verse doesn't take itself seriously and is free. It also has easter eggs made for the fans.
Basically no one had $10 stolen from their pocket to watch it.

This crossover looks like the kind of movie I always wanted DC to make. Next year they'll do Warlord and fight dinosaurs at the center of the earth.

>>photoshopped beyond recognition
It's a fucking promo poster.
look like they're actually enjoying themselves.
Again, poster. For an action movie. They're ALWAYS serious and determined. Yeah, even Christopher Reeve's Superman.

Dominators look so naked and bizarre without their robes.

I doubt any of those people were even in the same room for that picture.

I prefer Sup Forums racists to Sup Forums racists.

Looks more fun and more like the tone of the comics than any Snydershit.

>Basically no one had $10 stolen from their pocket to watch it.
John Barrowman came to my home and mugged me, threatening to come back if I missed any episode of DCW.

that'w why he probably feels more at home there

DCEU defense force pls go.

I wouldn't have even brought it up if people didn't shit all over it out of nowhere.

>Sup Forums has much better posters

It deserves to be shit on.

Man Diggle and Heatwave are so out of place there


You're free to think so. I'm free to defend it. I like the CW shows too.

It's unfortunate, but true. They're aware of their shittyness, while Sup Forums still has its head up its ass and literally thinks its the best and most progressive board ever.

>Dominators are attacking multiple cities

I hope there's at least throw away lines about other heroes helping to defend those cities.
2016 Vixen
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Pied Piper
E-2 Doctor Light

What the hell is Captain America doing there?

Jesus Christ it looks better than the Justice League movie

casual noob

Cap isn't the only America-themed hero in capeshit

Being Colossus, despite his power being much less showy and thus more budget friendly, in the comics.

I'm actually impressed that his CGI doesnt usually look like shit

he looks like Silver Surfer in the Fantastic Four movie

Kara ratings dropped and they canceled it, CW picked up. Not sure if they are doing multiverse crossing or if barrys salad toss made Kara part of the same universe

>Not sure if they are doing multiverse crossing or

They are

Cisco and Barry are going to open a wormhole or whatever you want to call it

Sup Forums posters are complete morons who are too retarded to even hold a discussion. At least as shitty as Sup Forums is, there is some decent discussion can be found once in a blue moon.
>they understand what makes a movie/show good
Fuck no, their opinions are straight-up embarrassing most of the time.

Not getting my hopes too high, they're trying to do a movie on a TV budget.

Plus they wrote out Martian Manhunter and a ton of other heroes should be involved if the Earth is at stake like Constantine and the Hawks.

Only good thing will be some of the exchanges and interactions they'll have which is really all that matters in the end. The story won't have any implications or mean anything desu.


I was thinking of letting all the episodes to first air and then binge watch the entire crossover in one go on Friday.

>Kara ratings dropped and they canceled it

They didn't cancel it, it just didn't do as well enough as it could have on CBS to justify its big budget (they were shooting in California), so they brought it to CW where shooting in Canada meant it'd be more cost effective.

live action capeshit was a mistake

CBS= Columbia Broadcasting System
CW= Columbia / Warner Network

>canceled it
If you haven't noticed the programming yet ... CBS is geared for an elderly audience; the CW is geared for a younger audience.

So, since CBS is part owner of CW, they moved it; which actually benefits the shows budget because it is much more expensive to to shoot episodes in LA (Arrowverse is shot in Vancouver).

Berlanti's only other show shot in LA is Blindspot (the one that stars a tattooed Lady Sif).

You are gonna miss the talkback threads.

Slade is Prometheus.

Well there is always the archives. And I'm sure shitposting will last well over the weekend if the crossover is great/awful.

The talk back threads are shit.

Just endless infighting about which show is worse because of blacked or lesbians or muh feminism.

Yeah, fucking this to be quite honest, family.