Why do all StarWars movies involve Death Stars?

Why do all StarWars movies involve Death Stars?


>star noun (OBJECT IN SPACE)
>a very large ball of burning gas in space that is usually seen from the earth as a point of light in the sky at night
It's not a star you dumbass

it's no moon either

is this real image from the move?
am I supposed to believe this is a 3d object and not some image pasted over fake stars?
were they even trying?

>It's not a star
it's no moon either

Why hasn't a Star Wars movie involved a FLEET of Death Stars? Good guys are down to the wire trying to blow one up before it takes out a planet... FUCK! Sixteen Death Stars just jumped in from hyperspace!

It's literally a physical model. Shitpost better.

why the fuck did you assume that I was saying it's a moon? I didn't even imply it

it's not though
look how flat it looks lol
could you imagine an object floating in space where you can see through the vast majority of it and see stars with nothing showing any depth of it?
if it's a physical model it's a 1d flat piece of paper

You can sometimes see stars through the Moon. NASA Masons lie about landing there to conceal that it is not a solid object.

Jesus Christ, kid. You have to be 18 to post here.

>posts in a Star Wars thread
>hasn't seen it

idk I've never seen these movies man I was just saying

Why are you posting about Star Wars if you've obviously never seen any of them?

Maybe you should get a better monitor.

No, that isn't an image from the movie, but you're still a dumbass who thinks you know things.

Some of what you think are stars being seen through it are lights inside of it.

what are you talking about lmao
look at the bottom left of that deathstar then the op pic it's defo not a 3d object
was never talking about random stars in the middle of it

Because it's called STAR wars. The Death Stars are a prime weapon in these STAR WARS.

how does the death star even move? It's fucking huge. Where are the engines? Somehow it can travel at faster than light speeds but it never shows this in the movies

why didn't the rebels become suspicious when there were no piles of construction materials outside of the death star 2?

Well I guess you're either blind or stupid.

god you fangays are so retardly over protective
there's no way you can look at the OP pic and not see it's a stupid 1d still over some stock star image

It's literally a photo of the model in composited over a stars image. Congratulations, you figured out that an actual Death Star in space does not exist, autismo.


What universe are you posting from?

Apparently, the rebels and Death Star weren't real, but actors, models, paintings, props, and photography. Thank God this thread set me straight. I'd been thinking I was a documentary.

>ball of energy in space
>death star
>ball of energy that shots lazors, in space

Death Star rolls off the tongue better than Death Space Station

Plus it's a proper name, the Empire can call it whatever they want.

Hell, the higher brass probably had a meeting as to what to call it so people would fear it.

Makes you wonder what other names were dropped during that meeting

The droid control ship in TPM is a death star proxy.
ESB is entirely about the fallout of the death star's destruction.

In answer to OP: Because giant deadly superweapons are a stock trope in schlocky SciFi.

It doesn't matter how huge it is, it's weightless in space. The engines are probably just dwarfed by the total size of the structure.

>It doesn't matter how huge it is, it's weightless in space

Holy shit kid

Google Newton's second law

>ball of energy in space

It only became obvious when faggot jew JJ put another one in

weight and mass aren't the same thing

>I was just pretending to be retarded

Guaranteed replies

What the fuck lmao

the one where a 1d photo is obviously super imposed over another then retards defend it acting like it's 3d

they should've made that thing in the shape of sheev's head with the lazors coming out of the eyes just to scare the shit out of people

Dude... seriously?

>moving (Accelerating) that much Mass requires tremendous Force.

No one said anything about weight except you
Captcha: quere imperial

They should just build a huge Vader that floats around slicing up planets with its fuckhuge lightsaber.