JJ and Speilberg are teaming up again

JJ and Speilberg are teaming up again...

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Do you think they'll show Israel catering ISIS fighters in their hospitals? Will there a scene with american envoys delivering top notch military equipment to ISIS?

add another death star in it u faggot fuck


Why is JJ so untalented ?

>let's subvert some more those dumb Eurogoys

This is Sup Forums's nightmare

How much do you want to bet they skip the part where the refugees go back home after the war, and just make this an immigration movie that considers considers the third world permanently unusable land?

Will they include the part where the 'white hats' are a covert invading foreign army?

'i can't wait to see this' - nobody will ever say

Plot-twist: the hero is Assad

I wonder if they will include the part where the MC tries to blow up a London train using bucket bomb

Do we know if Jar jar is his love child,he look so much like him.

I'm sure this will be a fair and balanced look at the situation. Hollywood would never pass off propaganda onto its audience disguised as art/entertainment.

>Into Darkness
What did J.J. Abrams mean by this?

>the third world permanently unusable land?
not for everyone. israel has been lurking on those Golan heights for decades, that's why they are helping ISIS to topple Assad

I'm just saying that 'refugee' means 'permanent citizen' nowadays. Nobody's even thinking about sending them back because they don't plan for it ever to be over.

they are ISIS

>I'm just saying that 'refugee' means 'permanent citizen' nowadays.

In middle-eastern countries refugee means permanent non-citizen if they reside in their country and in case of palestinians it means that their offspring are refugees until end of the time.

>one in the light
>one in the dark
>it was the last time they spoke as friends

what did JJ mean by THIS?

>"bloo bloo look Europe look at the terrible fate of these innocent Syrian women and children let them into your countries and your homes"
>still 100% in support of the woman who caused the Syrian conflict in the first place

fucking Hollywood

Will it properly portray how the Obama administration plunged North Africa and Middle-East into complete anarchy even though Bush left behind a fairly stable region that only needed light monitoring?

So is just going to be a rehash of an older refugee movie?

How dare someone have an opinion different than mine. HOW DARE THEY

I'm sure they will cover (((George Soros'))) role in the creating and fueling of the immigration invasion as well.

Expecting a next no-one-give-a-fuck best movie of Oscar.

>israeli jews hate muslims
>they even kind of hate american jews
>american jews love muslims
>yet they still send millions in donation to israel
i don't get it

Soros is GOAT biznesmen

They want to take out traditional western culture (their biggest obstacle) and run a dumbed down, easily controlled, raceless browned slave planet.

>da j00z

Oy vey, listen goys, open your borders and your daughters vaginas so we can have syria. You don't want to be a racist do you?

Why doesn't Israel accept refugees?

Isn't it simply more plausible that the other Sunni states in Middle-East like Turkey and Saudi Arabia are funding ISIS? I mean come on Saudi Arabia is fucking funding western mosques.

Can’t wait to see this shit flop.

This. It has never and WILL NEVER be Jews.

Jews are not involved with anything. They just do banking and dancing around dreidels, or whatever.

Who is Mark Kogan?

jesus fucking christ, can't imagine this being biased against the Lion of Damascus at all.

Israel, Soros, NGOs et al. It's all well documented their roles in the whole thing. Do some researching or go ask Sup Forums for the rundown. The "migrant crisis" is very much orchestrated.

Didn't Haneke make something with the same subject matter that is, in all likelihooh a lot smarter and more insightful?

Will they mossad the Assad in the movie?

why can't spielberg just make fun movies again

kek sorry the hollywood is proliberal so no truth

I am curious as to the religion of this poster

Saudi Arabia is a Zionist-American puppet state

>having a religion

Please. I have other things to waste my time one.

you thinking that (((they))) will do that

so they are remaking LoTR?

Ah, so a jew.

The degree to which US public opinion is controlled by the Jewish elite is just mind boggling.

the jewisih equivalent of lubbing up your dick with spit

What about Palestinian refugees?

Too far?

Thought jews accepted everyone?

Europe for the europeans! (Even brown ones)

Then why does paul allen have the fisher account?

The world will be a much better place once we're rid of him.

SHHH GOY, you're not supposed to know about that!


Sounds like you're #MadAtMort

>being retarded
Ah, so American.

because he's a jew who will suck the cock


>the holohoax twins to make more propaganda

They deserve death, and that would be a mercy

Will they have a scene that shows (((white helmets))) faking rescues?

They hate Christians way more than Muslims.


nope, the protagonist's lowest point will be when Trump cuts off the CIA's funding to the glorious anti-assad rebels aka ISIS

the underdogs fighting against the evil regime no longer have money or guns

Trump hates muslims, so he won't let the CIA help them.

>Trump hates muslims, so he won't let the CIA help them.
Remember when he was saying Saudi Arabia did 9/11? it's all good now, they're buying billions $$$ of american weapons that will be used where and by who?


Lou Anne's trailer tipped over Hank, you can't just set it right and have her live there again!!!

>at last I truly see, thank you merchant for you are my greatest ally


>white supermacist
>bringing race into star wars
for the love of fuuuuuuuuuuc


I wonder how they'll address the child rape scenes.
Oh wait! They won't...

> Spielberg = Jew
> Abrams = Jew
> Syrians = Muslims

What will the unsubtle title be called?

My initial thoughts were "Let Them In"

dem gainz tho. can't wait until Iran and Syria double team Israel.

oh boy more kike propaganda, hitler was right about the jews

Oh, sweet summer child.

Why do jews do this?

>9 Mar 2017
Why post it now?

Nepotism ensures that (((they))) stay in power while artist with talent have to slave themselves for years to maybe get one opportunity at smt.

liberals are all about spreading 'awareness'

You know that when Sup Forums talks about jews they're not talking about a religion, right?



He's right though.

Satanic trips of truth. They literally staged warzones to put on social media as propaganda. Anyone who was genuine in that organisation, like the Free Syrin Army, have been run out and replaced by Islamists.

>changing IP to agree with yourself

Jews are openly Xenophobic, they have the benefits of being white and victim status. Powerful combination.

Milo and Ben Shapiro got as far as they did in such a hostile environment using their Jewish identity as a shield.

Milo often mentions that he's gay, Jewish and likes black cock as a defense.

it's not race it's culture. We can argue about the validity of IQ and if it does or does not metricize G - human intelligence (it probably doesn't, I doubt any test can fully reveal human intelligence) but the problem is cultural practices.

In cultures of violence and 'respect' through violence, such as the war torn African nations and inner crack cities in America you need to think quicker and impulsively in order to survive and this erodes if not destroys your capacity for deeper thinking, nuanced thinking, or future planning. Blacks in Europe tend to have 'normal' IQ curves compared to ghetoized and gangster-fetishized American black culture or child soldier rape o'clock Africa.

You make a culture with no rules other than survival of the fittest, biggest gang, more money, bling bling, fuck dat hoe, act like I act or you get hit - you make it easy for individuals to give up anything other than impulsive desperation and selfishness.

Islamic culture is the same way due to terrorism and ethnic cleansing and Israel. Irish culture was the same way during the troubles. Violence cultures create stupidity.

Happy End

yes goyum


Never. Nazis targeted them and now they're an eternal victim.

i don't deny that jews are smart, this is just a shitty strawman

Sauce or GTFO.

>Jews love misery
>Jews love anything that is a reminder of the holocaust
>Jews being Jews $$$$

Nothing new to see here.

>remember muh palestine! it's another nakba! take in 152 million innocent syrians!

fuck off ahmed

>gets bombed by Israel TODAY
>Does nothing because his pimp Russia is in a deal with the Jews


He's a literal cuck