Chad and Virgin: Game of Thrones

If Chad and Virgin were GoT characters, who would they be?

Chad would never even know got existed.

>Robert Chadratheon

>Virgin Lancel

lancel is a pretty dumb name


Chad: Brandon Stark(not faggot Bran)
Virgin: Petyr Baelish



Virgin reek/ Chad Theon

Chad Greyjoy / Virgin Bolton

>Robert Baratheon
pick one

The dude got cucked so hard that his whole rebellion thing was basically beta uprising. He also ended up becoming sort of a NEET since all he did was screaming and getting fatter and fatter until his wife decided to get rid of him.

wut? Chad watched the show from the beginning because it had tits in it, then women started watching it because Chad was watching it, then Chad stopped watching it because there were no more tits.
Now 99% of the audience is female so the show has to pander to them making it shitter and shitter

>Fathers 20 children
Pick one

>Rules Kingdom
Pick one

Stop thinking in memes.

Rhaegar got both Robert's betrothed and Robert's future wife lusting after him.

Robert is a cuck, that's all. All his "accomplishments" won't really change that.
Oh also, he was always considered a pretty shitty king.

I need the chad tywin vs the virgin robb RIGHT NOW

The Manlet Tyrion



Robert is the opposite of chad. His true love was cucked away by Rhaegar and his wife and queen cucked away by her own brother. He only got laid after that by visiting whorehouses (paying for sex). Does this sound like a chad?


total fail on not saying

>doesn't protect his dick on any circumstance


Fuck wrong file