What are some movies about your childhood getting destroyed by capitalism?

What are some movies about your childhood getting destroyed by capitalism?

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That younger daughter who did porn should buy it.

highly populated area, very high cost of living

let's limit how many apartments you can build and drive the rents up because muh nostalgia

seriously, wtf was urkel thinking?

Fucking Burgers, no sense of history. They're as bad as ISIS.

>On December 22[11] or 23,[3] 1998, Thomas died surrounded by her family and friends in New York City

>Steve, I love you so much.
>Laura is only attracted to Stefan on a superficial level. I'm in love with the REAL you.
>You don't have to do this.
>Please. :(
>literally dies of a broken heart

Desperately clinging on to the set of a hollywood TV show as a symbol of your childhood is a pretty fucking capitalist mindset

its a raaRE conDITION

>by capitalism


Nice propaganda. The weather did that, not ISIS.

>Thomas died surrounded by her family and friends
Wtf? They just watched her die? No one tried to help her?

HNNNNG I want to suffocate in those choclate milk bags

What ever happened to predictability?


Even stranger, Wiki doesn't know her birth year.


>In August 1997,[7] Thomas was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, intra-abdominal desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor.[10]
>DSRCT is extremely rare. Fewer than 200 cases have been reported, about 85 percent of them in Caucasian people.
>Boys and young men are about four times as likely to have DSRCT as girls and young women. It is usually diagnosed in males between ages 10 and 30.

That IS rare.

Reginald vel Johnson's loving tribute to Jackie Gleason is criminally underrated.

>That younger daughter who did porn should buy it
which one of them did porn?


Why does Carl never talk about all that crazy shit that happened at the Nakatomi building?

he's more guilt-ridden over the fact that he's erased his youngest daughter from existence by using his wacky next-door neighbor's time machine in an ill-fated get-rich-quick scheme.

>limit how many apartments you can build
maybe we should. It sucks having a bunch of pajeets in the same area that are poor and want to kill eachother. apartment complexes are not a good solution.

Fuck off pajeet

The Star Wars prequels

it's the NIGGER familyyyy

>Tear down house to build market rate apartment complex only white collar fucks can afford to live in

Rent is gonna get driven up regardless

It was judy and I think her porn name was Crave.

The problem you're describing is that pajeets are there to rent in the first place, not that they rent in low income areas.

then the richer than you take over the area, hope you like moving to flyover americana

sure it did, Muhammed

What happened about the user who realized his childhood was created by capitalism, including the television show called "Family Matters" that featured a condo built by capitalism?

mfw i live by there and its like 20 min by my house

Dancer in the dark

>On December 26, 1998, a Muslim funeral service was held, as per her request. She was buried in Montclair, New Jersey.[7]
LOL good riddance

Guys, I went to the capitalism factory, and the boss gave everyone the day off, so it looks like we are good

at least i have capitalism to thank for my multiple childhood experiences filthy commie!

This article is poorly referenced.

that was al qaeda not isis


It was damaged by the weather, and while Mohammed Omar initially did want to preserve it, eventually he made the decision to destroy it after there was more interest in repairing the statue then helping the Afghans.

who the fuck cares, do you have any idea how many buildings are replaced every year in every major city? People will tell you this, the people in the hollywood industry, when they want to shoot a period film on a real locations. All the buildings, all the places, gone. Gotta go full CGI because of this

Unless it's statue of liberty or some iconic shit, it will be replaced. You have to accept that.

>it's a Laura fakes a hate crime episode

Why are American blacks so obsessed with Islam when Muhammad owned many black slaves, the number of Africans captured and enslaved by the Islamic world absolutely dwarfs the number of slaves brought to the US, and the Arabic word for black person is literally the same as the word for slave? It's almost like they don't know any history beyond what their televisions show them.

I loved Family Matters but who honestly cares? Honestly, before you read this article, when was the last time you thought about the Family Matters house?

>What are some movies about your childhood getting destroyed by capitalism?
You realise your """"""""childhood"""""""" is just the product of more capitalism, right?

Wrong. Multiple houses will be built over the site, and will cost just as much (if not more) than the original building to own/rent out. This is how (((investment property))) works.

And we'll probably get a monstrosity like pic related put in its place. But that's okay. It doesn't matter how a building looks, just think about how much money it can rake in for its investors.

Yesterday because I live two blocks from it

>we need gommunism to save this house used in a capitalist produced TV series
My noogles are joggling right now!

>destroyed by capitalism?

but capitalism built those things

that is a computer generated image my man, try to stay within the material universe and not cyberspace when making a point

>like pic related
Are you autistic or simply have reading difficulties?

$5 says the house was already divided up inside and being put on Airbnb as a bunch of small apts already

not him, but that's a shit example m8

>It wasn't Islam it was Islam

Same shit

literally the exact same thing