“I was familiar going into the third season, having talked to Felicia Day, that any high-profile women get doxxed...

“I was familiar going into the third season, having talked to Felicia Day, that any high-profile women get doxxed, they get harassed, they get threatened, they get slandered. And part of it is a testosterone-based subculture patting themselves on the back for trolling these women. Because to the extent that you get can get a girl to shriek about a frog you’ve proven girls are girly and there’s no crime in assaulting her with a frog because it’s all in the name of proving something. I think it’s all disgusting.”

How does it feel to get rekt this hard, trolls?

“These knobs, that want to protect the content they think they own — and somehow combine that with their need to be proud of something they have, which is often only their race or gender. It’s offensive to me as someone who was born male and white, and still works way harder than them, that there’s some white male [fan out there] trying to further some creepy agenda by ‘protecting’ my work. I’ve made no bones about the fact that I loathe these people. It f—ing sucks. And the only thing I can say is if you’re lucky enough to make a show that is really good that people like, that means some bad people are going to like it too. You can’t just insist that everybody who watches your show get their head on straight … And I’m speaking for myself — I don’t want the show to have a political stance. But at the same time, individually, these [harassers] aren’t politicians and don’t represent politics. They represent some shit that I probably believed when I was 15.”


“It’s total ignorance of how writing a television show works,” Harmon adds. “It’s frustrating enough having run Community for several years to see threads like, ‘Oh well, it makes sense this episode was written by Andy Bobrow because when Hilary Winston wrote her episode she tends to linger more on dialogue and Andy is better at the I-want-to-hold-you moments.’ And I want to scream at my computer: ‘You idiots, we all write the show together!’ If you can tell the difference between one writer and another on a show I’m running I’ve probably gotten so lazy that it hasn’t all been blended and refined in the usual process. The reason one person’s name goes on an episode is that someone has to and everyone deserves one of those times at bat where they have to do all the grunt work — they have to do all the outlining, sometimes, if they’re willing to, they can expand into the post-production process. There’s a bunch of reasons why we don’t accurately reflect how many writers contribute to each episode in the credits.”

Does does a celebrity get "doxxed"?

Everyone in every group always contributes a perfectly equal amount of input. No one leads, no one organizes, nothing. It's all just a room full of people screaming their ideas and the only things that get written down are the words that overlap and are intelligible in the cacophony of noise.

Why did they put the women's names on the worst three episodes of the season if it didn't matter? And I thought the women were hired by sending in scripts that were basically complete, only to be reworked in the writer's room.

Also, the most recent episode was credited to six different writers. Clearly they're capable of giving credit to multiple people for each episode, but for some reason, three of the shittiest episodes are credited to single writers. It's almost like they did more work for those episodes, and the quality dropped as a consequence.

Reminder the female writers were hired as a criticism shield and this is simply them swinging it around to deflect criticism.

Yeah.. linking their I'm profile is 'doxxing'. Fucking kikes.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>sexist trolls hate Jane Becker and Jessica Gao
>same sexist trolls are okay with Sarah Carbiener and Erica Rosbe
One would almost think competence is more important than genitals.

>How can you say we hate women when we didn't dox all the women?

Gamergate logic.

Recently divorced, alcoholic pothead suddenly hires a bunch of young women for the sake of "feminism". LOL I'm sure that's going to end well.

>all high profile women get harassed

No? All people who make garbage get harassed.

Oh shit, they were doxed? Yeah, I admit those people are probably sexist assholes. But most of the criticism levelled towards those two women is completely valid.

So... either the person who earns the main writing credit actually deserves it for contributing the most to that particular script, or Dan Harmon is basically admitting he's sexist for only giving the female writers their byline credit on the 3 worst episodes of the season.

It's clearly the former. It was easy to tell the difference between certain writers' influence on episodes with Community, and the same holds true for Rick and Morty as well. Harmon apparently thinks he's succeeded at creating a sort of tonal, stylistic homogeneity, but that's impossible when you're trying to create something artistically distinctive and you're working with a team of writers all individually bringing different ideas, perspectives, knowledge and skills to the table. They always give the credit to the person who stands out as having had the most notable impact on the finished script, and discerning viewers will feel that impact when they watch the finished episode.

Different writers bring a different flavor to shows. This is true for all shows, to varying degrees of noticeability. Just look at It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It's not a coincidence that the episodes credited to the main trio are consistently the best.

Harmon is playing some pathetic mental gymnastics here.

You know this how

>make a big deal out of there being women in your writer's team
>be surprised when people start giving you shit for making a big deal out of having women in your writer's team
Maybe Harmon should focus on writing a decent show for once in his life rather than going after people on the internet.

>reddit and memey
you have to go back

they were clearly being sarcastic to highlight how absurd the argument was


>being a psychopath is fun

I just don't get why the harassment, purely on the basis that S3 is just as good if not better than S2. Either you still love it or still hate it. The women don't seem to have had much of an effect, and if they did, it was a good one.

It's bigger than that.

>Felicia Day
>high-profile women

No. Fuck people don't even mention her here unless she's talking about next man.

Yup. And further solidifying your point is actually a minor correction: one of those 3 episodes is credited to not one but two ladies (who worked on the episode together). These credits aren't arbitrary, they're clearly given to those who are most responsible for the finished script.

Objectively wrong


I watched every episode without knowing anything about this drama/new women writers. After hearing about it I went through and decided which episodes were absolutely terrible and which were great, then looked up the writers.

Every horseshit episode was written by a woman. I think the two worst episodes of the entire series were Rickmancing the Stone and The Vindicators

>Harmon is playing some pathetic mental gymnastics here.
Yeup, nothing really new here. Just Harmon being a huge cuck, as always.

Hold on. Where/when did they get "doxxed"? If that's true there should be evidence of it, right?

Or by "doxxed" does he mean people linked their public social media profiles?

Because that's not what doxxing is. That's just calling something being "doxxed" to deliberately mislead people into thinking it's a far more severe problem than it actually was.

>get into show because it's about a dumb kid and an eccentric grandpa who go on wild adventures
>quit show because it became about angsty teenage girl's super cool kills

>creator feels the need to call me a fucker for it
o- okay

This only works when said criticism isn't couched in sexist rhetoric, i.e. "This episode was bad, it must've been written by a woman" or "Of course this season is worse, it's got women on the writing team!"

Which never, ever happens. Nobody ever actually criticizes the quality of the episode, it's just used as "evidence" against the female writers.

If the episode is bad, then the episode is bad, and you can say so. Stop being sexist, and the "They're only being sexist" deflections magically stop working.

But I only say those things on Sup Forums so they don't actually count.

This is a bit disingenuous user.

Rick and Morty received criticism for not having female writers its first two seasons. Then Season 3 comes along and several new female writers are added to the writing staff. Roiland and Harmon were very careful to say that this wasn't to meet diversity quotas, but rather, they simply sent in great scripts.

Now it turns out that the three episodes written by women were mediocre. Going off of IMDb ratings, the two lowest rated episodes of the season were written by women, and neither of the two highest rated episodes were.

The interpretation is obvious: the female writers were added in response to criticism, and not because they're talented and deserving. I'm not saying women can't be funny, but given the circumstances of how they were hired as well as the quality of the episodes themselves, these particular women aren't.


Trolling is the modern-day equivalent of heckling. Anyone who claims to be a comedy writer but can't handle some hecklers deserves shame and ridicule.

>YEAH! Oh shit... my movement of resistance against the SJW and progressives was highjacked by neo-nazis, "alt-righters", permavirgin racists and literally the 80 IQ southern rednecks, which miss the days, where the only black thing in office was Reagan's heart

uh yeah

Doing something unpleasant to a woman doesn't make you a sexist. It just makes you an asshole if the action was disproportionate.
Even using sexist slurs doesn't necessarily mean you believe them, it just means that the person knows precisely how to get under that person's skin, and REEEEing about it only makes them more likely to do the exact same thing again, only next time an idiot who thinks he's in good company might join them.

lol wut

Are any red heads, he can't stop putting red heads in shit.

>assault with a frog
holy shit these people are so fucking removed from reality

>Reagan's Black Heart....God, you're a fag

>implying anyone gives a fuck enough to "dox" these holes

Manufactured controversy.

>hire female shit writers in an attempt to virtue signale (and also get more femanons to watch his stupid show; similar to using a token black or two)
>backfires, show mysteriously goes to utter shit
>but we're writing it as a TEEEAM REEEEEEEEEEE
haha what an idiot.

why do these retards always use two x?

>Manufactured controversy.
Nah, what you're seeing is cognitive dissonance at play. He knows very well what a shitfest this season has become. He also knows the writers that wrote that fucking crap together. But he just can't add it up.

Then why are you pandering to the male audience with your male-oriented and male-centered show, Dan Harmon?

>unironically using the term alt-right
Jesus Christ

>Why did they put the women's names on the worst three episodes
>worst episode
But "Morty's Mind Blowers" was written by men?

I don't give a shit about the gender of writers. I praise good writers and make fun of the bad ones. So far the female writers on Rick & Morty have all been bad; some of the previous episodes written by male writers haven't been great either (ex. "Get Schwifty" written by Tom Kauffman, but he wrote some other alright episodes which redeemed his reputation in my eyes).

It's easy to dismiss something like this as misogyny. It allows them to lazily feel as though there's no active way they can improve themselves. They spiral down what's called the Dunning Kruger effect, which essentially means they believe there's no room for improvement so they do nothing to become better writers.

It's disappointing Dan Harmon is defending them so hard. The fact that he himself is focusing on them being female writers and claiming it's misogyny makes the whole situation feel like he's being a bit of a whiteknight who has had no experience with women. The show he created with Justin Roiland was pretty good, but it seems to be losing its strength and I don't think he cares anymore. The show is a success and will still get viewers no matter how shitty the writers get.

Wasn't complete shit like the other episodes it was just "meh" from lack of anything interesting happening in it

Was meh because it wasn't interdimensional television.

>trying to distance yourself from your own toxic pejorative after everyone starts associating it with nazis

Dan "pozz bugman" Harmon SHUTS DOWN trolls and it's GLORIOUS!

>They spiral down what's called the Dunning Kruger effect, which essentially means they believe there's no room for improvement so they do nothing to become better writers.
That is not what the Dunning Kruger effect is.

Why is Sup Forums so hideously unfunny?

Seek help

holy shit is that Pickle Rick?
I'm Pickle Rick!!!

burrp i turned myself into a faggot morty

Never seen so much crying about a tv show. The triggering is real.

But V3 was shit as well...
Instead of putting those women as writers of good episodes, you let them put their signatures on shit ones. Now you blame people with no perspective for extrapolating, well played Harmeme.

morty's mindblowers was bretty good though it even had a couple of top shelf jokes

pickle rick didnt even have any jokes. I honestly thought the show was done for after pickle rick, I mean it was fun memeing party rocking pickle rick but, you know, thats not sustainable. but in actuality the best was yet ahead with tales from the citadel so now I dont know what to think

So fu*king epic!

yeah fuck the alt-right and fuck white people

people who frequent Sup Forums really do have the lowest form of wit

This but unironically

this but ironic

It's an accurate simplification. How does it feel being a brainlet?

What does it mean?

If the episodes they wrote were good there wouldn't be a problem

> They represent some shit that I probably believed when I was 15
If he didn't want that, he should probably never have created a show pandering to 15-year olds

Female writers aren't the problem. Hiring people because you are supposed to is. Was there a problem they were trying to fix? Or did they do it just to pat themselves on the back? The pickle Rick episode felt like they took a fan and said do whatever you want.

I'm Richard the pickle hahahah wabbyledoob

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty
lmao did you just finish reading your first Descartes work?

wabba labba shabba atheism brap

>this is usually how most directors get their dick wet
It makes perfect sense

>The women don't seem to have had much of an effect
You've obviously haven't watch any episodes have you

Are you retarded?

dude how can you not have seen this pasta?

>Because to the extent that you get can get a girl to shriek about a frog you’ve proven girls are girly and there’s no crime in assaulting her with a frog because it’s all in the name of proving something

I completely agree with you

The woman that jacked off Harmon's disgusting little pickle dick got to appear as the writer

Is interdimensional television really that bad? I remember the shitty b plot of that episode being shit more then anything

>Dunning Kruger effect
"In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein persons of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority derives from the metacognitive inability of low-ability persons to recognize their own ineptitude.

Without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence."

The user used the term correctly, I don't know what you're on about unless it was just a baiting shitpost.

The second one is. That's the one they got drunk for. It's just cursing and repeating the same line over and over.

Uh, in English doctor?

Basically what said, in the second one the 'real' timeline plays a bigger role but is also way more fun

forgot to add: but it's not enough to make the episode good


like I care what this literal cuck faggot thinks.

Maybe read more than the first sentence next time. That way you'll, hopefully, realize it's a fucking pasta, retard.

>Dan Harmon
Who the fuck cares? It's JR that has to get drunk and put up with people stuffing him in a booth for a few hours.

>person thinks they're really good at something (though they aren't really)
>dismisses any criticism
>believes they're the best
>u can't become better than the best
>literally no room for improvement if you're the best
So they remain stagnant and don't improve. It's a lack of self awareness.

Justin is the funny one
Harmon is the fat one who takes all the credit

>name drops felicia day

How to lose all credibility in one easy step.


desu im kinda starting to think this too lads
justin was the real lad all along

to be honest i don't really get a huge sjw vibe from the show itself, especially this season.

the creators are obviously sjws, but i feel like they're holding themselves back by not injecting too much politics into the show