What celebrities have STDs?

what celebrities have STDs?


Jesus..what the fuck????


Bella Thone

emily jean

Man, how delusional/full of yourself do you have to be to go out dressed like that when you have that body.
I wish I was that confident in myself.


Charlie Sheen
Aaron Carter
Jim Carrey


emma stone

this is not real
this is not the actual tara reid


Jessica Alba has herpies.

Also anyone who had a baby via c cection.

Britney Spears, etc

Can ex drug addicts unjust themselves?
Like... if they become sober and start eating lots of avocados or something will they revert from their goblin forms? :(

>Also anyone who had a baby via c cection.

macaulay culkin did a pretty decent reversal

Laci Greene + Chris Ray Gun

finn wolfhard


Look at Robert Downey Jr
Harder for women though


j law?


>find pic related in a concentration camp after liberating it
>nothing can be done for this one, we were too late, let's end it mercifully

Any of Derek Jeters exes

Sad Tranny Disease?

All of them.

The fuck happened?

The types of drugs that cause people to look like that are permanent damage. You can't heal from the damage they do to your brain, liver, heart, etc. The kidneys can recover a bit, though.
I'm talking about drugs like cocaine, amphetamines, alcohol, etc. Things like prescription opiates don't cause damage to any of your organs. Heroin doesn't cause organ damage itself, but the things it's cut with and the bacterial impurities in it do harm organs.

Oh god what in the fuck


What a wretched foul fucking beast
What the people on here who like her see in her is beyond me
Her existence offends me

When is his mixtape dropping

He banged one too many ladybois.

>Things like prescription opiates don't cause damage to any of your organs
Joe, pls

They don't, it's a scientific fact. There's only been a few that cause organ damage in more than 1% of the population and they were removed from the market for that reason.
If you're severely unlucky and you're one of the 1% whose CYPA34 and CYP2D6 enzymes don't metabolize the drug correctly some opioids can cause organ damage, usually liver. But again, that occurs in less than 1% of the population.