What are your thoughts on The Mist (2007)?

What are your thoughts on The Mist (2007)?

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Very Lovecraftian

overrated flick

too long

the christian lady was right, when he sacrificed the child the monsters went away.

The worst movie I have ever seen in my life by far.

Is this movie the pinacle of lovecraftian movies?

The only thing worse than a cliche is the exact opposite of a cliche, the ending isn't clever and you're stupid if you thought it was

Chill out dude.

You won't believe me and I am about to get bullied hardcore, but there is a black & white version that comes with the blu-ray and it is 100x better.

The ending was bad and they should feel bad. The ending of the original short story was far superior.

the best movie of 2007, try to refute this, go ahead, ill wait

the ending was so great

Really good

what was the ending to the short.......also what short?

>No Country for Old Men (2007)
>There Will Be Blood (2007)
>The Assassination of Jesse James (2007)
>Zodiac (2007)
>Eastern Promises (2007)
>Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)

All of these films are uncomparably better than the B-tier containment thriller flick that was The Mist

I enjoyed it a lot

the ending wasn't bad. he sacrificed the chid and the monsters went away, just like the christian lady said it would.

liked when all the niggers left and died

Lovecraftian kino

>also what short?

Read my post again, more carefully this time.

In the original Stephen King short story - or more accurately novella - they get out of the store and spend the night in a gas station or some shit somewhere down the road. It is revealed that the main character has been writing everything down in a notebook and leaving it for someone to find, and that tomorrow they will head out for Hartford, and hope for the best. That's how it ends.

underratted you nigger
other than the green mile and shawshank its the only good shit to come from king

>>No Country for Old Men (2007)
>>There Will Be Blood (2007)
>>The Assassination of Jesse James (2007)
that was a really comfy crop

oh hey i didn't even notice that. nice catch user.

Stand By Me
Hearts in Atlantis
The Stand tv mini-series
Maximum Overdrive
motherfucking Pet Sematary

shall I continue to prove you wrong or have you had enough

this is the answer i was looking for

so it's a cool place and it only gets colder but the water's pretty warm and the world's on fire? how does this magic land of both fire and ice exist?

Needed more monsters killing people.


Wait for it(spolier alert)

did you post in the wrong thread m8

It's more of a film desu

Thats fucking stupid

have you watched the movie with the actual ending song?

The director wanted it to be released in theatres in b&w but the studio said no.

Stop acting like it's a meme – it's not.

This movie introduced me to Dead Can Dance

What a curiously Kafkaesque post

It's nothing but a clever ending.

Only movie i've seen that comes close to capturing the spirit of HP Lovecraft literature

how is it not?

Liked it, but was somehow hoping for a reverse Half-Life where the main character entered the military complex in search of wtf they did there.

Muh book ending was better.
IMO an unknown future where monsters roam is worse than the crappy shock value movie ending,

I liked it. But then I don't like normal hollywood shit.

that shit looks lovecraftian as fuck

I actually rewatched this last night and thought it held up pretty well. The cgi is terrible (though passable in the black and white version) but the monster designs are 10/10. Also the ending is just shit. I don't know what Darabont was going for but its just a complete misfire. Should have just stuck with the book ending.