ITT: Films that are impossible to discuss on Sup Forums

ITT: Films that are impossible to discuss on Sup Forums

have you ever noticed his face is in the poster twice?

asks for films
posts a movie


its impossible to discuss because of these dubs

Nice try

Trips and we have an honest to god discussion about American Psycho.

I have actually seen great discussion of this movie lately inbetween dubs


nobody is getting dubs here

if dubs I will go to bed



impressive...very nice

Sorry sweaty

All of them.

8 my shit up

>Aiden Gillen listed with the stars
This is a shoop right?


Hey Jess



>anything DC
>anything marvel
You cant genuinely be objective because you always have the marvel shills or th dc gritty tryhards jumping from side to side, surprisingly the las watchmen thread i saw was great.

do you feel in charge?


> Sup Forums
>discussing films

contributing to these dubs.. with no survivors


>Aidan Guillen
Close, it's just "Gillen."

they're the same thing tho??

>he didn't even look behind Batman

>Dubs: The Film
>For You: The Film
>both starring Christian Bale


Mergers and acquisitions of these dubs

Bateman's murders were real and not imaginary
Paul Allen had the best card, Von Patten had the worst
Bateman's lawyer mistook another person for Paul Allen in London

good post user however I may suggest a slight change of pace

We'll discuss this movie right after you check these dubs.

The murders being real reeks of single digit viewing you fucking pleb

kek em

Their early work was a little too Sup Forums for my tastes, but when Bane? came out in '12, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole board has a clear, crisp layout, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the posts a big boost. It's been compared to Reddit, but I think Sup Forums has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

i didn't like it

why do you have a picture of mark mcgrath on your computer

Its ethan hawke, and I saved it to show my friend that ethan hawke looks like kevin bacon and guy fieri walked into a telporter at the same time

I've always found Chitty Chitty Bang Bang threads to be pretty fuckin cantankerous


>mfw this thread





You need to step up your fucking game. You're fired.


I like those numbers


lets see paul allens dubs

does that count as dubs?

I like to dissect movies, did you know I'm utterly insane?