This movie's shit

>This movie's shit
>It's Reddit

if you dont know what it means when an user uses the word reddit then you clearly dont belong here.

Valid complain for movies like Reddits of the Galaxy or Redditsman the Golden Shower

Calling something Reddit is not a valid complaint


Yes it is

Sup Forums in a nutshell
>wow I really liked this movie, I'm gonna see what everyone on Sup Forums says
>"This movie sucks because I don't like it bla bla Reddit bla bla buzzwords"
>wow this movie sucked! I can't believe I even enjoyed it the first time, What was the director even thinking

>if you dont know what it means when an user uses the word reddit

It means "Has any kind of humour in it".

No it isn't. Fuck off with your buzzwords

I have never been to reddit in my entire life. I would have never known it if it wasn't for Sup Forums.

>baby driver, hey that sounds like drive and the main character doesn't look/act like a bland boring capeshit hero

what this guy said
a lot of us have similar personalities, which is what brought us to this website in the first place. we have common language that we understand that you, being an outsider, don't.

>Character says something funny
>Wow fuck this Reddit garbage

>not maintaining your contrarian opinion for all those delicious (you)s

Nolan is the best director working today.

> I liked this movie i thought it was fun

>>using this board for anything other than baneposting

user pls

Wow these kingsman shills are desperate as fuck

>What do you think of Tarantino?
>Reddit trash

That’s Sup Forums and their
>muh u lost! 7 more years

>frogposters are redditors
Knew it

t. Redditor

Reddit movies are shit tho.

If something is Reddit, it's usually has some of these qualities:
>faux intellectualism
>tepid jokes and lame puns
>overuse of 80s/90s pop culture references
>fake nerd culture
>'le ironic' gags
>overuse of the word 'awesome', 'epic' etc.
>men who have that 'numale' look
>cartoons aimed at teenage audiences

Some obviously Reddit things are the Deadpool Movie, Adventure Time and Rick and Morty.

How does everyone know what's reddit if they never go there?

Calling something a buzzword isn't a valid complaint.

Don't ask hard questions, sweetie

calling people cucks and ledditors is hardly a common language

really makes you think...

t. cuck

Why are you faggots always so obvious? You'd think it would be impossible to tell whether an anonymous shitposter also uses a different website, but it's quite the opposite.

Came here to say this.

The worst part is that the people who talk like this incessantly, ironically or not, are incapable of reflecting upon themselves and realizing just how shallow and unfunny they actually are. Wow, heh, you sure did a good job parroting that joke that's been made thousands of times over.

Like, I get it. You want to "fit in" to the "culture"; but trust me: that "culture" is a million times more enjoyable when you go out of your way to be a little original, different, and substantive. Give me something new, don't just recycle the same shit you see everybody else spouting.

You reddit fucks.

How can you tell your neighbour's house is a mess if you don't live there?


Sup Forums is a hipster board. They call everything reddit as kind of a way to seperate themselves from the popular website that the "normies" all go too. Anything on Reddit can't be good because they are a popular opinion. But yet Marvel capeshit still gets posted here non-stop; bunch of idiots who can't even figure out how to be hipsters right.

Capeshit is objectively reddit

Reddit's a piece of shit for losers. Unfortunately a large quantity of 4channers crosspost there creating a very unfortunate diplomatic situation here on Sup Forums.

Let me help you. Reddit entails CLOYING and accessible content adored by impressionable, uncritical and unrefined audiences.

>Unfortunately a large quantity of 4channers crosspost there
I think what you meant to say is
>a large number of redditors are shitting up Sup Forums

''reddit'' movies are shit solely because the reddit fags that post about them here.
get someone who only posts on Sup Forums to say he liked a ''reddit'' movie and people agree because the way he types, you can tell he is ONE OF US. its easy to tell when pleb scum who don't belong here post their shit opinions.

fuck off

reddit humor is the worst thing about reddit. you should really go back there

Christ you need to stop

Drive qualifies as reddit by that though, as if this board didn't absolutely fucking deepthroat Drive for a full year

help I haven't slept in 3 days

this 100%, calling something reddit is just shorthand for this characteristic in movies and other media.

drive is literally zero of those things you dumb fag

how can leone make the best westerns if he's italian? you have to be foreign to something to capture its essence

None of these are actual criticisms though. You're not actually fucking criticizing anything

that's you and Sup Forums

how can you know shit tastes bad if you've never eaten any?

I am tho
this post sums it up better

Yeah Drive doesn't play up the 80s aesthetic at all my b.

I'm not even saying I dislike Drive because I don't, but i've literally seen it called reddit for these reasons and that's just like the best summary of this board you'll ever get. New people joining in and trying to fit in without even knowing what they're saying means.

Is THIS reddit?

No, Baby Driver is reddit. Drive is Sup Forums.

notice how reddit fags take the bait everytime.

>my b.
jesus christ

Why does Sup Forums still pretend they don't also browse Reddit? It's so fucking obvious you do


>anime girl in bikini
>meme past its expiration date

No that's clearly autism

it's a meme to use memes past their expiration date you dip

>I was only pretending to be stoopid

AH, alright. Well what are your thoughts on this? Is it reddit, maybe?

>it was just bait, I'm not really a foaming retard
the projection is cringeworthy

>how can leone make the best westerns if he's italian?
>leone make the best westerns
>best westerns
classic example of a disgusting rebbit browsing subhuman
taking the most accesible, dumbed down version of any media and hailing as the greatest artwork ever because it has some simple-minded formalist trickery, which makes the brbbitor feel "smart" for noticing it

Its because Sup Forums is a hivemind just like reddit is
Id say that reddit is worse but really they're both fucking awful

Sup Forums is literally the only good site on the internet and Sup Forums is literally the only good board on Sup Forums

This amount of fugees here..
Search it in twitter

why don't you do it for us and post hte link?

When everything is called Reddit, the term becomes meaningless. I've never even been there.

What did you find bad about the movie? What parts were really bad? I enjoy hating things, give me something to latch onto. Do they spout popular memes? Is the humor too random and cringeworthy?

>It's just reddit shit

Wow fucking informative, I hope you get cancer

>When everything is called Reddit, the term becomes meaningless
not when literally everything is reddit

I love Reddit and post on Reddit regularly.

Look at this retard, he thinks he's smart. He thinks we can't tell he's from reddit just because he says he isn't. He probably thinks his 120IQ is hot shit too.

When will reddit niggers fucking leave? Every board I go to now has gotten noticeably more infested with these faggots

Learn to read, fucktard. You're embarrassing yourself.

Right back at ya, faggot. To the fucking letter.

nice spacing.

your usage of Sup Forums probably doesn"t even expand past the current decade. don"t act like this is your home.

The point of the post is that I want more information about the film than a single term. Stupid bitch. You're allowed to call something Reddit but when your post is a single word, it's dogshit. Stop being a fucking fool.

Nice meme, are you fitting in yet?

Yes it is if you actually understood what calling something reddit is describing but you don't because you're a fucking newfag and probably from reddit.

Holy shit, look at all these fat virgins getting BTFO. The ">reddit" meme has lowered the quality of posts on this board irreparably and none of you losers can actually defend it.

There's literally nothing wrong with browsing both Reddit and Sup Forums.

>Searching for posts that contain ‘reddit’
>451876 results found

Imagine being this autistic.

>a lot of us migrated from there in 2015 and we're desperately trying to cover our tracks
You make me sick