So how triggered is Sup Forums over this?

So how triggered is Sup Forums over this?

Not so much they are doing it good

It flopped so it's below notice.

Sup Forums wrote this show.

Watch one episode before trying to troll dummy.

It's a better comedy than South Park.

Best characters.

They're still making this? How have the last two series been? I've watched 2-4.

makes liberals look like the insufferable people they are.

The ones getting triggered in the show are the opposite of Sup Forums

It's fucking hilarious, 10/10 ovens

The cult IS Sup Forums and quite hilarious.

This is a good series. It mocks politics and people who talk about politics in a better fashion than anything else I've seen on television (except World Peace but where the fuck is that?)

nice try shills, they were going ape shit over it, raided Sup Forums even

>The cult IS Sup Forums and quite hilarious.
Why are they clowns?

oh no!

no one here types like that you dumb shill
did you just get hired?

Not very. I saw like one thread, and people were making fun of it.
Sup Forums's pretty busy thinking that the world's going end today.

how exactly do you know it's Sup Forums? you don't. neogaf and reddit raiding discords like to false flag. Sup Forums doesn't care about some show with garbage ratings. sad!

except it's supposed to be horror show

can fucking pol just fuck off jesus

>Sup Forums's pretty busy thinking that the world's going end today.
no, just retarded christcucks and their annoying dogma

How are you 10% of a nationality?

Because they're a symbol of anarchy and the Trump supporters who just want to see the world burn and chaos is a ladder and all that.

Also, Sarah Paulson's character is scared of clowns and I think they're trying to indoctrinate her into the cult.

At the moment the series seems REALLY obvious and predictable that everyone is apart of the cult specifically terrorising Sarah Paulson. I believe the series will turn on its head by Paulson becoming a cult member and turning into the big bad that needs to be defeated.

Please elaborate.

t: Sup Forums