Under crushing ratings. NFL doubles down on stupid

So this was just posted
It keeps getting deleted on Sup Forums So i will post in here

>be NFL
>be money machine
>apes start getting political
>do nothing
>ESPN starts getting radically left wing
>do nothing
>season starts
>ratings are down 40%
>release this statement after trump says the NFL blows and you should walk out of the stadium

Are we about to witness the death of normieball?

Other urls found in this thread:


it's called handegg, Sup Forums scum

If they keep doing shit like this, it will damage the brand but it won't kill it.

People will always find their way back to football

concussion fears are more likely to kill the nfl

>tfw enjoy football
>tfw also ironically want it to end for the lols
Prepare for entertainment, boys.

Oh no, I guess they'll have to pay their ghetto gorillas less than hundreds of millions of dollars now they don't draw a crowd.

not if it becomes a political fight.

If the NFL doesnt do anything republicans (IE working white people who pay for season tickets) wont show up.

NFL will collapse , every televised game will show empty seats

But hey black lives matter

Playing something =/= this televised BS. All sports are fun but commercialism can quickly suck all the enjoyment out.

football is more fun to watch than play. Only sport like it.

Depends on what version IMO. Rugby is not bad with bros.

NFL's hands are largely tied and have done their best to keep the problem as pushed down as possible, if Trump hadn't said anything, it would have petered out on it's own most likely. He is using the NFL to keep people focused on other things, things like Russian investigation.

>you will never watch this for the first time again

American football is fun with bros on a grass field as long as there's not one autist trying to murder people.

>NFLs hands are tied

Lol in what way? there are potentially 30 million blacks in the country who would be offended by a potential crackdown on kneeling where there would be hundrerds of millions who support it. Blacks dont pay for season tickets.

The NFL only gains to lose HARD by continuing to entertain niggershit.

Trump is a genius for doing this because it will probly end up fixing ESPN/NFL. All his supporters will boycott that shit.

And if tomorrow the blacks react like morons and kneel at every game? dude its over. There will be massive financial catastrophe at the NFL.

This is the perfect time to relaunch the XFL

How can I into following football? Need to avoid revealing my power level in front of some normie friends

Reminder that most NFL players and most professional athletes in general think Trump and your entire alt-right movement is fucking retarded. But by all means, don't watch. Don't watch any movies either. Just sit in your rooms behind your keyboards being mad about everything on the internet, it's what you're good at.


How is it possible for one man to create so much drama

They really can't understand that people like Trump, no matter how hard they try to spin a narrative that he's evil.
The more they do this, the more entertainment will continue to lose ratings and revenue.

>burger version rugby
>unironically called football
They deserve to go bankrupt.

most professional athletes are street garbage who beat their wives and fight pitbulls on the weekend

This NFL collapse is going to grow alt right sentiment among white men who used it as an escape.

Drumpftards were a mistake

lmao who cares

What are handegg's demographics? I imagine nigs mostly watch basketball.

Upset whitey at your own peril, you cunts.

>Trump was already pitted against Hollywood, Dems/Repubs, Late Night Hosts
>Now its NFL and NBA

Truly a madman

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution

Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an

Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

Because you do not remember the scab games when players boycotted and NFL was forced to play shitty games.

High caliber talent is what makes the NFL what it is. Regular joes are boring to watch and the machine grinded up all shit players along the way to get you to this point, so if players (blacks) and whites that support them stop playing, you're going to have scab game problems all over again.

It will publicly damage the brand. They have no incentive to do that. Dragging them into a political fight is just a way to get people focused on something other than Trump.

Espn will never be fixed because it is owned by Disney which is pushing liberal causes in the first place. Trump's followers might watch the games but I doubt they're the ones shelling out for tickets considering how economically weak rust belt is.

Do conservatives make up majority of NFL fans? Of course, most of those people didn't show up for his inaugral either.

Same reason movie boycotts don't work, or religious/family boycotts of industry don't work. Public sentiment is fickle and hard to control.

So no, trump isn't a genius. He's just using a tried and true tactic to get people's attention focused elsewhere.

Meanwhile it's damaging my favorite game when everyone wants problem to go away.

I don't like Trump at all but I am so fucking unimpressed with blacks

>muh slavery
>muh Jim Crow
>muh Trayvon

Shut up. No one cares. Shut the fuck up. Fuckin' bomb goes off in London or Paris and they come crawling out of the woodwork saying "yeah but pay attention to black people instead"

Does anyone really give a shit or does everybody just have to pretend to give a shit for some inexplicable reason?

>finally the hero arrives to NFL
>when it's about to blow up

it's not fair

Am I the only one who doesn't understand the statement.
>We're at our best when we create a sense of unity.
>There's no better example than the players' response to natural disasters.
>Divisive comments like this demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect

What? Its sounds like he's flip-flopping mid statement, by saying that the amazing responses by the players demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect
What am I missing?

I guess this copypasta is supposed to offend me?
My family is from England, Germany and Sweden, but okay tough guy. Keep on truckin'!

football is watched by the people who won trump the election. And trump just basically told them to turn that shit off because its trash

Reminder that until recently, the NFL was considered a non profit and was tax exempt. Also, states and local governments have to subsidized the teams. Thats right, you have to pay taxes to build gigantic and useless areas just so some retards can have fun and watch buff black dude crash into each other.

so glad the SJW route they are taking is causing their downfall

>My family is from England, Germany and Sweden

So you're a mixture of paki, turk, and somalian. Truly, you are a nordic god lmao

>everything Trump does is a 4D chess master plan

a small poll of NFL players showed that 100% of white ones voted for Trump

I mean, one hundred fucking percent

>NFL collapse
any second now

Is he talking about about the black guy who hates America or the people complaining about America?

The football organizations in my country are always getting involved in politics in my country and then whine when people stay away. It's really fucking stupid from a business standpoint.

middle aged blue collar men are the bread and butter of the NFL's viewership. now factor in BLM shit, ESPN left wing politics and you get why the NFL is dying a slow death...

>Linda McMahon is now Trump's small business administrator
>Vince McMahon's wife
>Vince McMahon the guy that tried to create XFL and lost billions trying to relaunch football

Is this them blowing up the NFL as revenge for what happened to XFL? I could see the McMahons playing a long revenge game and Trump being sympathetic to them

Pure kino


I’m honestly out of fantasy football and down to just one Seahawks game per week and Super Bowl and I’m good with that. The sport is ruined.

Reminder that Trump was absolulety right about them not being happy until they take down washington monument

Its a rsponse to trump's statement

You could just shorten that to “Most people think Trump and the alt-Right are fucking retarded”

>21 white players
So, every white player in the league then?

>Are we about to witness the death of normieball?

One can only hope. It should stick around for people who enjoy it, but it needs to be knocked down a few pegs. Let's be realistic--it's grown men I don't know throwing a ball around. Hardly something worthy of interrupting other television, or being part of the news.

And people getting worked up about these games.... genuinely getting upset about things that happen. But that's the thing... nothing happens, nor every will, since the beginning of the sport. It's such an old, predictable, uninteresting event. I wish I could step into the mindset of someone who is obsessed with sportsball--the shirts, tattoos, decorations on their car/house. It's so bizarre to me... some idiot 50 years so came up with a team name and logo and put some players under it, and here you are like a zombie dedicating yourself to that group of ball-throwers.

>divisive comments
>lack of respect




Here in Nashville we say fuck the NFL and are going all in on hockey while we kick up our gentrification efforts in secret.

>trump isnt a genius
agree i actually think he is a retard

>this wont destroy the NFL
If all the blacks freak out tomorrow and you have entire teams taking the knee , the NFL will be dead in 2 years. Right now #takeaknee is trending on twitter telling players they better get on their knees to worship saint trayvon.

So yes this has the political potential to absolutely destroy the NFL beyond repair unless the NFL yeilds and starts booting these uppity nigs from the league for being anti american

The second the first nog is ejected you will hear DEAFENING silence from every black player with a contract. They are not giving up their money

reminder: the NFL refuses to help former players who acquired serious brain damage working for them.

Sup Forums used to be the best board 2009-2011 now it is complete and utter trash, worse than Sup Forums

it doesn't have to collapse, and it never will. Yet the NFL sees any loss in potential profits as a major problem, just like any other major company would. At the end of the day they will succumb to their greed

As an NFL die hard I hope it does. I've never seen a group of people screw up a money printing machine so bad. Goodell and the owners owner sare a huge problem and ridiculously out of touch on what fans want.

not an argument
>>everything Trump does is a 4D chess master plan
there's nothing 4D about it, dummy

Ratings are in the garbage and the people who have stopped watching will gladly tell you why

>tfw I support the take a knee thing on social media just to kill it faster

fuck the nfl. Its hilarious how they think they are going to expand into Britain soon too.

>NFL keeps trying to launch American Football in the UK

I always see an event every year or so and it always fizzles out, we're not fucking interested, take a hint

Probably. Ever notice how the #1 cause of racism is having to spend time around black people?

The NFL is only the organization that coordinates the individual franchises. They're a non-profit because they distribute all revenue to the franchises.

I hate the patriots but loathe the Seahawks more I was cummingbuckets when they showed this.

Why are you implying social justice can't create wealth?

The NFL is at it's best when you have even teams, good players, good umpires and good coverage.

What the fuck any of that has to do with fucking natural disastsrs and cultural unity I don't know.

Just throw the fucking ball and run into each other and shut the fuck up.

I don't go to fucking McDonald's and expect a political or religious rant with every burger. Just give me the fucking food.

If I want political discussion, the fucking NFL is the last place I'm going to be looking.

So? Are you SERIOUSLY trying to shame people by citing the "opinions" of ATHLETES? Holy shit you're a moron.

When will Burgers embrace the Football that is played by the rest of the World?

Most NFL players and professional athletes are general ACTUALLY fucking retarded in the real sense of the term. This comes from someone who watches a shit-ton of sports. This goes for the whites too. They are coddled on their life, not educated at all and fail at real social skills and cultural understanding. They've lived in a bubble all their life. Also they are not known for their intelligence but their brawn and spacial abilities.

I get why people don't like trump but goddamn are his tweets hilarious.

Remember when OJ did absolutely nothing to help a single black man once he made his money?

Reminds me of every single other NFL and NBA player since.


>Vince trying to get revenge for someone being successful without him


It doesn't matter. Lebron campaigned for Hillary Clinton and who won Ohio?

>I don't go to fucking McDonald's and expect a political or religious rant with every burger
Maybe you should start

>This goes for the whites too
Retired white athletes rarely fuck up this badly

Why don't they have a no politics clause in contracts?

I'd get sacked if I pulled political shit at work.

Hell, I'd get sacked if it was public but on my own time.

Then again, any retard could do my job, so it's not much of a loss.

>go to collegiate-level football and film them
>throw in tits and hot cheerleaders, militarism, national anthem, all that shit
>no appeals for cancer or domestic violence and no BLM shit whatsoever, fire anyone that tries it
>put it on netflix


>Russian collusion investigation still a thing even though there is no proof of election meddling and there are sanctions against Russia still active

Problem is, most of the players support the players who are kneeling. They just don't want to do it themselves. But if you start firing players for it, other players will join them and it will be a problem. Can't fire everyone.

The real solution is to stop bringing the players on to the field before the anthem, just just kill this dumb tradition anyway that was intended for wartime and got to be a thing. Those self-promoting singers hamming it up is painful anyway.

McDonald's deleted that tweet and claimed a hacker used their account to post it

True it is mostly smoke but it will be a great way to damage him before re-election which is the real reason they've kept it up all this time.

Oh yeah white people are all so good with money right

>most NFL players and most professional athletes in general think Trump and your entire alt-right movement is fucking retarded.

You mean all those niggers who didn't go to class and have sub 90 IQs?