Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #875

"My boyfriend asked me if robots could feel pain, so I kicked him in the dick" edition

When did Jeph Jacques score a crossover with Steven Universe? I didn't know Lapis Lazuli knew Faye.

So Faye is going back to the coffee shop now, right?

Faye, you work in a fucking robot cock fighting ring, the fuck were you expecting? Your boss is making sure the squirrely blue bitch doesn't think about losing her shit and end up sending all four of you to prison

she should probably ice that hand
punching a robot has to hurt

jfc JJ, this is like a rehash of Dumbing of Age's shit strip last week of just out of the blue one hitting somebody who just finished a ridiculous lengthy exposition

Pink robot boss did nothing wrong. This was necessary so the robot fights will stop be investigated in their area, now that the robot cop witnessed a robot getting affordable help instead of being in some illegal underground robot fight.

Threatening Fayes friend after Faye vouched for her was a dick move.

She's been a dick to humans before, but this is the first time she's openly been shit to her fellow robot-kind. I'm guessing this is where Bubbles walks out too.

I assume it's less about her actions and more about her attitude. Pink bossbot was being pretty awful to May sort of out of nowhere. Bossbot even admitted May's presence was useful, no reason for her to be so aggressive.

Gangsta shit

>Implying May isn't a total bitch and deserves it
>Implying that Faye can take the moral high ground working for an illegal robot fighting ring
>Implying that Faye shouldn't be grateful for using boss-bot's equipment after stealing material for May's repairs the first time
>Implying that boss bot is in the wrong after protecting May from the cop in the first place

Fuck off Jeff, go stab your hand again

I know I missed some strips, but I'd put money down that this is just senseless bullshit drama.

>get meeting with crime lord
>confront him about almost sending buddy to jail
>punch him
Yeah in any reasonable author's hands, Faye would be dead. But this is QC, and serious topics are handled with the finesse of a 10-year-old.

>I'm guessing this is where Bubbles walks out too.

Exactly. And then pink robot has it in for all three of them, and eventually gets arrested by raccoon cop in a feel good cathartic ending.

Pink boss has been a potential arch enemy story ark for a long time but there wasn't anyway to bring it to fruition. Fay making a dumb move protecting her friends was the only way to make it all happen.




real fuckin tough guy shit hitting a target who can't hit back


Boss bot was going above and beyond in being a bitch but the sucker punch is unwarranted.

>after stealing material for May's repairs the first time
That whole incident was Bubble's fault. She was the one in charge of training Faye, she was the one that decided to justify the freebie as part of the training, and then she never bothered explaining that to the boss for no apparent reason.

Honestly, she's lucky to be alive. Remember how Momo's body has an electrocution feature? It wouldn't be surprising if a crime lord in a spindly, seemingly weak body had a military or overclocked version that could fry people.

Would this comic be better if it was all about the robo-girls?

What the fuck is with Jeph treating the robot wrestling shit like its some deep underground criminal ring all of a sudden?

It's been confirmed in-comic its only illegal because of tax shit or something similarly run of the mill.

why doesn't garnet simply murder the pinkbot

Nah underground underground robot mechanic.

Bad writing, exaggerating her criminal status to scare May into complying, or the fighting ring actually is part of something deeper. Probably the first one.

this arc has lasted for like a year of buildup.

I don't understand why Faye went into this illegal and probably middling-pay job when earlier in the series, she made a few metal sculpture/espresso machines on the side of her coffee shop job that sold for multiple thousands of dollars each.

If she were a full-time artist, Faye could out-earn most doctors just by producing individual pieces on commission. Doing that while also licensing out some of her designs would make her millions, easily.

jeph's not a consistent writer.


At the back of the autism line with Clinton and Hanners

>put money on senseless bullshit drama

That's always a safe bet with QC, and that's all this is. Jeph wanted to make the robot fighting ring seem like a dangerous place even though he went out of his way to explain that there's absolutely no possibility of the robots' "lives" being affected. He made the featureless pink robot mean and shoehorned in this robot cop character to create drama even though they've all expressly stated there's basically nothing actually wrong here.

Faye will be portrayed as being in the right for losing her second job in the space of a year. Dora will probably hire her back and red robot will find a job with the even more explicitly Tumblr cafe where Brun works. Everyone will circle jerk about how they've learned about their mistakes and have become better people.

Jeph's the sort of guy who would introduce a character with downs syndrome into his comic and still make them conventionally attractive

>Straight up punching metal at full force with your bare fist.
I hope she enjoys being left handed for the next six months.

literally impossible.

That's the joke

yeah, but it's possible to be a trans woman who looks attractive. rare, but possible

it's possible to be fat and still hot.

it's possible for underground fighting rings to be run by hardcore criminals.

it's impossible for someone with downs syndrome to be traditionally attractive.

I suppose it's hypothetically possible for every special snowflake tumblrite person in existence to be conventionally attractive.

downs syndrome isn't a special snowflake tumblr thing. it's an actual neurological disorder that is easily diagnosed from birth(or even before) and is very clearly marked by deformed faces.

actually, in hindsight, intersexuality is a real, diagnosable thing, but it's become a tumblr special snowflake thing.

I do understand what down's syndrome is. The joke was about how unrealistically perfect Jeph's characters are. They're all mary sues with tragic pasts or unique, quirky but fun mental illnesses.

It's impossible to reconcile that with down's syndrome in reality but what about through the magic of fiction?

Threatening someone with something that makes prison time look like a joke isn't exactly reasonable.

Robots getting clocked in the face doesn't even hurt them.

I don't think JJ understands how to make lots of money as an artist.

If he did, he'd be doing more than mooching off of patreon and stabbing himself in the hand whenever he upsets his audience.

What's all this about artist dude stabbing himself?

Years ago he introduced a character named Marigold who was convinced she was fat and hideous. Every other character said she was actually pretty attractive (anything unattractive about her was more due to bad habits and poor hygeine), but tumblr hamplanets decided she was meant to be a huge fatass and started identifying heavily with her.

Eventually she gets changed into a swimsuit, is incredible self-conscious, but surprise surprise turns out to have a pretty normal, attractive (if less twiglike than most characters in QC) body shape, and all the stuff about her being an ugly fatass was body-image stuff that was all in her head, just as other characters had repeatedly stated.

Tumblr flipped out and send him a deluge of angry emails and hate reblogs and whatever about "fat erasure" and how Jeph is a bigoted hack for not drawing her as the TRUE HUGE BEAUTIFUL WOMAN SHE WAS CLEARLY SUPPOSED TO BE, and JJ, being legitimately mentally unstable, responded to this wave of criticism by drinking an entire bottle of vodka in one go and stabbing himself through the hand to the point where he had to be hospitalized.

>Congrats on finally have a fat girl in your comic, you depicted her SOOO well! I understand that not ever girl is rail thin like Dora and curvy like Faye so its nice to see a REAL woman like Marigold in your comic. I have to give you props for having the courage to tackle such a sensitive issue too. I mean she did have any rolls, or stretch marks or even a muffin top, and I think that’s great. Ya, put her in a bikini, break down those walls. Your a regular Gobachev my friend. Lets just say keep up the good work, next you can depict the “fatty” Marigold having a “fat issue” and being told its okay to be fat and its whats inside that matters. You can even end it with a butt joke like you always do.
>Inconclusion, the above paragraph was sarcastically written. Try not to insult women anymore Jeph, I know its not what you intended but that doesn’t meant its not what you did.

>Oh no! These criminals aren't the upstanding people I thought they were!
Why is everyone fucking retarded?

In the neo-platonic model of comics, all creations are simply emanating of their creator, like water overflowing from one tier of a fountain into the next.

So ultimately, they're retarded because Jeff is.



Isn't faye supposed to be an unstable bitchasaurus? So this technically fits.

no that's Dora. but after 13 years, they've all kind of blended together because Jeff is a hack

After that threat? Disassembling the bitch and throwing her brain in the latrine is the proportionate response.

Sure it is when you're complicit in an illegal underground fight ring that could end up getting dozens of people arrested if someone talks.

so after getting fired here Faye returns to Coffee of Doom and is rehired after a making up with Dora and .....


would he ever have the balls to finish it?

>tfw we never get the ending we deserve

that was unexpected...

Absolutely not.

QC and the associated merch sales account for pretty much all of Jeph's income. He has no other options. He's an okay musician, and a thoroughly mediocre artist, but that's about the extent of his skills. He cannot transition into another career, and the only reason he's doing so well in this one is because he's been doing it consistently for 13 years, and thus has accrued a gigantic and addicted reader base via the soap opera effect.

He makes just over $100,000 a year via Patreon, and I'm willing to bet that merch sales contribute another few thousand. If he's financially responsible (which I somehow doubt), he could comfortably retire in ~20 years or move into real estate on the side before that.

fucking based
before patron, he bragged about making 6 figures from advertising and merchandise, so he probably pulls 200k a year. of course, half of that likely goes to his hambeast of an ex wife, and half of what's left goes to the cucknadian government. still, that's crazy money for a shitty webcomic that takes a few hours a week of effort. he has no skills and no talent, so as long as the gravy train keeps flowing he's gonna keep gorging himself at the tracks..

the real ending we deserve

But who would be the father?

Jeph brags nearly daily on Twitter about buying absurdly expensive gadgets like novelty guitars, audio mixers, and drawing tablets he doesn't need and doesn't use the full feature set of. He also seems to leave his house only to walk his dog (and then writes about how every single pedestrian makes him socially anxious), so he seems to be the kind of guy to drop $50/day on getting stuff delivered to him. Also, he moved to Canada to chase e-pussy so assuming that's still going on he's paying a tithe to that.

>he bragged about making 6 figures from advertising and merchandise
Which logically checks out because QC was supporting both Jeph and his wife in high rent Massachusetts before Patreon.

Steve, the only male in the QC universe. The situation is so bad that Marten's gay dad is probably second or third on the list.


>These people are still doing this

How bad must Jeph be in IRL when someone with money and status can't keep a 1/10 wife around, even if only to mooch off $200k/yr.

Why would she stick around? He married her, so she's set.

Plus, he's a crazy asshole, one who's proven to be physically violent, who does nothing but shitpost on twitter about how shitty everyone else but him is.

I mean, how many Stabbenings do you think she had to coddle him out of? Also, if he's crazy enough to stab himself, what's to think he won't ever try to hurt you?

Leaving was the second smartest thing that woman ever did. The first was getting him emasculated so he can't contribute to the gene pool

go on, i havent heard of any of this

Get out of my thread, legitimate QC fan

fuck you mom

Because QC was still climbing in value when she divorced him. She'd get even more money by holding out. That's the point. Jeph is so bad that she left money on the table. Patreon didn't even exist before the divorce. Instead of 50% she's probably getting something like 20% at this point.

I'm not criticizing her decision. Obviously she should have left, that's the point. But it takes a lot to get even a disenfranchised woman to leave a man who is rapidly climbing in status and wealth. That's how bad Jeph is.

Unless I'm mistaken she's still, or until very recently was, the manager of QC's business side, something which Jeph is most likely incompetent at, so I'm certain she's fine

But there is no doubt that Jeph is insufferable.

Is he still with his Canadian internet gf, or did she bail?

I think you're right about her still running the books and merchandising, but unless she's taken Jeph back to court or Jeph was feeling generous, she doesn't get to touch his Patreon.

Beats me re: the girlfriend. It's been a while since he's mentioned her after talking about her daily, so I'd wager she left. Jeph claims to be clean but once a month or so he brags about scoring full bottles of Vicodin for his "back and ear injuries". It wouldn't surprise me if she bailed after seeing "the weekend of vegetable Jeph" a few times. Plus the guy is basically a boring hermit as it is.

Is Vegetable Jeph something he calls himself?

Because I like it

No, you can feel free to like it free of Jeph's "creative" influence. His Twitter posts are along the lines of of "I just took four Vicodin and now I'm all like hurf durf poop fart cu next week!"

The man is seriously a child.

I'd like to see an AU where he never fell assbackwards into people willing to give him money for premade detritus. What kind of life would he have lived?

Honestly wouldn't surprise me if he couldn't cut it and offed himself by now. Up until that point his living probably would have remained low level office work with performance evaluations that said things like, "Nice guy but lacks motivation, initiative, and follow-through. A bit emotionally unstable. Too many sick days. Occasionally seems drunk, high, or hungover."

...wait, I just realized. May paid entirely in $2.

Does that mean that Pintsize won the bidding war and May sat on Martin's face?

That fucker never showed the good stuff!

oh he'd definitely be dead by now without QC. even with it he's barely able to refrain from killing himself

Standing up for yourself?

Is that what you call blocking anyone who anything remotely true about your lack of ethic/skill/integrity and then whining to all your dipshit webcomicker friends?



500 scheckles says Jeph makes these threads to boost clickys

I don't think jeph still lives in canada, does he?

and as a canadian, canadian taxes aren't that bad on anything except booze, which is ludicrous.

I didn't troll. Jacques is mean :(
>I still like his cute dog.

if he doesn't its because he found out they won't pay for him to transition like he planned

Well, yeah. You have to live in Canada for six years, and be approved for citizenship, before you get free healthcare.

That's why he went back to the US for his ear surgery

I wanted a robot to get fisted, but not like this.

maybe kinda like this, pink bitch had it a long time commin'

I can log out of twitter and still see his dog, but it bothers me.

>People are invested in this

Have we strayed so far from the light of Artistry?

Or you could get a fucking dog, you nonce

His big earring got infected?


gee i don't know why

Someday I will. I promise!

What the fuck is happening here. I stopped reading this how many years because he kept forcing SJW bullshit and now it's all about future wars? What are you, Paranoia?

This comic used to be, "LOL coffee & stuff" now it's this garbage.

No, he has some sort of degenerative ear condition that he knew about but refused to seek treatment for until he had near total hearing loss in one ear.


>We keep pace with this retarded tripe, because of a few moderately wrought fan-pieces of the terribly drawn, terribly written characters

Try again

okay. He is just stupid then. I don't feel bad now.
I see him petting that pretty dog with such an ugly hand :(

I read it because I read it in eighth grade and assumed the jokes I didn't really get or found unfunny were somehow just too grown up for me. By the time I pieced together that it was shit I was already too deep into it to stop. Now im here, twenty years old complaining about shitty comics on a Taiwanese woodcraft board.
