He really means it, doesn't he?

He really means it, doesn't he?


Of course he does.

and she's SO funny!

surely there's a hard cap on mankind's potential intelligence that must have been reached by now in the marvel universe


Get over it Butters.
>muh vagina

>And she's the smartest, prettiest, funniest, bestest character ever


people are just getting even smarter because they're building off of what Reed and Stark and Pym and guys like that have created

now everyone who is smart is even smarter than that, so smart it's retarded

>so smart it's retarded


...This could actually be a legitimate theory considering Reed remade the universe in his image.

>believing his lies

b4 anons want to make this a race thing, she's smarter than T'challa according to this post.

Yup. Can't wait for the legbeards to get triggered when someone calls her out for being Bendis' own Mary Sue

Flawed and filled with cuckoldry?

No--that... No. That doesn't make sense at all. Level of technological access does not make one smarter.

Like they did with Miles?

Well, he is a Man

Good point, we'll stick to just making it a gender thing then.

Purposefully fucked just to screw with Doom.

Are you telling me you can't build a Cotton Gin from scratch?

But it was invented 300 years ago

Tb.h miles is not really that bad. I really liked his Spidey. But that might just be nostalgia

And yet if you don't like this charterer you're a racist misogynist shit lord apparently

>But that might just be nostalgia

How? He's only five years old. But nah, his series is absolute trash, the only thing worse than it is the character himself.

>Are you telling me you can't build a Cotton Gin from scratch?
>But it was invented 300 years ago
This makes no sense. Are you alright user?

If course you are. These characters are not supposed to be role models for young black girls. They're just meant to trigger comic readers so that marvel gets some sweet, sweet headlines

To be that clever at that age she oughta be severely autistic at least to balance the character out. Where's my autism representation in comic books?

When are we gonna get a riri twerking scene? I mean, come on! That's the one thing girls her age actually do!

>Implying Pym wasn't autistic

Pretty sure the book implied at least mild aspergers. She was a shut-in NEET until she got a friend. Then the friend died in a drive by shooting and then something something superhero.

I want to spit-shine Bendis's head

>Where's my autism representation in comic books?
In Fantastic Four: Season One, Reed says he had a minor case of autism which he cured.

Omg how dare you appropriate autism culture you're so ableist!!one!

That's not autism, that's pretty appropriate for its time.

>case of autism which he cured

>at this rate we could possibly have a character so stupidly smart they start and end entire comic runs in the span of two pages because they're 200 steps ahead at all times
>and it just so happens they're a non-specific ethnicity with a whatever sexuality Mary Sue
>surely this character cannot fail!

Sup Forums is dead. Literarilly everything is Sup Forums now.

Fuck you faggots, looking forward to Trump cutting away the Internet for amerilards

If she's so smart why isn't her comic selling

Can't wait for the inevitable hyper-intelligent trans character. Who is intelligent BECAUSE of being trans

>doesn't include Pym
>Pym is still smarter than her
>Pym is smarter than Cho, Stark, and T'Challa combined
Good stuff

Considering how badly they went after Campbell of all people for doing the same basic cover he's done for the past 30 years, trying to get the swat team to raid his house, I don't think it's going to happen.

>gets the shit kicked out of them by a really dumb character because intelligence isn't some magic catch all problem solver, and knowledge can't inherently solve all problems
>in fact, their intellect only informs them how hopeless their situation is

I knocked out both guards, because I'm not that smart y'know?

I didn't know Pymfags were still around on Sup Forums

being alpha isn't the same as being autistic

I suggest imzy. Its relatively new and is kinda like reddit without any of the bigots and racists. It's fun really!

Why do I get the feeling that Bendis (And Slott, really.) is like the slow kid in the neighborhood who Marvel makes the other kids play with out of pity, yet nobody can fucking stand him?

Like, every time I imagine Bendis or Dannyboy making a stupid OC or concept, I think of everyone else at Marvel who has common sense just rolling their eyes and are just thankful they don't have to work with him directly, save for events.

Keeping your pymp hand strong is not autistic.

>surely there's a hard cap on mankind's potential intelligence that must have been reached by now in the marvel universe
Captain America is peak of natural human intelligence.

For some scale here, Stark and Richards are super intelligent and Pym and Cho aren't.

Also bear in mind knowledge isn't intelligence. I'm basically just talking processing power.

>this thread

A genderfluid character: Each half of the brain is in control of a gender, and each are individually top 2 genius-level; combined, in Their state of gender neutrality, They (Them) have the intellect of two geniuses at once. Their gimmick is They become more intelligent when bigendered - They could go by "Themhulk". Also They're wheelchair bound on one half of their gender.

Man, Joss Whedon really changed after feminists hated AoU.

The moral of this story is Bendis is a lying sack of shit and Cap is a lazy fucking bastard.

>Cap is a lazy fucking bastard
Well, he represents American ideals after all.

I kek'd


If she's so smart why is she a Re-Re?

If she's so smart why will she be forgotten in a couple years?


I'm sure Bendis will do everything he can to make sure she's around as long as Miles.

What is the point of making a character that is essentially a retread of Moon-Girl?

The best part is that it implies that Reed has the cure for autism but kept it for himself.

I want off Bendis's wild OC ride

She's only had one issue and we haven't seen the sales for it yet though.

Because this time Bendis is writing it. No one is allowed to make a "smart black girl" character but Bendis.

Out of curiosity, how many genius black girls do we have in Marvel now? Wasn't Rhodey's niece one as well?

Rhodey's neice won't be allowed to be used as long as Riri is in the foreground, by mandate of (((Bendis)))

Being a genius in the Marvel universe is meaningless at this point

But Moon Girl is ongoing.

If the printing press was never invented it'd be a lot harder to be smart.

Reed Richards is the smartest person in the marvel universe


Tony Stark is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe


Doctor Doom is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe


Ant-man is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe


Hulk is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe


Spiderman is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe


Beast is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe


a black girl is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe

>Whoa! This is not OK! This is very problematic!

My, what an interesting pattern.

>Tony Stark

Never even been in the running. Hulk's even stretching it.

And a big part of Doom's shtik is being butthurt over Reed being better than him.

I thought it was universally agreed Reed was the smartest and everyone else was beneath him.

always was, that user's baiting

That user is racist?

>Never even been in the running
What? Parker isn't but Stark and McCoy absolutely are.

what did he mean by this XD

>a black girl is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe
>Whoa! This is not OK! This is very problematic!

She just appeared out of nowhere and had no buildup or background to her intelligence.

Nobody had a problem with BP and Cho being among the smartest

>She just appeared out of nowhere

As opposed to?

Actually being written into the universe first instead of being paraded out as "THE SMARTEST CHARACTER IN THE MARVEL UNIVERSE" and nothing else months in advance.

What pisses me off is that these "smart" characters are being written by writers who are fucking stupid.

What? Moon Girl had an entire year of issues before they confirmed her as the smartest there is

Blue Marvel's depiction in Civil War II pissed me off. I guess Ewing could damage control it but it was something that shouldn't have been approved in the first place along with a lot of other stuff in Civil War II.

Reed Richards is the smartest person in the marvel universe.


End of discussion.

Unless this chick's intelligence is a superpower, her being smarter than even Stark should be impossible.

Impossible things happening are problematic cause either the writer fucked up or Tony's been retconned out of a few dozen IQ points.

This is the brain equivalent of jobbing.

>Captain America is peak of natural human intelligence.
No he isn't.


Level of intelligence is separate from access to technology. Intelligence =/= amount of information you know. Socrates doesn't become smarter because he has access to a computer. Einstein doesn't become dumber if he existed before the printing press. Would their impact be different? Yes, but that's not the argument here.

How would you go about having her "written into the universe"? Would you like to see her adventures as a toddler?

Pym actually had a problem with Cho being among the smartest.

Specifically with where he ranked himself.

Amadeus cho who was introduced as "the 8th smartest person in the world"

At least there was some humility to his character. I would have been fine if they said she can potentially be the smartest person. But nope, riri and moongirl are the smartest characters in the MU because of reasons.

Have her actually prove herself instead of screaming that she's the best right out of the gate.

Nothing wrong with dotting on your waifu.

>Reed Richards is the smartest person in the marvel universe.

[citation needed]

No, really, when was the first time someone said that, I'm curious.

You can almost smell how badly no writer will want to touch riri after Bendis leaves the book.

>Amadeus Cho

Have you actually ever read an Amadeus Cho comic? That would be like describing Black Bolt as loquacious.

Yes, yes he is.

>super soldier serum turns someone peak human
>Cap took the super soldier serum
>he is therefore peak human
Unless you're arguing the serum doesn't affect intelligence, but enhanced intelligence is literally his first listed power on Marvel's website.

and now Riri is up near the top with her all of a sudden, that's what the thread's about.

People have accepted the Moon Girl status quo because she's contained to her own book as far as I know

>Have her actually prove herself



Not for the smartest. They're super geniuses sure, but they're not in the running for absolute smartest.

Really, it's Reed. It's just definitely Reed, and Doom and Pym are the only two really on his level. Stark's still probably top 5, but closer to say, T'Challa
