
Ah, thanks. And very accurate too. I only object to the word "quirky" since it has a bit of a contrarian vibe to it where as I genuinely enjoy my hobbies and preferences.

I honestly thought Get Out was a good movie. I didn't know anything about it going it except for the RT score and throughout it I was genuinely excited to see the mystery unravel. Some of the comedy felt unnecessary but I found the experience overall very tense and did not see the ending (as in the whole mystery spoilered in the trailer) coming. I think it was an excellent iteration of the "something's wrong but I can't quite pinpoint it" type. The grandparent characters especially.

What the fuck?

Also this thread is for discussing the film Get Out so fuck off janny.

someone can't just let it go and has to have the last word. jesus fuck get over it.

You are looking for a connection from a man who is naked in his bed having just masturbated to a twerking compilation coming down from cocaine.

It's called a discussion. I come to Sup Forums - Television & Film to discuss television and film. Of course I want to explain why I thought Get Out was a good film in my opinion and now I'm interested to hear why others disageed. That's not "having the last word", in fact I hope my word is not the last because that means I won't get the reply I'm waiting for.

if you werent using Sup Forums, you wouldnt notice or care. why are you caring in the first place?

Sounds like a good time desu.

>it continues

Get Out was a pretty good movie but you're a huge faggot who takes Sup Forums way too seriously

OP I support you and your cause.

Keep this going as long as you want to.

Go back to you know where if you're so triggered by "rule breaking".

We should hang out sometime


Your skin is thinner than your pussy flaps

Maybe, maybe I just never bought into the "you replied so I win" philosophy. I would argue that continuing a discussion I find interesting even though it's PROHIBITED by AUTHORITY is the opposite of taking the website seriously, but I guess you disagree.

What discussion? You just acting like a little bitch boi in this thread and not say nothing of substance about Get Out

I think I already made a pretty solid argument in the opening post about why I enjoyed Get Out and I'm more than willing to go into a more detailed discussion if I'm presented with a rebuttal.

Three words: nigger nigger nigger

If you're referring to the racial themes in the film I thought they were completely justified. "Blacks good, whites bad" is an incredibly surface level interpretation that really only shows how you or anyone else using that argument didn't even understand the statement made. I understood it as commentary on how commonplace it is in the modern society to pretend to "not see race" while harbouring totally different views on the inside. It's about the hypocrisy of the "post racial world". Everyone sees race, everyone is dispositioned to prefer their own kind. It's taking the piss on college students who preach about racial oppression on twitter but won't sit next to a black man on the bus.

And before you start throwing around buzzwords my personal political views are not those of the mainstream media. I oppose mass immigration and I believe the western culture is genuinely superior to other cultures, especially those from Africa and the Middle-East. I also believe in tons of hard scientific evidence backing up the idea that race isn't just skin deep. This movie is about the insincerity of people, not about the evil white man.

>being so autistic that you start a new thread just to continue a fucking argument

Lol I bet your white

I also have beautiful light green eyes.

>the autism in this thread


Type this faggot

We have a winner. Though my ancestor are moslty fennoswede, not those dirty subhumans they call "Finns".

>being so autistic that you create a new thread just because the last thread 404d before you had the chance to hit submit

Want to talk about Get Out?

i'm taking this idea and using it for later.

cant wait to troll the lads on /spee/ with this one.
