What's her stand name, Sup Forums?

What's her stand name, Sup Forums?

[Black Emperor] without a doubt

The fuck is this?

>[Black Emperor]
how did i not think of this?

It just makes the most sense for the name and general themes


Man. I had so much fun with the Metatron when I ran a game of In Nomine. I hope KSBD keeps the train rolling to a strong end without taking too long, I'd love to see more of the mythological and mystical when it comes to religious lore for stories.

I was thinking [Ruler of Everything] but that doesn't quite fit thematically

Really? She IS on a quest to take over the multiverse.

I just like the general idea of all the themes of apocalypse and religion and regrowth across a lot of its music, and the title alone is just a plain pinnacle of menace and power. And it has that nice one-two punch to it.

[Shepherd of Fire]

That's a good point, [Godspeed You! Black Emperor] also works

[Bad Religion]

[Angel Witch]

Man, that panel was the hottest thing ever.

I'm a Ciofag but I agree.

Justin Bieber

[Seven Nation Army]



Please keep your crappy webcomic and anime off Sup Forums


0.5 cents have been added to yout shill account

『Literally Who』

yeah, if anyone's gonna shill on a ksbd thread, they should shill the official rpg, Broken World

Does anyone know if Abbadon has made any updates to his rpg rules?

Someone should plaster Starscream's face on him and Edit him saying "MEGATRON"

Her Name is Alice-UN KILL SIX BILLION DEMONS, the Wielder of Names, the Seeker of Thrones

Is this a jojo reference?

[Riding a Black Unicorn Down the Side of an Erupting Volcano While Drinking from a Chalice Filled with the Laughter of Small Children]

I originally read this as "Metaton lives" and expected a gay dancing robot to come out.