Dark, brutal, scary and in general fucked up cartoons

Post. Discuss.
Which fucked you up the most as a kid?
Which is objectively the worst?
Should kids be exposed to this?
What horror movie would make a great cartoon?
And so on and so on

"Adult" comedies need not apply, though.

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Once they got to the woods it wasn't too bad.
Found it amusing that they spent a season trying to be accepted in the new woods by the current inhabitants and then the next season was all about keeping new animals from coming in.


Ginga Nagareboshi or Silver Fang, Scandinavia's own "Farthing Wood",an anime VHS tape which was rated for children because the rating system at that time assumed all animations are meant for children. Tells a story about a japanese "Lassie" who gathers an army of mountain dogs to fight an epic battle against man-eating monster bears straight out from horror films.

This show was simultaneously the most popular and most frightening show of all the kids in the early 90's.


Oh man I remember being traumatized by this as a kid. What was the name again?

capitol critters

Capitol Critters, I believe.

Damn his family got fucking wrecked

Shouldn't that one guy with the rifle have some sort of gas mask on?
Rat poison isn't good for humans either.

>Which fucked you up the most as a kid?
I been looking for a cartoon that possibly could been a fever dream at this point as literally no one ever heard of it. It really freak me the fuck out as a kid though it is silly to think about today. The cartoon at some point had a wizard challenge a dragon to a contest, there may been a series of them or just this one. It been ages so hard to recall anything beside the part that scarred me as a kid. Anyway the only/last contest was a breath holding contest where both the wizard and dragon start changing colors from red to blue to purple to I believe weird cartoon-ish colors like poka dots and stripes. They both exploded and that was the end of the cartoon, it was meant to be a simple just for laughs cartoon but I must been extremely young at the time and it scared me to the point where I wouldn't hold my breath for long periods needlessly. Like I said, it is silly to think about now but I been searching for this cartoon for the longest time just to know what the fuck it was. I would love any help on it.

While that must had made me sound like a massive pussy the funny thing is most things on cartoons never scared me. Only other exception was the sponge with teeth from Goosebumps. The idea of any fucking random thing having teeth at any given moment was a little too spooky for me at the time.

Are you sure that wasn't the wizard duel scene from disney's sword in the stone?


piss off. contribute something or keep quiet.

>Which fucked you up the most as a kid?

hmm.. there was some japanese cartoon (didnt know it was anime back then) where first episode was about an orphaned squirrel adopted by a cat, what was so fucked up about it? forest fire, squirrel lost his/her family in a forest fire.

..and bettlejuice movie, sandworm was for me like a thing from nightmares

No, they both exploded and that was literally the end of the cartoon. On that note pretty sure it was a cartoon and not part of a movie. The theme I could only guess was something along the lines of "don't have pointless contests where you only end up hurting yourselves as you both might end up losers" or something like that.

The wizard though do remind me of the movie but then again is there any other way you would draw a wizard? The dragon though was a stereotypical dragon if I recall correctly.




Fucked me up. Saw it in 78 or 79 in a small hippy theater in washington state, I was like 7 years old. I was told it was a cute boring story about bunnies, because my dad was an idiot. Shit was giving me nightmares for weeks.

Yea i'm old enough to be your grandpa.

Yeah desu that sounds more like a fever dream where you mixed Sword in the Stone with something else.

Hm, not a clue then. i'm going to go with fever dream.

Actually there were a shitload of short and feature length animated films that showed up on cable (HBO/Skinimax) back in the 80's, and I mean a shitload, that never actually hit the theaters. Some were pretty interesting drawn or used a art style that never showed up again, lots of experimental stuff and tons of not-quite-for-kids shit. There are a few that I still have been looking for because they never showed up again and i never learned their names. It was probably something he caught on TV or at some freaky theater fan showing.

>animals eting each others and or fighting
cityfags please go outside sometime

I caught it on TV.

While I'm sure it wasn't part of it (though it could be seeing how weird it was) it remind me a lot of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_Canada_(TV_series) which is basically just a series of short cartoons. Most people forgot this was even a thing because it was only on late at night (for a kid) and it only live for so long with a forgettable name.

I would honestly love any kind of hint of where it may came from but as you said it could been something completely random and died after the original airing.

Dipping the shoe in Roger Rabbit.

I remember this aired on CN in the 90s. Cant remember a single thing about it except it was weird

Any Don Bluth film. The Land Before Time is a personal favorite

That reminds me, Judge Doom revealing his true form.

thank you. my midn was fragile back then, like every child's.

man this show had some bite. same the next seasons sucked.