ITT: movies with stupid premises

ITT: movies with stupid premises

Any movies with
>Humans only use 10% of their brains... WHAT IF

>650+ days and 650+ nights

I'm at 1k+

>tfw haven't had sex since 1h ago

everyone because film is heightened or exaggerated reality, and 40 days included nofap

over 12k here


>Coming Soon

Doesn't really count until you hit puberty/actually want sex imo

ok, around 8k then


Not possible. How? You can afford at least one companion by this point

Imagine ejaculating for the first time in your life while having sex.
Imagine never having to masturbate a single time in your life.


how the hell did he manage doing that


no fucking way anyone could actually do that lmao

LOL! can you even imagine?

Let's say i should have lost my virginity at 14. I'm 27.

So, 4745 days without sex.

To be honest if he isn't masturbating then that's pretty fucking hardcore

I had sex just over 3 hours ago

as far as premises go this isn't that terrible


It's funny how for girl it's supposed to be humilitating to be virgin at 18 but dude is virgin at 40.


I'm over 7k.

Anything where a beautiful person is having a hard life.

1000 days and night without sex