45 years old

>45 years old
h o w

Louisiana produces a Buddha every 5-10 years or so. Leto is one of them. He will be young forever, and forever misunderstood.


Japanese potatoes

doesnt drink or do drugs. lives a pretty boring life. eats veggies

3 square meals of sea urchin ceviche

Hair transplant, skincare treasements at a young age and some decent genes from his mother.

the 8:30 res at Dorsia, that's how

bathing in the blood of young virgins.


he supposedly bangs underage teens at his concerts. probably has the same effect as antioxidants

ya he for sure had some hair work...looks good tho



nightly reservations at Dorsia, side of sea urchin ceviche in every meal


>Papillon (2017)
Holy fuck! How can nobody be talking about that kino right now on Sup Forums?

a reservation at Dorsia

Each time we get digits it extends Bales and Leto's lifespan. We are fuelling their life force with our gets, anons

Stop eating processed foods full of preservatives. And trans fats. And excess simple carbs. And excess red meat in general. And sodium. And sugar. And caffeine. And alcohol. And any more than like a third of your fluid intake per day being soft drinks, with the rest being plain old water. And meet the RDA on all nutrients. Also sleep consistently well. And meet your macros. And exercise. Not just getting swole either, endurance training and cardio too because they lower free DHT and help you keep the strongest hairline and thickest hair for as long as people. And always take a quick shower after working up a sweat. And stop using sulfate soaps on your skin. And sleep on a fresh surface every night with a rotation of several sets of pillowcases. And protect your skin from literally all sun exposure. And stop masturbating so much, it affects DHT levels and plummets your zinc levels which gives you stubborn hormonal acne. And probably get (micro)dermabrasian to take care of the damage that's already been done. Oh yeah, and don't stress yourself out over anything on top of all that, because it'll probably give you acne, make it harder to sleep, exasperate other issues, and generally make you look more haggard one way or another.

The more of that you do and the longer you do it, the greater the benefits. You could receive 75% of the benifits you ever will within months, and then not break 90% for two years. There's no quick fix. I'm pretty sure Jared Leto said something spooked him into going cold turkey on drugs and becoming a health nut, so he's probably pathological about it.

>And any more than like a third of your fluid intake per day being soft drinks
stopped reading right there. if you're soda intake is greater than 0 a day you need to kill yourself immediately

It’s all good advice besides that bit
>kill your self immediately
This is the reddit in you speaking

he forgot avoidance of BPA infused products and receipts

if you drink water from a plastic bottle or from tap or if you still accept receipts after making transactions you're fucked and theres no hope for you

Soda is generally awful for you, sure, but not all soft drinks are the devil as long as you're responsible about it. I frequently have home made carbonated lightly sweetened decaf green tea. No more sugar than an apple.

>And stop masturbating so much, it affects DHT levels and plummets your zinc levels which gives you stubborn hormonal acne.

This is some broscience right here

>but not all soft drinks are the devil
yes all of them are. you talk because you don't know how much sugar is in them even the so called 'good' ones.
>sweetened green tea
>no more sugar than an apple
this is the biggest nutrition meme of all time. companies use this to trick you into thinking you're being healthy when in reality there's a lot of sugar in apples. only difference is the kind of sugar (natural as with apples vs processed)
bro science is more scientifically accurate and beneficial than some guy who's main goal is maximizing the profits of pharmaceutical companies

Good genes

Everything in your post is solid aside from the masturbation and sun bits.

I jack off 3 times a day and constantly get mistaken for a highschooler despite being 24. And sunscreen straight up gives you cancer so I'd rather get a healthy tan than be a pasty shit

Bullshit. They made a pact with the devil for eternal youth.

>constantly get mistaken for a highschooler despite being 24.
genes dominates everything. never forget this. changing nutrition and exercising can only alter about 15% of ones physicality

90% genes, 10% lifestyle.

Use sunlotion and moisturize.

Then what the fuck do I eat?

Retinol+facial moisturizers+healthy lifestyle, maybe "good aging genetics" as well.

>accept recipets
What the fuck are you on about

Man it must be weird to be half-full of broscience and think you know what you're talking about. Gives you a little dopamine rush?

I'm 29 and could pass for a high school student. I hate it but everyone tells me I'll reap the rewards when I'm older.

years old

Not surprising at all. he looks it.

no sex no drugs no alcohol

just recreational bonsai and green tea

He does look 45, what's the point of this thread

Is Jeff Mangum another?

>Go fully plant-based
>Stop taking drugs/smoking
>Start exercising
>Stop drinking alcohol
>Drink more water

This shit is literally base level human, you should all be living like this. It's not natural for us to eat burgers, drink beer or sit on our asses all day. INB4 "I actually like having a life, Mr. Boring"


>Have good genes
>Wear SunScreen
>Don't spend excessive time in the sun

source documents have been scientifically proven to increase docile stress levels by 75% by just acknowledging them (let alone keeping them) through acceptance