How would you make Chapter 2 work?

How would you make Chapter 2 work?
I'll start
>No one in the group has fucking amnesia

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they make the entire movie about richie

Grown up Richie is the protagonist

It's ultimate form isn't a goddamn spider.

>Not Bill Hader

What should it be?

this is literally all it would take to make the sequel kino

Bill Hader sucks

they need to invest some real cash in popular actors, the real selling point of chapter 1 was the kid gang dynamics and that's something they won't have for chapter 2 (at least not as much as C1). hire chris pratt if needed.

Finn was on an episode of Game Grumps

i think i've already seen pretty much every piece of content he's been in, feels bad.

Pennywise is just as humorous as he is in that part of the miniseries
Pennywise is so smug at that point it'll defeat the Losers as adults (since they don't possess as much faith in their beliefs and unity as children) that most of its interactions with them are basically gloating and laughing.




>last chance tozier, get out

why was pennywise giving them the chance to gtfo?

ah fuck it who cares about a bunch of old fucks. Just put the kids in high school and before they graduate they have to put that thing down permanently. Basically the season three finale of buffy

IT comes out every 27 years

it's a made up story, they can do whatever.

>They should change established canon because I have a crush on one of the actors

Even though It's mostly smug that they will lose because they have lost a lot of their power of belief, I suppose It would still rather not have to battle with them since they are the only ones to ever "defeat" it

I interpreted it as him being fully aware that he'll lose in a confrontation with people who know his weakness. I don't think he ever actually wanted them to leave to give them a "last chance."

I wouldn't.
I'd get those guys who did Oculus and redo It more faithfully from the beginning instead, probably as a TV series.

why are you so against new things? You saw the book and you saw the movie the first time. those won't change. They got a good team, what difference does it make if they fight it again two years later?

why did people change so much, they didn't always treat tv shows like they were as sancrosact and unalterable as the bible. It's fantasyland. You used to be able to switch the actor behind a character midseason and no one would bat an eye

>prologue of events in derry when It emerges

after that, i dont care. i just want to see the events and have mike write the history

>no slingshot
>le edgy boltgun
>le let's all wack on Pennywise with random iron pipes

Amnesia is the point though. As you grow older you forget more and more of your childhood memories and it's like they never happened.

He can be Stan because he's a Jew
Imagine the Pennywise jokes!

We got fed up with dumb bullshit. Do you know what suspension of disbelief is? Do you understand any principles of basic storytelling?
We don't fucking care about your pedo crush on a 14 year old.

Fuck your waste of trips.
Screw getting popular actors. Get up and coming no-name actors so it doesn't actually feel like you're watching a movie. That's why I hate Christ Pratt, Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Lawrence, etc. because you can't help but remember the other movies they've been in before.

In other words, seeing big name actors in a movie like IT would take the immersion out of it. I want to hear and watch a story. Not a movie. Save the big name actors for lazy cash grabs.

>no slingshot
Those are dumb
>le edgy boltgun
>le let's all wack on Pennywise with random iron pipes
Those are better
You using "le" is you admitting that you know they're cooler and that you had to add a dumb prefix to force your stupid opinion.


I'd just rather see something new than the same story over again for the third time. They'll never do it as good as the book and you know the second part is going to be worse no matter what because we like children better.

but you can tell me about suspension of disbelief and basic storytelling if you desire

watch it again dipshit.

>"This is battery acid, you slime!"

>because we like children better.

I feel like I'm the only one that likes the adult half of the story better because Pennywise fucks with them more.

Yeah back then you couldn't swear in a kid's movie

you're really pushing that joke. I'm sorry I didn't bite properly and give you the set-up you wanted cause it was pretty funny how you did that switcheroo

Pennywise is the highlight of both movies

Both the inhaler and the slingshot represent a lot more the power of childish belief than a fucking boltgun and random smacking

The book sucks ass, King is garbage

>the power of childish belief
Which is a dumb theme I'm happy they didn't put in the new one. If I wanted to watch a kid's show I'd watch Goosebumps

kids are better in general cause old people fighting monsters is wore out. I just think if you got something that works, enh meh, stick with it for now. I think there's value in saying:

>fuck it, we'll do it live

from time to time

well, not EVERY piece. There is still S P I C E K I N O. But it was lost. Lost in the sands of time.

Boyhood it. Film some pickup footage every so often, but don't actually enter principle photography for another 25 years.


>No one in the group has fucking amnesia

Was this really a thing in the book?

>Couldn't swear in 1990 IT
>Ben: IT kills kids, damn it!
>Bill: You killed my brother George, you bastard!

Tame by todays standards but still.
And all the anti-semitic and other racial slurs

It was in the original

I hope Fagg Blowhard, weak-chinned, girly-boy FUCKHEAD that he is, meets an untimely and gruesome end in a work-related accident. No, I'm not jealous. I'm 40 years old and I was even BETTER-LOOKING than that wispy fucking fairy fuckerturd, at that age. Did you see me prancing around like a fucking ballerina and pouting like a poncy, pantomime, pillow-biting retard at that age?


And I'll tell you why.

Because I'm a MAN. I have almost always been a MAN. I've almost always known it was my role, no, my DESTINY, to be tough and resilient, to fight, to love and to fuck women and to pass my superior god damn genes along to the next generation that so desperately needed them.

And I DID.

FUCK this generation of piss-weak fairies with their slack jaws, their lack of chins, their hands that have never seen an honest fucking day's worth of work and probably never will, and their googly, Japanese-animation-like expressions that are supposed to somehow resemble "emotion".

FUCK the so-called "civilization" that promotes this dishonest, pedo-pandering shit. Child actors were a MISTAKE.

Has anyone ever died from not hugging a particular person?

Damn and bastard were beyond tame in 1990 lmao

>jews control hollywood
>they allow jew jokes
>they don't allow black jokes

hmmmm | think I'm on to something

Yeah, they all forgot after leaving Derry.
Kinda like how all the adults don't realize what's going on. Pennywise has a psychological control over Derry causing people who leave to pretty much not remember or acknowledge that Derry even exists.

snap chat clown dick pics

It's been known to be fatal, user. You should do something about it.

They were mucking around with things beyond their understanding and/or something opposed to It was subtly helping them, which is why the aforementioned slingshot and inhaler things worked.

It felt fear for the first time after they attacked it with the Ritual of Chud as children, and it would rather they stayed away and died of old age.

But Chris Pratt is a terrible actor

this could actually happen since they set the childhood in the eighties instead of the fifties so 27 years later is about...2012 ish

Chapter 2 will probably suck. The kids were the best part of the movie. The clown itself was completely un-scary, over-designed #scary. The jumpscares all fell completely flat to anyone with an above room temperature IQ.

No he isn't

The kids were trash in the new version
At least the miniseries had them be properly introduced one by one, and then actually spend some quality time with each other besides a random pointless anime tier swimming sequence

>not wanting Pratt to dance-off with a cosmic spider
It's like you hate fun

all the boys in the gang are trans and proud now

girl is a crackwhore streetwalker

This is my assumption as well, the only way it doesn't fail on that front is if they dig real deep in those pockets and hire some A list actors.

Movie is set in 1989 so it would be 2014


That would be amazing, wouldn't it? The Derry Interludes. A miniseries narrated by Mike Hanlon about what he discovered about the town, it could take place once he gets older, maybe even start once he started writing the journals about the history of the town. Show him go around to the old timers, them tell their stories and show the legends.

Too bad they made Ben the historian and now likely Ben will be the librarian that stayed in town, likely stayed fat as well. Just easier that way for audiences.

have a flashback to another swimming scene but this time go full pickle

great on you guys, you memorized a useless detail

personally they should have just went right for 1990. what kind of kids didn't have NES back then. I was poor as shit and I had a nes.

It's weird, Richie can say fuck all he wants in the new one, which is closer to the book, but we don't hear tar baby, nigger, kike, anything like that. Hell they made all that fucking effort to really show how jewish stan was, making his dad a rabbi, and Henry doesn't even drop a kike insult.

Plus they didn't even show Bev being hit by her father, instead they did some shit where they implied he molested her. (He never molested her in the book, he was abusive and kept his women in line as he said. It possessed her father and used her fear of being touched by her father (her mom had asked her if her father ever touched her))

I know, and I'm joking but I still really fucking hate that they changed the time period. I like period pieces, and I hate cellphones. Even the new Gerald's Game adaptation has a cellphone.


I don't care for Chapter 2 but I'm hyped for Chapter 3, when they are all a bunch of old geriatric fucks in an old people's home.

Yes, yes he is.

Not to mention I don't even think they swam once in the novel. Also why were both adaption scenes so scared of having winter scenes? I mean one of the comfiest things in the book I remember when Ben was out in the snow, and he looked up at the library and the glass corridor that connected the adult library to the kids library and saw the people walk to either side, warm and safe, while he looked in from the cold.

Not to mention how much they fucking ditched the Barrens. I guess without the Dam and the secret clubhouse, they had no reason to have Ben as an architect.

He is, though.

Christ Pratt's always fucking sucked.

I'm glad they didn't, the switch to 89 was bad enough. I'm surprised they didn't have some spooky clown video game Richie plays or some shit.

How the fuck would you forget a supernatural, serial killing clown?

Exactly, plus what was that shit with Patrick Hosteter. I'm convinced they just asked for extra names from the book to fool dumb dumbs who didn't read the book to be like "ITS CLOSER TO THE BOOK"

Because the clown possesses shit over Derry. You're not in Derry, you don't remember.
Not that hard to figure out.

do you not know what suspension of misbelief is?

One of my gripes with this version.
Maybe they could still make a tie-in Netflix/web series like that.
I'd kill for Daddy Loves Bevvy mini-series.

IDK, they already showed Richie in an arcade with SF2 (is that even period accurate?). I'd find it hard to believe that kids who got to play that would settle for the less-advanced NES games. Maybe someone like Ben, Eddie or Mike.

Chapter 3 is Dreamcatcher. Mr Bob Gray.

>I'd kill for Daddy Loves Bevvy mini-series.

>How does this clown monster that has control over people's thoughts and perceptions control people's thoughts and perceptions?

By having your mind repress extremely traumatic dealings with an eldritch abomination that almost ate you?
People already repress far lighter things that happened to them as children, at least compared to a shapeshifting monster clown from outer space trying to kill you

>Saying It is a kid's movie

I think that was street fighter 1, it looked more gimped.

I think I'm gonna start listening to the audiobook again tonight, 45 cozy hours.

The director already confirmed that it's still Mike. But instead Mike becomes a junkie because he's been doing psychadelics to try to take his mind to a different plane to understand how to defeat Pennywise, where he eventually learns the Ritual of Chud.

Much more hardcore in the book, when he literally almost kills her friend and actually goes to Derry to collect her.

Hey friend. Good job on that objectively wrong opinion you have there.

Henry did make some kind of remark towards Stan's kikery. Then he threw his yarmulke in a leaving schoolbus.

Was hoping Stan's first IT moment would be him in the library, instead of Ben.
Imagine instead of Ben flipping through a Derry history book Stan is flipping through a world history book where he comes across a winking picture of Adolf Hitler with clown make up goosestepping towards Stan in the book
>du wirst auch schwimmen!!

Jesus Christ no. Jesus no, fuck off, I have to ask for a source.

She was a slut, he did nothing wrong
>marries abusive husband despite having abusive father
clearly liked getting the rough dick

>No one in the group has fucking amnesia
this is an important part of the story though, and it explains how IT has got away with all the killings for millenia.

Eh. Didn't even have that in the novel. In the novel Stan's family wasn't even like practicing Jews. He was just hardcore boy scout with OCD. His first IT experience is going into the standpipe and almost getting killed by drowned kids, because he had heard stories that kids had drowned in there. I think one point in the novel as a kid Bill said he was good at monopoly because he was a Jew.

Is this a pasta or something?

>let me alone, you just let me alone!
This is the only thing to bother me in the script.