Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with this movie?

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with this movie?

Explain to me, I genuinely don't understand

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memes and autism

Its Unironically my favorite movie. The memes are a bonus

Fuck you, eat shit


Have you ever seen the movie and/or memes? Like its pretty simple

Human bean juice

Because Driver is pretty much any Sup Forums user but handsome and badass so self-inserting into the character is easy and enjoyable to think about.

No, that's why I'm asking

It broke new ground


It also got that neon and reflections aesthetic from the 80s and a soundtrack with a lot of synth wich makes it easy to watch even if it's not very engaging plot wise. Oh and it's Refn's only succesful movie

Quite autistic guy kills people, drives fast cars, gets the girl. thrown in synth pop soundtrack for the kids that miss 1986 that were born in 98 and you got yourself a winner, also the cinematography is diamonds

>gets the girl
Did we watch the same movie?

>getting cucked
>the movie
What exactly don't you understand, op?

it's textbook definition carkino

every car made after this movie has paled in comparison. its perhaps the greatest car movie ever made, easily top 3

because it's fucking hotline miami the movie you cockwastrel

who doesn't want to be the driver?

nope, Just realized I remembered the ending wrong.

We like to make fun of Drive for being a ripoff of the superior Baby Driver.

then watch it

It's a meme. The movie suck balls and Sup Forums knows it.