/who/ - Doctor Who General

Cheap edition.


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Oh no no no

I'm planning to watch some Doctor Who. Thoughts?

Just trying to get the elements down, nothing's really final at this stage.

Don't, it's shit.

red+yellow clash hurts my eyes a bit

>and i say that as a fan

Crazy idea for far in the future:

Could we pull a Moffat/War Doctor and do a "secret" Shit Trips 1.5 we purport to have been there all along, "totally not a retcon", but a hidden incarnation of Shit Trips?


I'm open to suggestions, like I said nothing's really final at this stage.

Probably when Immigrant writes up the copypasta for submission entries will I consider the cover to be truly finished.

You're awake!

I love the concept of it and the text but the colours are a bit straining to the eye! It's gonna look slick and profesh though, I can tell

That would work best for the unlikely ST8.5 long long long in the future, but I like it and it would unify the naming scheme by adding a .5 edition to every proper version. Would be cool if ST1 authors could do little sequels and ST2 authors do little prequels to really make it feel like a hidden anthology. Maybe the main idea could just be hidden/secret stories/doctors/companions


You should see the one before this: if you though that burned your eyes, the previous one would probably blind ya.

But darker colors would be good. I'm also thinking of adding elements of SJA and/or Class, but that's gonna be a challenge to make the cover NOT look busy.

shit, I realized the used the promotional photo for his costume, but fuck, I din't realize that they fucking kept John Simm's hair too. Jesus christ

I unironically love this idea, I'd be totally onboard


I love that spin on it! Secret/hidden theme, and a sprinkling of ST1 sequels and ST2 prequels.
Would be a fun way to fill in whatever next long wait we have. Christmas, ST2.5, S11, ST1.5, ST3, there's a lot to look forward to at /who/...

This could work for a /who/ poetry compilation, honestly.

>I din't realize that they fucking kept John Simm's hair too
They just copied the hairstyle, they didn't actually leave his hair in the image.

thread theme be like youtube.com/watch?v=AgFeZr5ptV8

tfw soon won't be able to relate to that song


waiting for the shit trips 2.5 cover be like

Castellan in fear
He is running out of time
No not the mind probe

Don't blink or you're dead
Bowties and fezzes are cool
'Nuff said. Allons-y!

waiting for jodie be like youtu.be/VuNIsY6JdUw

>Docter who

him brain arent so god sometimes



Lymerence has a secret he will take to the grave. It is discovered.

News to me

Lym I have a question for you


Let's be real here, we ALL have secrets we'd take to the grave.


Idk if it's on my end or not but is your site borked? All I ever get is that picture and nothing to click on

That's basically it, the album isn't out yet and I have pretty much nothing to do with the site other than have the domain

I think I've said most of my secrets anonymously on Sup Forums

My bad. I was in a radiohead-y mood the other day and listening to your older stuff

Yeah, I really need to work more on it.
Writer's block/lack of motivation sucks.

I know that feel.
I'm trying to get my second one done atm and I love writing/playing/arranging but hate recording/tracking/mixing. Demotivating.
I'll be very keen to hear yours when you do get it done :)

Are people still planning on watching Doctor Who when it becomes Nurse Who?
I can't believe it.


What does /who/ think of this ad?


Who's ear is it?

Who do you think

will there be /who/mas for the lonely whovians this year

I was literally just looking through some archived /who/ stuff and found the old stream link to whomas

I might well be having my first Christmas alone this year so who knows what mischief /who/ will get up to

Hopefully Cloister does secret santa again!

Hopefully! I plan to take Photoshop requests in December for a Christmas gift to /who/.

we could pick a day and stream every christmas special.

You are planning to watch some Doctor Who. Thoughts?


telltale presents: Doctor who


It's far from being all over...

>twelth doctor sonic screwdriver

foot btfo

>David Tennant and Peter Capaldi on one DVD
How is that possible?

Why doesn't the Doctor just give all his companions a pocket-sized force field generator before letting them leave the Tardis? Or one of those invisibility watches?

because he gets off on them dying

What Christmas episodes/audios am I missing

The Feast of Steven

The One Doctor
The Chimes of Midnight
Human Resources
Death in Blackpool
Relative Dimensions

The Unquiet Dead

The Christmas Invasion
The Runaway Bride
Voyage of the Damned
The Next Doctor
The End of Time: Part One

A Christmas Carol
The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe
The Snowmen
The Time of the Doctor

Last Christmas
The Husbands of River Song
The Return of Doctor Mysterio

It's a pretty effective ad for the Doctor Who Audio app.

It's better than having family over and putting on Doctor Who on but not hearing much of it whilst family complains that /who/ sucks and RTD was better.

Do you think we'll get a new screwdriver next series?
It looks like Chibnall is going to reboot everything like in 2010, but we just got one last year.

Yes, though I think we'll have a scene of 12's screwdriver getting broken or whatever

There's clearly three DVDs

>family complains that /who/ sucks
Your entire family visits /who/?

Meant for

No the show that is.

My Family would never visit this site.

I have some family members that like Who but I can't really imagine watching TV if all the family's made it together for a Christmas. I usually watch the Who special late Boxing Day night when I have some time to myself. I'll be able to watch it ASAP this year though!

I still haven't seen the Mysterio episode. It didn't look that good anyway.

I haven't seen the Unquiet Dead because parents decided I couldn't watch it due to it featuring seances- it's evil.

(Never saw the second part of the Kudlak laserforce episode of SJA- missed it and never bothered trying to watch it)

nuWho Episodes you haven't seen yet who?

Flip Flop
Heart's Desire (maybe idk it's got Christmas on the blurb)
Iris Wildthyme and the Claws of Santa
Find and Replace
Who Killed Toby Kinsella
The Little Drummer Boy
The Hesitation Deviation

Twelve Doctor's of Christmas anthology narrated by Sophie Aldred, Adjoa Andoh, Rachael Stirling and Chris Addison
Deadly Download might be christmasy

I love soundtrack from World Enough and Time in the razor scenes - it's so haunting.

But then s9 and s10 finales have some really fantastic pieces of music.

anyone else still really pissed they spoiled simm coming back?

And the Cybermen reveal.

Didn't they learn from Series 8?
Where the whole episode was ruined by the preview.

Oh gosh this is beyond what I expected, thanks for the very thorough list! I'll have a very festive December listening to all these.

Very much. The spoilers and marketing rip the actual episodes away from what the stories are trying to do. It's something of a necessary evil but I envy folks like sesska and some people irl I know who managed to experience Dr who "pure" and untainted by spoilers and media hubbub

If you haven't already, check out the Oswin Pond channel on YouTube, they have great rips of both those finale's music, lovely long mixes of earkino

Unfortunately, spoilers sell. If you look at studies on what sort of movie trailers are most effective, the results are disheartening - seems the majority like being very primed of stories basically to the point of having them outright spoiled

Doctor no more.

dot tumblr dot com

visit for more faction paradox "shilling"

he's oogleh


>beyond what I expected,
I just searched Big Finish for christmas. Also some of them (worlds of doctor who) might be part of a series and not too suitable for standalone. I've only listened to Flip Flop from what I suggested.

I don't suppose there's any need for a President anymore...make me a God Emperor now.

best time lord coming through

>was here for a thread as we talked about the finale being filmed and speculated Bill being made into a cybermen and genesis of the cybermen with the Master.

Entire thing happens and I'm not mad, still enjoyed it and WaterWaifu was out of no where.

theres a shit trip retconning puddle girls random appearance to work better

Reminder that theres a timeline where we would be posting;

>>tfw we're never going to have david bradley return and play the first doctor in a multidoctor story.

and we luckily dont live in it

Is season 8 (Pertwee) worth watching? I loved season 7 but apparently season 8 is a lot less mature.

Why would you skip?

no there isn't for several reasons.
Multiple timelines aren't real.
No one would say anything like that or we would have before The Doctor Falls
David Bradley doesn't even look or sound like the first Doctor

Just asking if it's worth watching or not. On Episode 2 of terror of the autons and it's pretty shit so far especially since the serial before this was inferno.

well you're no fun

I didn't not like it, I meant it surprised me.

>>There's a timeline where Sean Pertwee is the Third Doctor in this episode.

old(er) Doctor mini series when?

in b4 big finish.

Mind of Evil and The Daemons are GOAT.

>David Bradley doesn't even look or sound like the first Doctor

this has nothing to do with it considering he had already played hartnell.

we are all sinners

That's good to hear.

All of this memeing Bradley as the first Doctor has got to stop. What was the point? He'll be dead in a couple years and then we'll be back at square one again

>it cant happen more than once so it should never happen


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