Would a cartoon like happy tree friends still be viable in 2017 or is the bloodshed too much for the growing...

Would a cartoon like happy tree friends still be viable in 2017 or is the bloodshed too much for the growing millennials who find everything a micro trigger.

Happy tree friends has aged like shit, there are literally no jokes other than dude gore lmao.

I came across it again on youtube in recommendations, it's still fun to watch because it's mindless action with no preachy message or huge plot. All the shows today have a totally different structure.

>implying it wasn't millennials who watched this shit and laughed at it as preteens

try not being retarded next time

It was the 90s kids who watched this majorly, not millennials really.

happy tree friends is literally all the same joke, dude it looks like a kids cartoon but its actually really gory lmao

HTF is a product of it's time

thats it, that's simply it

Would HTF even get views today? I feel like any animation on youtube today either has to parod an existing game/show or be chock full of memes. An OC series wouldn't get watched.

I've never been a fan of Happy Tree Friends.

But I've also been prone to take offense to people getting injured or maimed when they don't deserve it. Like, I'll be sitting there thinking "What the hell did the happy squirrel do to deserve this?"

For real, did this show ever have an audience beyond edgy middle schoolers?

There are two types of millennial

1. The cry baby brat who is triggered by everything

2. The edge lord that stuff like this is aimed at

>Would a cartoon like happy tree friends still be viable in 2017
Maybe. Seems like the newgrounds era edgy cartoon genre has faded, though. Shitposting and memes are more in style than simple hypergore. I don't see anyone really attempting it though.

>Muh triggered millennials
Millennials might be more overconcerned about cartoons than previous generations, but they're too old for it now. Gen Z is who'd be watching a modern HTF, if it existed. Do preteens have hobbies outside of shitposting nowadays?

Millennials are more de-sensitized to violent than our generation was dude. it's pretty fucking hilarious considering a lot of them actually care about safe spaces 'n sheeit.

Is this bait or are you actually retarded?

They are airing new episodes this coming week, will be curious to see how well they done in the view department.

Anyone born after 1980 is a Millennial, junior.

if you watch happy tree friends with no pretensions other than enjoying gratuitous violence, and laughing at their misfortune, than it is just fine

Huge mistake or brilliant move?


Faggy millennials wouldn't like it, but edgy Gen Z kids would.

Shut the fuck up you media whore


I have the storyboard for that thing. It was one of the last things they sent me before I complained about their treatment of the official forum and got booted off of the moderation staff.

I also have some scripts. It's weird, Happy Tree Friends is a heavily scripted show. They write out everything, even the little grunts that the characters make. One would think, since it's mostly about deaths, it would be a purely storyboard driven show.

Could you share some stuff in this thread, please?

But it was always dude gore lmao.