Does anyone actually find her attractive?

Does anyone actually find her attractive?

>big forehead
>big nose

Why did they cast her? So that women wouldn't feel threatened? Bc she's a kike?

Better question is why does she wear her hair pulled back like that. It's so ugly on her

easy maintenance, wake up, pull hair back, grab scrunchy, done.

Yes why would she draw more attention to THAT forehead?

Whats wrong with having a big nose? As long as it isn't gigantic

I don't find her super attractive but I respect her as a person

I've used this webm to warm up a few fap sessions

Her feet are really sexual. I'd love to get my face underneath her soles.

Posting Gals

Didnt we have this thread before? you didnt get the answers you wanted before OP?

That's supposed to be a big nose?

She doesn't even look human


Top 5 most kino armpits in Hollywood today:

1: Shailene Woodley
2: Daisy Ridley
3: Gal Gadot
4: Alexandra Daddario
5: KStew

She has neither a big forehead nor a big nose. Neither of those traits negatively impact a person's appearance anyway. Calm down spergy Sup Forums virgin.


She actually seems kinda sweet, and come on, she is attractive. Still convinced she's terrible for WW but yeah.



>Hating on
Gal "Rip the spine out of Palestine" Gadot
Gal "Unleash the scarabs on the Arabs" Gadot
Gal "Hummus over Hamas" Gadot
Gal "Bring the whip to the Gaza Strip" Gadot
Gal "Fire at will at the Palestine shill" Gadot
Gal "My ma and pa don't worship Allah" Gadot
Gal "I always yearn for Gaza to burn" Gadot
Gal "Muslims in caves will be sent to their graves" Gadot

OP confirmed for Sup Forums or massive homosex

>that acting
I'll never get the appeal.

I don't even like Jews but the idea that she's personally murdered Palestinian and Lebanese children elevated her from 6/10 to 8/10 instantly

I can't really explain why but it's there


The only problem with her is that she waxes her body hair.