It's Walt Disney's birthday today

It's Walt Disney's birthday today.

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we should try and get rid of the jews for his birthday

Walt would've wanted it that way.


That seems a bit out of our budget. Maybe we could just finish off the Native American's for him.
“Another time was, we were looking at the section of The Jungle Book where the little girl comes out and gets in the water, and the little boy’s up in the tree, and he falls into the water. She senses that he’s following her, so she drops the jug after a ways, and this continues all the way up, and the boy looks back at us [the audience] and shrugs his shoulders, and then he turns around and looks at the little girl, and she wrinkles her nose up at him. That’s one of the best drawings I ever did. And Walt turned to me and said, ‘That’s a pretty sexy little girl, Ollie.’ That was the last time we ever had a meeting with him.”

A mere six years later, the Jews murdered him. May he soon awaken from his cryogenic slumber and free Western animation.

I'm glad Walt Disney existed.

Happy Birthday Walt Disney!
Hope your spirit is happy somewhere.

Happy birthday Walt

It's funny how Sup Forums or Sup Forums claims that the legalization of homosexuality is a "slippery slope" by the Jews that will lead to pedophillia etc.

Then (usually in a thread about Jordyn Jones or another actress they post porn of) they turn around and say the Jews made the age of consent too high to entrap honest white men who dindu nuffin and just wanted to score some girls at their prime age of breeding.

Didn't Walt Disney actually love Jewish people and said he wouldn't mind them working everywhere in his company?


Are you saying that people build their political visions in versions that only benefit themselves and condemns opponents. Not in fact based on the truth or the benefit of making?


I wonder how much he's spinning on his grave right now.

I'm sure he's proud of his name owning everything and pushing animation techniques foward, that fucking bastard

what about his company being taken by the Jews he hates so much?

That's like saying "sorry, I know you wanted street fighter for your birthday, here's shaq fu"

What is best than having jews loyal to you seeing jews that you betrayed sinking in the mud?

dead people don't care about things like this

Good. Fuck him.

Yep. The Jewish community even gave him an award for not treating them like shit (a radical concept in his time).

>born & died in december

Nice projection there

Also I'm pretty sure they're more worried about gays spreading disease and blunting the social obligations to procreate than them "becoming" pedos.

>implying he is dead
You fall for the meme

Every even numbered post in this thread is a COMMIE!

>it's his birthday
>good, fuck him

Well I guess a good fuck would be a nice present if he weren't dead.

Better dead than red

Walt had no more problem with Jews than any other white guy from the time.

I get the feeling this myth was perpetuated because he was a non-Jew running a successful studio in Hollywood, one of the few Jewish dominated industries.

It also gets perpetuated by the Donald Duck Nazi cartoon which everyone brings up out of context - the cartoon shows Donald as a mindless drone and in the end he wakes up from it and is revealed to have been a nightmare.

Shame his company became a fucking leech of creativity.

and is overrun by lefties who think they rule the world.

Idk they still make some good things.
Sure some stuff is crap and some stuff they'll wring it dry trying to pull profit from it, but they're still willing to make plenty of stuff.

One of the dumbest posts I've ever seen in my life.

Trump will change that, he put the Donald in Donald Duck.

Walt Disney was cremated Dec 17th 1966, 2 days after he died in accordance with his will.

Him dying was part of his will?

One of the dumbest posts I've ever seen in my life.

why did walt disney hate The Golden Touch so much?