Are dogs still black people in this comic?

I see people keep saying this, but where was it stated by Taeshi that dogs were the black people of BCB?

Is just a joke about how David and the other dog's in the early chapters are often just the wacky comic relief that hang out without real importance to the relationships and the plot. Like tonken black characters in nickelodeon and disney channel tier sitcons.

>You can HAVE him, then!!
Why would this line get to Daisy?

Paulo might be a dick but at least he isn't a self-righteous prick.

but Daisy slapped the shit out of Abbey all because he said that if Paulo was making fun of mike then she'd have no problem sticking up for him. did she just suddenly forget that shit?

God, I feel so sorry for the other students at the cafeteria, having to put up with the fuckin' Drama Table.

If Abbey responds to "assault isn't cool" with "FUCK YOU WE'RE BREAKING UP" then he deserves everything he gets.

This webcomic physically hurts me.

It just goes on and on about how terrible they are to each other.

Like Jesus tap dancing christ it's just Highschool and they're acting like adults with real world problems.

To be fair, depending on what kind of crowd you ran around in highschool this shit is pretty accurate.

Nobody can run up drama like a highschooler given just the right people and situation.

i never liked abbey

i bet he's this comic's equivalent to an indian exchange student and smells like curry, earth and a faint odor of shit

>Get the email earlier in the day
>Tfw they acknowledge how Lucy just brings drama by fucking proxy
Man, that boarding school must've been a warground

He's just a faggot with daddy issues that deserves to have Paulo barb his bitch


>Not liking David
Sue, you're losing points here

what's the comic? can't find it through reverse image search


>Someone posts the page
>Image searches the crop

Whatever happen to white girl dog with black ears? She was best

Rach? Probably going to show up later

bittersweet cucking bowl

I tried both

Yeah but that doesn't mean I give a shit about the drama as a spectator.

I understand that but what happen? Wasn't she just always there?

Rach kind of has her own life. She wasn't really part of 'the table'

How old is the chick who makes this comic? She must be nearing her 30s and still doing the same old highschool drama routine.

Highschool Drama Limbo

This thing's been going on since she was in middle school, if I remember
I think she's in college now. And we're still in Highschool Namek

Just like Penny's Arcade still up to these days.

Same here. I feel this bizarre anxiety whenever i see this comic, like i didn't even go through that kind of shit in highschool. Hell, i don't even follow this comic closely, yet i still feel like this.

I just want this shit to end on a reasonably decent note. Given how shitty everyone is to each other, and the title, its impossible that the author won't end without someone saying something about life being bittersweet.

No wonder she's the best girl

>Best girl
Now hang on

Rachel also probably has her shit together enough to not get sucked into this rapidly growing drama clusterfuck.

I don't know. He's lesbano friend's bitchy lesbano girlfriend got on Paulo's case about his clinical flirtation syndrome. She's already flying into the maelstrom

Rachel is sadly involved in this drama shitpile by default as she's in love with Paulo despite her better judgement.

She knows that they both mutually agreed to keep things as friends with benefits due to her wanting natural kids and Paulo waiting for Lucy but a part of her was probably hoping that Lucy would never come back since she ended up falling for him.

And now that she IS back well... Dramageddon will be fun.

At least Paulo has chance at having a good relationship after the very possible breakup with lucy.

> She knows that they both mutually agreed to keep things as friends with benefits

I don't think Lucy (or the majority of girls) would be okay with that.

> girl want to have natural kids

I find that unlikely. Paulo doesn't seem the cuck type.

It hurts every time I view this comic in general. Why is everyone so terrible?

I don't know about that. Rach is adamant on having kids and even if Lucy calls it quits with Paulo, he and Rach are just FWB

True. Either way having a close friend like her will be good if his ship sinks, regardless of a deeper relationship being formed or not.

Plus its a chance to move away to another circle of friends, and judging by how the comic is going, the main circle of "friends" will likely be broken (aside from a few relationships).

With the way this chapter is going, this might be the chapter that splits the group

Abbey leaving will just cause more infighting, but shit will truly hit the fan when mike gets enough courage to go talk to lucy and do the whole 'start over' thing he said in the end of the school play chapter. Not because of them, lucy seems more emotionally stable now, and the chapter title implies some old feelings rising up again, but paulo will go nuts.

Rachel is my boo. I bet Paulo's gonna break her heart in this chapter.

They actually addressed how they would go about that in a "what if" comic. Namely Paulo lets David fuck Rachel and in exchange he fucks Sue (who is married to David in that timeline) to get them both preggers.

Dunno where the comic went but it was weird.

I think it'd actually be sort of shitty for Mike to approach her in this sort of situation. He might want to apologize and "fix things" but at this point that's more for the sake of his own feelings than hers.

The only respectful thing he can honestly do right now is to leave her alone unless she comes to him first.

Considering how calm Lucy is, she's never going to approach Mike
So Mike has to do the illogical thing and approach her

>I think it'd actually be sort of shitty for Mike to approach her in this sort of situation. He might want to apologize and "fix things" but at this point that's more for the sake of his own feelings than hers.
He did say they still had a bunch of things that they needed to talk about (before she supposedly attempted to kill herself) so its not like its something out of the blue.

The part about it being for the sake of his feelings isn't all that wrong though, he is having goddamn nightmares about her, its not the kind of thing you just let slide, on top of everyone being on his ass over what he said to her.

But if she never wants to approach him then Mike should respect that because if she doesn't want to talk to him then she doesn't want to talk to him.

She doesn't owe him closure, just like Mike didn't owe her attention back when all the shit originally went down.

user, this is Mike. The kid's practically trying to force himself awake because he thinks this is all a nightmare

How do we fix this mess?

Lucy has a threeway with Mike and Paulo while Daisy watches, Abbey kills himself, and David becomes the main character


Get rid of the Harbinger of Drama

Kill 'em all.

Is this comic worth reading? I keep seeing threads for it but I have never actually checked it out.

its a soap opera

Which is kind of weird too. She didn't seem to be angered or really feel anything regarding mike's presence. hell, it looked more like she felt bad for him since he looked like a wreck when she saw him, and a second after she is smiling and walking away.

Plus the chapter title 'love again' is kind of ominous. I have my doubts about her not wanting to talk to mike, maybe just wanting to talk in private/not in front of the drama team because it would cause more shit, or just not have the courage to do it, despite the (conscious or not) desire.

It would certainly be good if both admitted that they were really immature and shitty to each other though.

I think it's okay. First chapters are a bit of a chore to get through and get kind of stupid sometimes but there's a summary if you don't feel like reading them.

Why not just make an artificial insemination?

I just read the whole thing a few days ago because of a friend and I would recommend it. Just make sure you know your getting into since it is like 90% drama but I think the characters are interesting and likable despite their faults which lead to the drama. Also be warned the beginning of the comic was written when the writer was in middle school and can get kinda cringy but it when it gets past that it gets really good.

Also PauloxDaisy is the best ship imho

Lucy is the best girl for Paulo because both are fucking unlikable cunts

>Not Tess

Thats the most logical route. But then again its possible that she is either crazy and wants to be a REALLY legitimate kid, not some product from a science experiment, or just feels bad about making paulo raise a kid that isn't directly related to him.

Sort of related, but there was a one-off side-comic thing where paulo was married to her and swapped wives with daivid for a night because she and daivid's wife wanted kids, she is a dog, and daivid married a cat.

She ended up enjoying the knot more than the barbs, despite not telling paulo.

If you are going that route might aswell put her with mike. Both are horrible people who are horrible to eachother.

I'm still sort of expecting them to get together by the end. they are sorta like the flagship ship, i mean, most of the ads for the comic show them happy together.

No, Paulo's a good boy. Him and Daisy is where it's at.

So is mike still the devil just for getting mad at lucy? Like, I know he went overboard but other characters have done worse and they just seem to get all the love still.

Besides, not like he didn't try to fix it. Lucy's attempt was out of the blue for everyone

>Paulo's a good boy

He caused a whole bunch of drama at the table out of the blue just because Lucy wanted to be alone. Dude's a chucklefuck and it wouldn't be so bad if every time he gets called out on it, he just doesn't change.

secretly she craved dog d

This, he just has issues that he has shown regret over and willing to work on them ie. The part with Matt at the campfire. I thought I was gonna hate Paulo going into the comic but I was pleasantly suprised

> Mike is horrible

I like that whenever someone says that and I ask what Mike has done, the only thing that comes is his outburst at Lucy (after suffering from her shenanigans since the start of the comic) and his relationship with Sandy (which was more like a childhood crush and things were going sour in RL).

After all the bullshit he suffered because of Lucy and Paulo he should be matyrized when he dies.

no its a siblinglike relationships they must remain pure

Mike's only really been horrible to Lucy, and that's understandable since Lucy is/was a grade A bitch, otherwise he's a pretty nice guy.

> Paulo
> good boy

I think you need to reread the comic. He goes confrontational at whim, is self centered and basically stands for whatever has a vagina.

Must be a Lucyfag.

>Besides, not like he didn't try to fix it. Lucy's attempt was out of the blue for everyone
Pretty much this. Things were finally looking up in a long time after the school play chapter.

I'm kinda expecting the supposed suicide attempt to just be some big misunderstanding.

And thats why he deserves Lucy aka Queen Cunt

>Implying Paulo x Lucy isn't the OTP

>Good Boy

His logic in the last few pages has basically boiled down to "Lucy wont sit with us?! Better go into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!". That's not good. That's highly stupid.

They need to learn that bottling shit up and putting on masks helps noone.

Everyone in the group keeps trying to "If I ignore it and push it down in me it will eventually go away" which hasn't helped them in the slightest.

Daisy still has feelings towards Mike and would have shoved Abbey to the floor if he one day came to her asking to be his girlfriend. Paulo still tries to pull the bully persona because he is so emotionally conflicted making everyone see him bad; Abby refuses to hear others because of his own inner conflicts rather than search for actual help. And Mike keeps having his complex between Lucy and Sandy and how everyone is growing up beyond him.

Basically everything'd be solved if they bothered to go to Therapy, but we wouldn't have a comic if logic existed in this world now would we?

one of them does and i

You can be a stupid boy and a good boy at the same time. His brain can't handle all of this, because it's much like a chimp's, that's why he's acting up. Cut him some slack.

Mike needs to lose his virginity.

That should really be Mike's highest priority right now but that boy ain't right.

Lucy's mere presence causes this amount of drama, it's incredible.

I think its more that they all had drama building, all essentially inwardly agreed to bottle that shit up after Lucy left, and then let it explode when Lucy came back and reminded of that shit again.

I think mike might kill himself, judging by that look on his face.

That would be an improvement. Maybe in hell he will be free.

REMINDER Mike did nothing wrong

I think we can all agree he could have handled things better.

I wonder why Lucy hasn't reacted yet?

Probably wants to do it in private.

Not him, but you think he should have 'exploded' in a more controlled way?

Because really, that was something that has been cooking for a long time. And he even apologized for it.

What he could have handled better is stopping being a dormat. But if he told Lucy to get lost the first time she attacked him then there wouldn't be much of a comic.

>Not him, but you think he should have 'exploded' in a more controlled way?
Yeah, that's basically what I think.

>wants to do it in private
With who?

School shooting when?

When you explode you release whatever it is inside. Props to you if you have enough will to avoid saying too many mean words for someone who spent so much time bullying you.

And I must say, if this was inverted (Mike was the jerk to Lucy), Lucy would have physically beaten him up. And probably nobody would give a shit, because that's one of the benefits of being a girl.

The problem with this particular situation though is that his explosion essentially came completely unprovoked.

Yes Lucy has been a bitch to him in the past and that's terrible, but she had been nicer to him for a while, she was trying to keep things nice and civil between them because of their school assignment and he got triggered and blew.

Not only that, but it wasn't enough to talk about his own feelings towards her, but he chose to speak for the rest of her friends and convinced her that they'd leave her at the drop of a hat.

Also the fact that they even had to work on the essay together in the first place is his own fault because he couldn't control himself.

He chose to flip out on the teacher before assignments were even properly handed to him, which guaranteed him being assigned to work with Lucy. If he had the sense to wait and see what would happen and then talk with the teacher in private if he DID get her as a partner none of this shit would have ever happened.

Ah man, It's almost like Taeshi's spent the last two years making doing everything she can to make the most stand up guy into the worst character. What a surpriiiiiiise.

Honestly though, I hope they don't get back together. Last time they did, it was a waste of of a chapter.

True. Maybe she is mad because he was the only one who didn't drank alcohol.

>His brain can't handle all of this

All of what? Lucy is back but she doesn't want to sit with them because she feels awkward around mike. That isn't a lot to handle. he decided to choke mike with his scarf and cause a scene instead of trying to talk to her alone later on.