What does Sup Forums think about Shen?

What does Sup Forums think about Shen?

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it's great if you're a 16 year old girl with body issues and a cutting habit.

Fucking hate him because of how lazy his shit is. He has talent but he's clearly casting a wider net because it gets him immediate likes and favorites and whatever.


I don't get the hate. A lot of his stuff is relatable, even if it's repetitive. He's found his niche and an audience who likes his stuff, and apparently it resonates with a lot of people, so good for him.

I feel like getting angry at his stuff not meeting someone's standards for comics is like literature enthusiasts getting buttblasted because YA authors dare crank out stuff that's directed at teenagers (duh) and which doesn't even try to be "real" literature, yet is still somewhat popular (among teenagers).

I don't really give a shit about the comic author, but people he's talking about in that OP comic are the absolute fucking worse. Why would you claim you're bad at something when you're actually good?

One time I was at a friend's house and he had some tetris game hooked up. I asked to play against one of his Asian friends and he kept insisting he was really bad at the game, but when we started he played like a fucking tetris grandmaster. Are you so afraid of losing at something that you claim you're the absolute worst just to avoid any feelings of sadness? Grow a fucking spine.

Self-depreciation humor is easymodo. Especially when it consists of a big nondescript man with "SELF-ESTEEM" or something written across their chest yelling at you.

Nice and all and some comics are genuinely good, but when you do 1000000 strips that are all the same DUDE LIFE IS HARD LMAO DUDE ANXIETY LMAO it's only expected that they start to feel boring and unimaginative.

And what is the problem with it?

nearly every one of his comics are like this

I just told you. It's easymode. You might get a cheap laugh out of it, but was it all that clever or amusing to have what amounts to an editorial cartoon telling you life sucks? No. Fuck no.

You got hustled by an Asian Tetris master.

>even if it's repetitive
the OP is beyond repetitive, its derivative.
a joke made hundreds of times before, just like most of his work. I could tolerate the repetitiveness of maybe he was at least repeating something that he at least came up with himself.

Humility is usually a good thing.

Hey man when I play with randoms in a game Im always mvp, but when I play with someone I know I get shitstomped pretty hard. It's what their definition of good is.
Also maybe if this guy didn't always draw this simple shit and attempt a good art style maybe he would learn how to draw better.

He's ok. His problem is that he follows the path of least resistance by pandering to the self-hating depressed cynical kids of today.

you can crank out comics like this all day with a modicum of artistic ability

For example:

[see stupid 'relatable' comic]
[recoil with disgruntled face]
[see good art]

his audience is being disserved if he posts less than 4 times per day

Aggressive humility is obnoxious. There's a difference between not saying "oh yeah, I'm a fucking master at playing the piano, I can definitely play circles around you", and saying "oh I'm really shit at the piano" and then playing expert level compositions blindfolded. It makes your humility come across as bragging.

Let's say Bob enjoys playing fighting games. While most other people move on from game to game every few weeks, Bob most enjoys going back to his old favorites. Whenever he plays with his friends, he either goes easy on them, or picks the worst character, or plays drunk etc.in order to keep the party fun for everyone. At a local level, Bob wins pretty often, though with a few people matches can get close.

However, whenever Bob goes to any actual tournament, he is eliminated in the first round, consistently. He always sticks around to pick up a pointer here and there, and loves looking into what the people at the top are doing. But if he's really being honest with himself, he can't compete at this level. One day, he meets you, a complete stranger who asks to play with him. Not knowing the stranger's level, should he a) say he is good, given that he can beat most of his friends and some other locals, or b) say he is bad because he understands just how low on the overall totem pole he actually is?


I say my art is bad, because I compare myself to the people who are legit good - and also because I know what I aimed for, and see all the shortcomings.

Bob say's he's pretty decent. He's above average. He's had some practice. It's not as black and white jesus christ use some descriptive words and paint a fucking picture.

I don't understand his endgame.

Does he print books or sell comics of these strips collected? I get that he gets exposure and he's had loads of people see his work, but he's getting reposted without credit all over the internet and I don't think he gives a shit. If he's just doing it for the love of cartooning sure, more power to him, but if he wants to earn a living with his comics I'm confused as to how he's achieving that.

I mean lets be fair, anyone with a modicum of talent can make vague comics for the facebook reblog audience. What he's doing isn't difficult, it seems like these are the doodles of an artist making a real product we're not seeing. Like where's his actual book, the thing he's putting his effort into?

Well, he makes 800$ a month on Patreon, and he has a Tapastic account. I can't find the exact dollar amount there but it's probably lower than what he makes on Patreon (since Patreon is more profilic I feel), which mean's he probably pulls about $1,000 dollars a month just from this comic alone. One thousand dollars to do an easy comic that he enjoys doing? Sounds like a reasonable endgame already

I don't like the shits he crap out because of how it I guess in a way validates him being a lazy miserable shit with limbs and tries to make himself and others like him feel good for not trying to improve themselves as human beings.

Like the comic in the OP's pic for example, it basically tells its audience that envy and jealousy isn't a bad thing. It is if that's all you're getting. Envy should propel you forward, it should become a reason to strive for.

holy shit brb starting a patreon/tapastic account

>Why would you claim you're bad at something when you're actually good?
it's actually a pretty healthy thing to say. There's a graph that says if you claim to be good at something, you either have to be a perfectionist in that field or a complete newbie that just got down the basics.

>$1,000 a month

That's not a lot of money, you realize that right? I mean good that he can earn money doing what he likes, but it is very far from a living.

r u ok shen?

I don't really get the visceral hate some people seem to have for these minimalist slice of life comics.

It's like getting upset with a chocolate bar for not being a well-crafted multi-layered chocolate cake. I could understand the anger if a certain expectation was already in place, such as paying for quality content and getting doodles. But that hardly appears to be the case with these things.

It's not just people getting mad about people enjoying something they don't, right?

I think the upset comes from the fact that it's the same general thing, over and over, and for some reason it's still successful. The people who don't like it feel that it shouldn't be successful since its subject matter is so repetitive.

I like his art but he's a bit too repetitive and plays the self deprecation card too much. Every now and again he can get a chuckle out of me but beyond that, he's pretty forgettable. I don't feel very strongly one way or the other.


He can't even get past the scrub round in tourneys. He plays better than the normies but he's still shit.

He has way too many comics where a vague idea represented by a huge buff dude hits him in the face
It's very fucking obnoxious at this point

he's alright. As long as doesn't tout that his comics are anything original, I wish him the best.

Situational slice of life humor is always repetitive since its observations about common mundane experiences.

But yeah, I can see how it's pretty repetitive. But isn't stuff like KC Green and Whomp! similarly repetitive self-deprecating humor? And those seem like generally Sup Forums-approved classics.


Here have my Upvote

I don't get it.

Low self-esteem?

$1000 a month for what like 10 strips max? He can't be spending more than a few hours a week doing that. I'd gladly take $1k a month for a few hours of doodles.

>Why would you claim you're bad at something when you're actually good?
Because the very moment you start to think yourself as good, you stagnate.
Some people are content with their level of expertise and others never feel satisfied with it..
Guess which one usually turns out better

One trick pony

Stuff like KC Green and Whomp! are more liked because they at least try different approaches to the humor rather than the "Me vs Labelled Representation".

Because it's funny to see people like you rage at it.

Hes completely fine. Just fine. Not all that annoying if I stumble across it but nothing something im compelled to seek out.

I think he's pretty funny, does nice comics, and gets an ass-ton of hate and jealousy because his humor appeals to a wide audience.

I think the problem with his comics is similar to my problems with political cartoons. It doesn't matter if I agree or relate to the subject matter, because it's presented in such a simplistic way that it feels like you're being talked down to. Labeling everything as "life" "emotions" "sadness" or "The Oil Crisis" just sucks any real creativity out of the comic. There's a lot of webcomics out there that do the same thing too, so it's easy to get tired of it.
Out of all the one's I can think of, I'm pretty sure Gunshow and Pictures For Sad Children are the only ones in that genre that felt unique or creative, though they were still hit or miss.

No, it's getting mad at the people who find it funny.

... why do you give a shit

Why do you find it funny?


You're deflecting. I never said I found it funny. I asked why do you care what other people find funny.

Sarah Anderson is better and she's not even that good.


he posts the same shit over and over again and it regularly gets upvoted because he appeals to the lowest denominator, people who like self deprecating comics.

i always see his shitty self deprecating comics and it overshadows other artists entirely.

fuck shen

>pic related
He should've made a comic about this

You going to end up doing the same shit every time even cyanide and happiness has depression week to change up their shit.


Theres that word again.

That's how my grandfather lost his castle in Germany

Post edits


Part of Japanese culture is to never ever describe yourself as being skilled. If someone asks if you're good at something you must you tell them "No no no, I'm awful, but I can do it." and if someone gives you praise, you must reject the compliment AT LEAST once before accepting it with somethign like "Really? If you say so."

anything less is incredibly rude and dishonorable

What a fucking faggot-ass bitch

It's pretty good if you have something or someone else covering your living expenses and draw shit in your sparetime



My problem is that the joke/message often gets repeated and it's essentially one of the most used crutches for a webcomic.

KC Green and Whomp! are anything but mundane though. Whomp! in particular is essentially 80% self deprecation but Ronnie presents it in a way that the self deprecation isn't bulk of the joke. He usually ties it into an absurd/creative situation. Owlturd does none of that, it rarely goes the extra mile and the joke just sort of falls flat and becomes repetitive.

He have great potential.