RWBY/RT General #1015: Self Care Edition

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Caring for your partner is important!

Finds another place to take her boyfriend of the week.




God doesn't forsake us. We can all turn to him at any time.

Ruby a best.

>JLullaby's comic
Oh yes


5 facts about Pyrrha!

1. Pyrrha is a girl!
2. Pyrrha has no spine!
3. Pyrrha is a cuck!
4. I hate Pyrrha!
5. Pyrrha!

This is Yang
Say something nice to her


Pyrrha fucking sucks

That good? Or that bad?

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion man.

I no longer like your pyrrha facts

Kali Porn?

she's very handy in a fight

That's not Yang

She's pretty for a Grimm

Her hair is nice, for a Grimm.

Post your waifus face when you and her wedding gets inturrupted by a invading empire

You were the most fun to break.

yeah it's good post more

How fucking ugly, I'm glad I only bought the RWBY plushies

She has a nice bike.



She's gonna punch through her depression.

what would Rance's semblance be?

>I should've seen this coming
>JRPG plot
>White Knight Chronicles

There are certain things you just don't do.
Interrupt the happiest day in Yang Xiao Long's life is one of them

That seems like a bad idea and bad writing.

I want to see an Angry Yang in a wedding dress now

>...I'm sorry I didn't mean it!

sounds like SOMEONE's missing some brain cells


The Funhaus bois straight up asked when they're gonna get to voice characters in RWBY in today's video

Go take a bite out of crime.

They also found out porn

Your aura is a Dragon. Exhale, and the world will burn before you

Jeremy's asked that a few times too


Fuckin' weebs

>their video is just them scrolling through R34
so this... is the power... of youtube comedy channels...

not bad...

Yang a shit fighter.

what will it take for Cardin to lay off the bullying?

Wait did he finally released page 10?

>their video is just them scrolling through R34
except it's not?
For the most part they played games, the R34 part is a bunch of seconds long

>Aren't you a weeb too, Raven?

Velvet reforming him


If you were tasked with writing Grimm Pyrrha, how would you do it?

>The self insert pairing.

Did someone color this or is this LunarisFuryAileron?

Which episode is this?

>girl changes damaged bully through le power of her vagina
this is what battered women actually believe

Have her kill Juan.

I wouldn't.

Grimm Pyrrha is a shit idea.

Yang is the second cutest human Grimm I've soon today.

James comment was fucking perfect.

>"Are you kidding? It's RWBY of course there's tons of Rule 34 about it!"

I wouldn't, and would advise the writers that they dont.
If I don't I have a choice, I make it a monster of the week that's just a souless husk that was just made to resemble Pyrrha to torment and hurt the heroes

Today's episode of Demo Disk


Momma told me not say anything of you got nothing nice to say

Why is it always Yang now days?

She's the most conventionally attractive (by western standards) girl of the show

>implying she isn't the poor man's Glynda

Why is penny a giraffe?

Who is this?

that would be Weiss

Why do people like Glynda anyway? She's basically a magical janitor

She is?

How else will she get the highest leaves?

And yet, Glynda exists
I just like Yang, and lots of other people obviously do as well
Plus there was that writefriend who was taking Yangs in exchange for writing stuff, so there's that

She starts putting out for a more popular, stronger male who protects her

Salem is cute, post more of her RWBYg.

>why do people like the dominant girl with huge tits

Sexy teacher.

So she's alone then



So how much do you think Jaune is worth in terms of money?

Port right?

>not dominant

Somebody should write that. Yatsuhashi protects Velvet from bullies and Grimm, and in exchange she finds a secluded place for them to get busy.

More than all of us combined

You'd have to pay someone to haul that trash away.

But user Nobody protects Velvet


>as much as Pyrrha can afford with her sponsorship money

>Black Juniper
>Pyrrha as Revy
>Jaune as Rock

God I want this so bad.

As a slave? Certainly above average though still less than any other main and secondary character, with the possible exception of the faunus.

I colored them
Here's the set for those who want

>Blond haired blue eyed
>Can be trained
Upwards of a hundred million.

Cost can increase and decrease depending on certain factors that have to be tested in person.

How he gains or loses muscle. How the muscle looks. Taste of lips.

What if Yang kissed you and gave you her number

Good job user, thanks for the imgur link too, man