Do you suck cocks by choice Sup Forums?

Do you suck cocks by choice Sup Forums?

Deadwood thread

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Canned peaches? Again?


nu-Sup Forums haven't seen Deadwood



I actually just started watching this show, they say "cocksucker" more in this show then i've ever heard in my entire life


Fuck those hoopleheads

I'm sad because I just remembered Powers Boothe died earlier this year.

What an excellent ensemble cast this show had. So many great character actors. I mean, Brad Dourif and William Sanderson in the same show? I want to rewatch it now.

Just finished season 1. Fucking great. Does it go bad?

it peaks in season 1 but season 2 is still great. Al is sick for a lot of the second season so be warned.

It never goes bad but it doesn't really have a satisfying conclusion.

I never finished season 3 honestly. Seth is a dogshit protagonist and his piety wasn't an admirable trait when he had the chance to marry best girl and have kids but instead gets holiwr than thou and followed the bible to the t marrying his brother's wife being his brother's keeper.

Rewatched Blade Runner last night in anticipation of 2049 and had no idea Farnum was in it

>Al is sick for a lot of the second season so be warned.
That gave us one of the best fucking scenes in the show, though.

If she wasn't a whore I'd say she was waifu material and best girl.


Am I retarded or was there a scene of Alma post coitus with Seth lying on her back arms up with pit hair?


Bozo, the protagonist is the Body not the members. Do you even Milch?

Where are those fucking canned peaches?

When Alma came off the laudnum why did she never shit her ass out? How did she not die from only drinking small amounts of tea during weeks of explosive diarrhea times?

Your mouth looks like a cunt to me Jack!

Season 2 was meant to be the winter. Swerengen digging out the lost caravan by himself to no avail though publicly denouncing them

It's the only Milch I've watched so I'm woefully ignorant in that department oh wise master. Can you forgive me and lead me to the path of righteousness?

Such a damn shame they didn't make more.

Ain't that the purest form of nigger logic. He runs! He blames the white man! And then he comes back, and he treats 'em like dirt. Hey, when I can I start working for you, you fuckin' monkey-ape! Why don't you start jumpin' up and down, and pounding your chest!

Literally /ourguy/

They're working on a movie, looks promising

You fucked that horse, Steve.

Go ahead and do somersaults or peel bananas with each other for all I give a fuck. Whole place has gone to shit anyhow.

Yeah, glad I taught you that fuckin' word

Was Raimi a writer on this show?

Well fuck me. I missed that. Can't wait

I fucking loved Steve every scene he was in.

Maybe if Steve was fucking that horse Bulloch's nephew/son wouldn't have gotten trampled.

The white man bears the nigger's weight around his neck like a fucking albatross.


And do not come and try to murder me as I sleep! And... I will not come and try to murder you.

season 3 was such a mess, every scene with jane was an abomination.

And yet people still ask, "Well, why is he bent over?! And why can he barely fuckin' walk?!"

Jane was fine. The subplot was fucking dumb but to be honest, one bad subplot on three seasons of a show like this is a pretty solid record.

Love how Doc never took shit from Al

>You shut the fuck up, huh?
>Gimme that! (Grabs bottle) Hey, you suck my dick and shut the fuck up, huh?
>Come here.
>Come on.
>Now then, here.
>The place where I found you, huh, is where this warrant's from. Could you believe that I may have stuck a knife in someone's guts 12 hours before you got on the wagon we headed out for fuckin' Laramie in? No! Because I don't look fuckin' backwards. I do what I have to do and go on.
>Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what?
>You got a stagecoach to catch or somethin', huh?
>Slow the fuck up.
>Did you know the orphanage part of the building you lived in, behind it, she ran a whorehouse, huh?
>Oh, so you knew?
>So, so what are you fuckin' lookin' at then, huh? God.
>Now, I'll tell you somethin' you don't know. Before she ran a girls orphanage, fat Mrs. Fucking Anderson ran the boys orphanage on fucking Euclid avenue, as I would see her fat ass waddling out the boys dormitory at 5 o'clock in the fucking mornin', every fuckin' morning she blew her stupid fuckin' cowbell and woke us all the fuck up.
>And my fuckin' mother dropped me the fuck off there with 7 dollars and 60 some odd fuckin' cents on her way to suckin' cock in-in Georgia.
>And I didn't get to count the fuckin' cents before the fuckin' door opened, and there, Mrs. Fat Ass Fuckin' Anderson, who sold you to me.
>I had to give her 7 dollars and 60 odd fuckin' cents that my mother shoved in my fuckin' hand before she hammered 1,2,3,4 times on the fuckin' door and scurried off down fuckin' Euclid Avenue , probably 30 fuckin' years before you were fuckin' born.
>Then around Cape Horn and up to San Francisco, where she probably became Mayor or some other type success story, unless by some fucking chance she wound up as a ditch for fuckin' cum.
>Now, fucking go faster, hmm? (grunting)
>Okay, go ahead and spit it out. You don't need to swallow. You just spit it out.

giv whiskey and tiddies

That's nice.

I don't think that was the point. All of season 2 basically showed the sacrifices they had to make to grow the town instead of focusing on their own personal relationships. It's the same reason Al and Seth beat the shit out of eachother at the start of that season.

>tfw netflix took down Deadwood earlier this month

Anybody else confused as hell when they recast that guy to play Hirst's man as well?

It's because he is that good of an actor.

i'm a few episodes away from rewatching it for the 5th time.

GOAT show

>using netflix