season 4 trailer season 4 trailer

>that shot of poll being lead to the noose followed by alfie on the beach


The way this trailer is cut pisses me off though. Why is it cropped like a phone video? Also the words coming up on the screen looks retarded.

But I'm hyped about Brody and CIA.

Wasn't expecting that so soon. That means Taboo is already being worked on.

Hopefully the writing improves, it's been steadily declining since S1.

S3 had the best scenes to date
Anything with the Russians and/or Alfie was gold

looks pretty, pretty, pretty good

The actors, the sets and the designs are great, but the overall writing increasingly became convoluted and lost most of it's subtlety. A lot of side characters became caricatures, there has been multiple plot points that jump up for no reason other than to create some extra drama (michael being diddled by the priest, or the whole polly plot since s2), or some plots lead to nowhere at all. I really like the show and I hate to see it become this jumbled, rushed mess that relies on "cool moments" to keep the viewers attention, instead of that nice slow burner feel it had. I hope it gets better on S4.

Probably made for facebook and some of those other things.

Alfie was fantastic.

Honestly thought it was fake and fanmade until I saw some new characters.


looks a bit lovecraftian

0:38 oh shit

not sure thats him..

Yes it's him you silly
He's been cast as some kind of Pikey rival to the Lees

Polly really is just crime family Peggy Hill

you can't take a criminal seriously that sounds like a bong. must be why all their criminals sucked

>season 4
>coming soon

Well, when the fuck is that?


That's a big HAT

I didn't know Adrien Brody had joined the cast, that's pretty neat. I've watched a lot of Wes Anderson films lately so I've grown fond of him.

If I pulled it off would you die?

I bet you like the films of Wes Anderson.

>Shot of Tom Hardy
>Followed by shot of Aidan Gillen

This show is about to crash this fucking board with no survivors[/spoilers] isn't it

This is what mid level managers jerk off to

More misses than hits so far

Taboo is done by the same shitcrew, right?

This year

How long until we get more
>i have a use for you
>spooky ghosts

>Dr Blinder, I'm rotating

If Tom Hardy and CIA have a scene together will baneposting be saved?


Dr. Pavel being in Twin Peaks did very little for Baneposting, so who knows.



the 'Alfie crossed the line' scene was GOAT

>tfw people don't remember old memes on this board anymore

I did actually remember it but I couldn't remember anything about its context.


There's a pretty big difference between Pavel showing up in a random show, and Bane and CIA actually interacting onscreen for the first time since TDKR.

>getting counter-trolled this badly
youre getting too old for this shit user


brainlet here

pls explain why everybody got arrested in the end of S3 and if Tommy knew about it, why did he give that 'who gets how much money' speech

I'm quite excited for it. I just hope Arthur becomes an actual character though. He seems to be all over the place iirc.
And more Alfie. Can never get enough Alfie.

it was never explained, Tommy made a deal with "people more powerful than us"

I quit watching after they killed off Sam Neil's character. Is season 3 any good?

>You're a big goy
>For jew