When will Sup Forums ever be right?

When will Sup Forums ever be right?

We always were on it's side, it's just the capeshit/Star Wars fags that were against it

>speaking like you're not part of this board
Another shill or another cross posting tourist?

Star Wars fags don't know what real sci fi is.

>2 fucking seconds

this just further confirms that it's a bad movie

>popular right away
That means it has given up artistic merit to pander which means its shit

When Sup Forums is wrong.

shills, shills everywhere. soon as the early access shill reviews drop, the internet shills are sent out to attack free thought


Aw did someone disagree with you online? You poor baby, that's the same thing as taking your freedom away! How rude of them. You should write blog about it.

Based Goose.

Its only one critic who didnt like it because of style over substance.

It's fucking kino reading their comments and what paper they write for

fuck off shill somewhere else i have even argued about this movie at all and i dont care if its good or bad, I literally hate all movies and spend my time whistleblowing shills because I know the type

>Leave blockbuster-kino to me

imagine the reviews if Ridley had made this

Would be in the 40s as he isn't a reddit approved meme director since he's authentic.

Did I miss the voting ?

bump op. Answer now or I'll make this board turn on it and the director like I did with guardians of the galaxy.

>shills give a movie positive reviews

>All critics are shills
Even Armond will like this haha fuck off disney drone

OP is a shill himself

Did anyone seriously think this was going to be shit?

>dumbass reboot gets good first reviews

what else is new? Same thing happened with JJ's TFA

Most of the mouseshills on Sup Forums for months were hating on it for no real reason, the trailer was great and so were the shorts. Only thing they were honest about was leto rest was pure anti shilling.

Anything with taste knows this is garbage. These reviewers all praise marvel as well which means somethings up with this movie

don't tempt fate, user

>anything with taste

Well, I don't really care what antelopes think of the movie