Reminder that Sup Forums is a Pete board

Reminder that Sup Forums is a Pete board.

hell's bells user

Pete was an emotional roller coaster for me.
At first i hated the man, then i felt bad for the man, then i was happy for him in the end.

Whatever happened to Pete's gun?

>blocks your path

Mad Men was full of unexpected moments that had no right being as funny as they were.

At first I thought Pete was a hilarious idiot with his saluting Don and general shit, then I absolutely started rooting for the guy in season 3.

I miss Bert, the dirty old weeb

100% correct. Pete is /ourguy/. An icon. The true winner of Mad Men and an American hero.

is mad men worth rewatching?

Compared to everything else being made in the current year?

It's worth rewatching for a 5th time.

I think you know the answer to that


>for a 5th time.
this nigger knows

aw hell yea

>stupid irrelevant caption
>not the wojak edit
mcfucking end yourself

Was this meant to be a subversion of Chekhov's gun?

*Blocks your promotion*

Based Ken.

*Blocks your vision*

I'm on episode 5 of season 1 and loving it so far. Glad I waited to watch it. Pete is kinda a douche but likeable simultaneously.

I kept having to remind myself that this was not L.A. Noire


I think you meant Connor... and no!

Does Megan show her feet at any point during the show?

Or Trudy?

Actually any female character, are there any female foot shots in this kino? I can't remember

>tfw finishing my 3rd watch

It just keeps getting better, senpai