What the hell happened to this guy? He's the only one from Seinfeld who hasn't been given a shot. After his latest arrest I don't think he's ever gonna make it.


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Destroying your own reputation can have that effect. He was great in that Curb episode, though.

>says nigger 10 years ago
>still ruined
>pewdiepie says nigger a month ago and all is forgiven

You can't really compare the two situations at all.

>offensive littering





I don't recall PewDiePie screaming nigger over and over in a black mans face while shouting about hanging blacks?

I'm afraid you can. Bitch

Are the rumours true?

holy fuck, did he undergo devolution?

Felix said it once in anger while playing a videogame, and a majority of people didn't give a single shit.
Michael on the other hand -
Just a tiny difference

working for show biz is not the same as autistically making videos from your bedroom

Age is a helluva drug, user.

I think its the fork up their ass that did him in. Or the hanging from a tree bit

Shitty angle and alcohol.

cast his comeback

He hung out around Jews so much he absorbed their kosher energy and started to devolve into their rat-like form.

Watch the Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with him. He's legit mad.

>Tell me the truth, do you really know Sugar Ray Leonard. Do you really know him?
>Do I really know him?
>Tell me the truth.
>No... I don't know him... see, I don't remember the past too well.


that's not fucking him

it's on TMZ

Good. Fuck this racist piece of shit
S to shit on grave

Michael Richards is an angry asshole. If you ever watch bloopers of Seinfeld, he only ever gets pissed off when people mess up. Everyone else is laughing, and he's threatening violence or doing other passive aggressive weird shit

fuck off

i really wanted to like that series he did, hand of god, but it really didn't go anywhere and i stopped watching...

top tier JUST pic right there

To be fair I "forgave" both of them immediately ie. didn't give a single shit and thought it was funny.

But if you remember, the Jew-owned media tried to ruin Pewdiepie too, it's just that he has a much greater control over his license and production. Even so he barely escaped their clutches. Richards was completely at the Jews' mercy.

DAS RIIIITE *monkey screech*

He's a buffoon, not a comedian.

how strong are chimps? could they rip your arms off?

It's his own fault. He' had more than 10 years to participate in other projects or anything to help better his image or further his career. You google his name and articles from 2006 still pop up.

He just gave up

Not really. They will rip your balls off though, and your face.

He's apparently incredibly serious about his craft. He legit never laughed or broke once during the making of Seinfeld. Buster Bluth and Bob Odenkirk are really similar. They don't fuck around when it comes to this comedy shit.

>Buster Bluth and Bob Odenkirk
Who's Buster Bluth?

they can.

jamie pull up that chimp attack video for me

Michale Richards paid his reparations by leaving a $10,000 tip for a black waiter.

When are the rest of you whitebois going to pay up?


Pretty damn strong for their size. They're also intelligent but also have no human conventions of being fair, so they immediately go for your weak points like nutsack, eyes, break your fingers, etc.

now i want to see a movie about a killer chimp with human intelligence

Hang in there Kramer!

i really don't see the difference

I always thought he seemed like a good dude. Remember that time he left a waiter a $10,000 top? Sad to see him in JUST mode

So what actually happened here?

>disorderly conduct

He was getting his jacket back from his mother's boyfriend.

>doesn't understand context
We know.

He did that? Fucking cuck..

You mean, like the Planet of the Apes' franchise?

Fucking Retard

Hahahaa.. just read about this! He's done for lads.

He used to be so innocent.

the youtuber does not depend on the entertainment industry, so they can't stop him from making shitty videos from his room, that's the main difference

t. chimp out

doesn't matter. if you utter that heinous word in any capacity your career should be permanently ruined. just fuck off to Sup Forums already

no, in that one the monkeys were not bloodthirsty killers and just boringly put humans in cages

Leonard Nimoy looks terrible

Hitler was innocent once too.

youtube should censor him and ban him from ever making content on their service again. enough of this fucking bigotry

youtube can't censor things, it's written in the bible thou shall not covet your neighbor's wife

There's a Dario Argento movie that kinda does that.

Phenomena. Features young Jennifer Connolly.
Hilarious bit where they throw her in a literal swimming pool full of gore.
She does not look happy.

You also get to see Asia Argento before the nose job. Yeouch.

Thanks for the link you absolute shitcunt

holy shit I'm watching this right now and its incredible

pewdiepie casually said nigger while playing a game, nobody really gave that much of a shit considering most people drop the n bomb every once in a while

richards went on a super racist tirade in front of a live audience.

To everyone that said they can survive on a few million for the rest of their lives. Here you go in action.


He was innocent at his death too.

The only thing he was at fault for was losing

I cry evrytiem

When he started raising his voice I thought he was about to go off on a racist tirade.

based black men really can dance


Thought Richards was of the tribe? If gentile, that explains it. Same as what happened to Mel Gibson and Harry Knowles. (((They))) bring you up then rip you down for more tribal initiates to replace you. t.Nazi

This is bizarre. I kinda like it for the weird factor, a sort of anti-humor. You keep expecting a joke or some sort of punchline, but nope, it's just this. Interesting. I watched it 3 times to see if I missed anything.

What kind of faggot gets ptsd from Kramer?

Pewds quietly says "Jew" in yesterday's vid about le based black science man. He's /our guy/. Richards should cameo on Pewds, just casually crash into his recording room. Fame level restored among next gen.

Pretty much my entire family agrees nothing wong with saying nig6er now after NFL went bolshevik. Including mom.


He's doing fine. Apparently he gave a 10 000$ tip for a 14$ sandwich recently.

I recommend The Equalizer or Shaft with Sam Jackson

None of this sounds any different from the shit they got up to on the show. Is this the power of method acting?

Did no one itt watch the new nathan for you?

You really think they'd let him join in on anything they were doing? He had a poisonous brand, dude. They weren't going to include him because they'd get shat on by the outrage crowd. What chance did he have?

There's that flick where Elizabeth Shue takes a shower

Richards sperged the fuck out and tripped over himself screaming nigger over and over to a black man's face, because he was angry at him and wanted to insult him, then he hesitated and pretended he was making a point and no one bought it. PewDiePie said nigger on purpose for fun and is unironically a better entertainer than Richards


It was at Joe K’s Deli in Vernon, California, a great eatery with solid service (hence the tip). Personally, I think Michael Richard's generous donation to the staff deserves more media attention.

>Personally, I think Michael Richard's generous donation to the staff deserves more media attention.
i think the media highlighting that kind of generosity spoils it

He would have never done it if not for the incident in question. It needs more attention tbdesu.

They were heckling him. That's only acceptable when the heckler is funnier than the guy on stage which the niggers weren't.

how is he *not* Jewish? Like what the fuck is he? Part Levantine?

There is a Jewish hierarchy, believe it or not. They'll fight their own if they step out of line.