Letterboxd thread

mother! Is my first aronofsky in a theater.

There was something special about witnessing a bunch of mouth breathers going to see the new Jennifer Lawrence movie and be totally bewildered. I thought it would piss me off, but it was actually funny.

Shout out to the douchebag and his ugly white girlfriend who reacted to things throughout the whole movie non-stop. At one point there was a "reveal" in the film and the douchebag exclaimed "pshh I knew it!" And then his ugly tramp girlfriend shouted "mmmmm I knew it!" ...... they clearly did not know it...

Over the course of the last 30-40 minutes the ugly douche bag mumbled "This is the worst
f---ing movie I've ever seen", at least 5 times, and I just smiled to myself.

As the credits rolled people laughed and a girl behind me said "What the f---".

mother! Isn't my favorite aronofsky film, but I appreciate it. And to the mouth breaters out there it's not that we are better than you but, well yea we are better than you. By a landslide. Stick to Adam Sandler movies.

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>ugly white girlfriend
really makes you think

I try to avoid bad films.

Love Wilder. Contemporary favourites include Linklater, Tarantino, P.T. Anderson, Nolan and Wright.

Go be a furfag somewhere else.


recommand me some jlaw kino

kill this meme already

this post is pure ludo


Is your site so fucking shit that you post here?

Pretty much.


i admit i laughed. now go away retard.

i admit i laughed. now go away retard.


i confess i giggled, now scram dipwad.

i concede the fact that I snickered, now fuck off numbnut

so is tardboy finally coming out of the closet? I'm not surprised in the slightest given his waifu looks like a tranny

so is nonceface finally admitting his orientation? doesn't shock me at all since his crush looks like a trap

Take it back!

Return it to me!



at least he's changing up his samefag tactics this time

wheres roberto pancakes

wheres rooney

where she belongs, in the garbage.


for you

Was getting caught part of your plan?

Of courshe!

Mother! was one of the worst films I've ever seen. OP should put a gun in his mouth and pull the trigger.

why do you want someone to die because they didn't like a movie

it bombards you with tons of obvious imagery and abandons all subtlety, but it has a good cast for the most part and it's thrilling.


step aside plebs

how the hell did you get that many followers

For you

being well-loved and admired is quite the burdon. should probably start watching a few movies again once in a while.


>being this new



farre fares well comparred to amdjeet

I've chuckled politely, now frig off shitbag

don't you think in your attempt to keep lbg alive you're making it far worse and less appealing to both old and new posters?

Emily Bean