Vice Principals

>tfw we'll get only 2 seasons

best comedy out there right now

It would have done a lot better if the first episode of the first season didn't absolutely fucking suck and have no actual funny parts. The rest of the series has been phenomenal but I almost dropped it after the first episode

What they're canceling it?

I have to agree. The first episode was extremely dry. I'm so glad episode 2 found its footing. Things like the house trashing, firing the receptionist in front of that weird European man, NeeChow that crazy fucking bitch, Gamby going to Bojangles for biscuits. Had me in stitches

It's more like a miniseries, a contained story that ends at 2 seasons.

New Mike Judge animated series is the best comedy out now

Planned from start. Both seasons shot at once.

And yeah, it's best think on right now but that's not saying much, as it's the only 'new' thing on shot before Trump.

I give it a C+

That is fucking airing?! JESUS CHRIST WHY WASN'T I TOLD!?

I actually thought the two episodes of S2 so far have been a little dry. It's weird because they were obviously written and shot at the same time and there shouldn't be a drop in quality, but I really think Belinda held the show together

how did you not laugh when Lee smashed the sushi all over the table or when he hears everyone making fun of him?

Sushi smashing was cringey not funny

>you will never be as /fa/ as Lee Russell

feels bad man

Damn that sucks, now my day is ruined

It was hilarious how upset those bitches were getting. Lee is best boy.

Good. Not everything needs a gorillion seasons.

>when he hears everyone making fun of him?
That just made me feel bad. Lee is a scummy sociopath but he is so sincere about his appearance, I hate seeing people mocked like that for things they really love

It's Cinemax. No cunt watches or makes threads about those shows.

I can't believe it I don't even know what the fucking show looks like! And two episodes have aired already. I can't wait to watch later. Mike Judge has done no wrong.

No season 3?

season 2 is perfect so far... way better than season 1

No. It was planned as two seasons from the start and all filmed at once. This was a movie script that they had lying around and stretched out to miniseries length when HBO showed interest in it.

Reminder that either Jackie or Deshawn is the killer.

We used to make based Banshee threads

it's 100% Lee. How do I know?
The cars were set on fire. Lee is a pyro. Lee could have just smashed the cars if he wanted to get Gamby outside, so why set them on fire? Exactly.

The shooter being Lee is too obvious and a red herring.

I bet it's Ray.

what about the girl who sucked his weewee? maybe she's da killa

who the hell is jackie?

I just noticed she is in the car commercial with the guy singing Sweet Caroline or whatever.

It is Gamby's daughter. She is acting weird this season

Of course it's Lee. And it will be revealed in the faux-soap opera way they do all the dramatic parts of the show, played 100% straight like Gamby never saw it coming

Of course it's Lee. It's obviously Lee and there's gonna be a scene the end when he laughs at Gamby and is like "of course it's me you dumb motherfucker" or something similar

Ofcourseit'sleemind proves it.

The big dude Gamby hit with the brass knuckles.

After watching the 2 new episodes i realized i barely remember season 1 aside from Gamby getting shot and Belinda Brown getting fired, gonna rewatch S1 again this weekend.

The shooter is Lee or Jackie.

I did the same and laughed so utterly hard at it, maybe more than when I first watched it. I recommend episodes 2, 5 and 7. Those are my favorites.

Ah yeah