How did he lost to an untrained girl?

How did he lost to an untrained girl?

he was a plen

nice English Pajeet.

he was fighting with an exposed injury

It was actually a metaphor, doesn't matter how much a white man trains and gets disciplined in a certain craft, he will always lost against a female counterpart because corporal nepotism (movie meta allegory to Hollywood). The movie is actually self aware.

are you trying to say girls cant fight?

nice digits.

but check those senpai

emotional problems, he had just killed his father.
he thought it would rid him of his 'good' thoughts. instead it only made him more conflicted.

rey had plotarmor on her side and his sword was a shit design compared to a real lightsaber

name a female heavyweight world champion.

take your time.

She was trained. She just forgot.

She can at least defend herself due to jedi reactions....but after he offers to train her in the force she reacts strangly and simply says "the force".

It's the last thing she says for the rest of the movie...but I assume Rey from that moment she remembers if not everything, enough of her training/past.




Because she wasn't untrained and Kylo isn't a Sith Lord.

>She was trained. She just forgot.
Thats dumb but seems good enough for movie logic, i mean it could be almost forgettable if they try to justify her mary sue status but i dont think is going to happen also, lets say i trained my childhood and part of my youth boxing, left it for about 4 years, if i go and challenge a active boxer that trains everyday, has more experience and is also bigger is sure that i will be watching the ceiling in the first round


women arent allowed in

Because he wants to fuck that beautiful mouth.

Well I'm suggesting Luke mind fucked her with the force so she forgot all about the force (probably because she's dangerous)

As for the have a point but that active boxer in this instance is wounded, emotionally tilted (due to killing his father), over confident (maul killed a master before under estimating a padawan) and is arrogantly offering his training rather then just trying to murder.

>That's dumb
If you aren't a retarded faggot, you see how virtually the entire movie hints at this.
>I mean it could be almost forgettable if they try to justify her mary sue status
She may actually be a force baby, user. Like Anakin.
>If I go and challenge a active boxer that trains everyday, has more experience and is also bigger is sure that i will be watching the ceiling in the first round
You don't really get how the force works, do you? How genetics shows force potential? You may as well complain about Luke doing the same shit and having no experience.

HE HAD JUST BEEN FUCKING SHOT. There's your answer. Are you seriously so dumb you can't pick up on the most obvious shit? Do you think JJ should've had Adam Driver turn to the camera and say "oh no, I'm horribly injured! I'm at a huge disadvantage!"?

Because they would die

Star Wars fans can't even think, they are still too busy crying about Disney. Yet they forget how fucking terrible the franchise was getting under George. He pulled the plug on Clone Wars and was going to sink money on some dumb teen titans Go-type clipshow for Star Wars, direcred by Seth McFarlen

It's called anime cliche syndrome. The trained adult is hapless against the protag whom has plot armor.

He was wounded.

The film does a lousy job at showing what the actual script was trying to say.
Kylo wasn't even trying to kill her, he was trying to take her as an apprentice because of her obvious great potential.

Then writers were lazy so they made that Force vision meme boost when Kylo had her cornered and she went raging on him by surprise
He was emotionally and physically wounded by murdering his father, getting hit with a bowcaster and a lightsaber
Rey fought everyday of her life to survive while Kylo probably wasn't in a lightsaber fight in a decade (maybe they didn't even get to lightsabers in the Jedi Academy)
And once Rey is aware of her Force capabilities it's pretty clear she's a more powerful Force user (she was stronger in the mind rape interrogation scene, stronger in the pulling the lightsaber from the snow scene and the final battle)

Or, she is a mind wiped force baby?

He was shot and just had a duel beforehand so he was hurt and tired.

Shit movie

>she is like luke, so basically stronger than the next generation like some bullshit from naruto
>she is naturally gifted in everything cos she is mary sue incarnate because thats the only way hollywood can show a strong independent woman for some reason (who the fuck cares about character development haha)
>kylo ren was severely wounded, both by some laser crossbow that literally sent people flying from its impact, so assuming his force powers absorbed/blocked some of the impact, he had atleast cracked/broken rib cage, punctured organs possibly, also got cut by that finn guy
>arguably kylo wasn't trying to kill her 100%, more maim/incapitate her cos he wanted her to join him so he had no killing intent/had to restrain himself
>mary sue/daisy was fighting off on her adrenaline/anger from kylo wounding her BBC boyfriend

This was all done on purpose. They had to nerf him somehow so he can job against Rey.

oh was also gonna include he was possibly in shock from killing his own father

>shot in the chest by Chewy's bowgun which instantly kills Stormtroopers and sends them flying
>using most of his force focus to keep himself alive and moving

He would have been a great villain if Adam Driver didn't look like an rebellious emo NEET.

>He was shot and just had a duel beforehand so he was hurt and tired.
He was shot but didn't have any duel, unless you think stabbing Han Solo in cold blood was a duel. But if you're talking about Finn, he whooped his ass with no effort, despite his "wound"
Now ask yourself why the writers made him wounded. To justify the girl beating him without any training. And why did they want the girl to win?

Because he has a (white) penis, duh!

I don't know I didn't write this shit movie.

>gets shot
>wound is bleeding
>repeteadly punch it

What did he mean by that?

Should fire her entire team and replace her with the girl that directed Wonder Woman.

Right, that's called a narrative device.


It's called bad writing.

i think that he was using the pain/anger as that is linked to Dark Side strength

Star Wars has always been poetically narrative though, you're just bitching to bitch.

You see before luke dropped rey off as a 12 year old child on jakku he taught her how to defeat 20+ year old sith generals veterans by closing her eyes.

He's not a Sith, he is hardly even a General.

Well he seems to be second in command of the FO while Mary Sue is a scavenger living in the desert surviving on food stamps.

He was a virgin who drops his spaghetti infront of girls

Nice 10!

He didn't rise up the ranks due to fighting prowess or leadership skills, he just benefits from his bloodline and nepotism

And also forgot that he could use the force.

But he can stop lasers in midair and hold them there while completely distracted. Why couldn't he use the force when he was fighting?

your mom?


oh, you mean like how Kathleen Kennedy and JJ abrams got to make Star Wars? It's literally POTTERY

How did the chosen one lose to an untrained farmboy?

Why didnt he disarm her when she closed her eyes for 20 seconds?

Literally shot with the Star Wars equivalent of an anti-armour round, which the film put huge focus on. The fucker was likely struggling to stay alive, and still had the will to fight.

>How did he lost to an untrained girl?
SJW powers

Alejandra Jimenez

>protagonist overcomes challenge against odds

what is every movie ever

Why did you made this same thread for two years now?