Why are some Vulcans white and some are black?

Why are some Vulcans white and some are black?

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Because a galaxy far far away is actually hell

Because the planet Vulcan has an equator?

Weren't Vulcans only white but they put a black guy in just because.

The Vulcans lived on separate continents, one group of which was closest to the equator where those Vulcans lived out doors for over 2,000 years allowing their skin pigment to absorb heavy doses of sun.

Apparently Vulcan is much like Earth.

Except highly volcanic and with a red-sky. A red star, too?

Vulcan is hotter than Earth. The 'white' Vulcans are actually yellow-olive toned and probably live further from the planet's equator.

That means their green blood would make them look more purple, than of black.

The original Spock had this weird purple hue around his eyes. Which I always wondered about. The reboot Spock went heavy on the "green blood" and they gave the actor this yellowish/greenish sickly hue to his whole body.

Still got pink gums, though.

No, they'd look like lemon lime colors

>Tim Russ actually believes he's a Vulcan

Tim Russ is a special case. He'd been trying to be in Star Trek since the 70's. Then he got to do it.

We should really commend him.

This guy was my least favorite character on Voyager. Every time he started babbling on about his Indian heritage shit, spirit guide shit I wanted him dead.

And the actor? A MEXICAN WHO LIED!

1995 casting agent: "His skin is brown. That looks Indian enough."

And they named him Tuvok like 2Pac

>The original Spock had this weird purple hue around his eyes. Which I always wondered about.

The crew of the Enterprise love their eyeliner.

Why are some humans white and some black?

the mark of cain

Have we seen any black romulans?

Of they look the part they look the part. Getting actor with the exact ethnicity of the character for its own sake is like modeling the insides of spaceships during CGI sequences where they can't be seen.


The cultural consultant was a famous Jewish con-artist.


His tribe raised rape babies as their own, his mother was obviously raped by a Mexican.

Because some Black actors are suitable for some Vulcan roles.

Because some Vulcans came from near the Vulcan equator and some came from nearer the poles. Wow. That was complicated.


Ok now explain this.

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