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Movie sucked, but she was so fucking hot. Four months later, still can't get her out of my head.


its actually literally setapai in the movie

Rewatched it just for her, she is literally perfect

Ye, but to be honest this was the first time I seen this actress. Or maybe I just can't recall, but she seems so unique, that I'm sure I would remember her.

She was in Star Trek and the first Kingsman you fucking philistine.

I know, I watched it. just marking the resemblance.

>An ancient egyptian mummy will never give you the power of the god of death to purge all niggers and spics from earth while cleaning your dick out whenever you want


Completely fucking retarded. hopefully they do another one more focused on her and being revived by set or something

Haven't seen these.

did a meme go too far?

Just finished watching an hour ago. So did she really care for Tom's character or did she just care for set and wanted him to take over his body.

Also would tom have been conscious where he and set rule his body together or was she just lying to him

that's complete trash

>ywn cruise on that ass

>She will never crush your head with her legs forcing you to smell her crotch while calling you a bad boy

Just end me now

I think she didn't care about Nick, she wanted his body. But from other side, Nick freed her. Hmm hard to tell. We will see where this go later.

>Just end me now
are You fine with deadly kiss end?

It was padding for stunts, what's there to argue about? Editor's fault for including this shot in final cut.

Gimme gimme yummy mummy!

not gonna lie though, it kinda ruins the whole fancifulness of it all if that is so. So much better if she just was chasing him to the ends of the earth to make him her husband for freeing her from eternal damnation.

hopefully they make a second where Nick gets the urge to free her once again, apologizes and sleeps on the couch for a couple of nights

thats solid reason too. I guess every wicked witch would try to marry anyone who released her from insane prison after thousands years

I get she wanted to fulfill the pact, but after a while it seemed she genuinely cared for him, especially at the end

thats some sexy struggle

Is that worth watching for her?

i havent seen it, doesnt look great, and i dont know how big her part is.

she got 4-5 scenes overal, generally gets like 5% screentime, but without words steals movie. her introdution is... hmm 'slicing' to be said.

Just found out that shes 35. I legit thought she was early 20s.

How am I gonna get her preggo if her womb is too aged

star trek beyond was kino my dude

Fuck it, watch this. Just for her.

this just made me wonder.
Would Ahmanet be still fertile? I mean as an undead mummy. Of course, within movie universe/lore.


maybe once fully regenereated

With that jaw? Seriously?

yeah she's awesome in it


Mr. Blinder, I'm Cockney

I am.

that was makes her so hot. It is unique mix of exotic beauty, strange and intriguing. You don't see these usually.

5000 years in mspaint

Fresh oc lads whatdoyathink
could have been better blended but i rushed it through in like 15 minutes

Berty gud someone should tweet this to her. I'm sure the reaction would be hilarious

good, btw day ago (2 days ago to be quite honest) we had this crazy longlasting thread, who's from there?

I'm in every mummy thread these days,
I need the 'don't forget, you're here forever' version desu.

I made some oc, too. 3000 years in mspaint.

>notice me Setepai

praise the kek

those fucking digits tho

Hm, Egyptian demon of darkness. Surprised memelords weren't more into this flick.
>Ahmanet makes pact with Kek
>Kek ends up possessing Tom Cruise
How fucked are we?
The Maymay (2017)



>Set summoning?


i m always using this instead frogposting

How about making it slightly more blue?



Mummyfus, skip to 1:15, then listen her at 1:29.


Perfect now

>inspiration for Jaylah?
>no, not Jaylah... someone else.

forgot to link

add hair too. Fempepe style, but black

im just an user who lazily added the color
i might give it a try

That's still lots of work.
>find color tone
Way above my procrastination.

y no maniac tape of Ahmanet?

Someone should edit eyes. She had some 'fire' in them.

good enough i guess

version 2

>all these fucking fags itt
You might as well go fuck a mexican tranny, or that dyke that's a UFC champion. It would be the closest thing you limp wristed queers could get to fucking you're masculine dykey looking mummy crush.


isn't it past your bedtime?

Did she born as a man?

>pointing out that this dyke looking bitch looks like your typical mexican faggot/tranny makes you redpilled
ok, i guess.

Come on... thats clearly a guy. A skinny latin.

looks like this dude shaved and put on a wig
>tfw all these closeted homosexuals really just want some mexican dick

I love Sup Forums.

Check few of her fashion photoshots. Some are very hmm... can't really find words to describe. Athletic yet still feminine, in very odd way.
Don't like, fine go to another plain Jane Doe.

>Rewatched it just for her, she is literally perfect


As much as I like Tom Cruise, this movie was underwhelming.

case of character whose story is more interesting than the movie theyre in.

>not dropping flesh eating scarabs in with her

Yeah I was in that one too from start I finish kek

One user said that the thread made a PACt with set for extended unusual life span

Holy shit, through all the shitposts on tv you occasionally find gems

Is he here?

Go shitpost on a pol race mixing thread if you care that much



The blonde girl was hotter.


>All these dubs and trips in this thread

I'll bite the b8

>Projecting your disgusting tranny fetish on normal people this hard

why are plane scenes always so funny


so Lovecraftian

one word: Bane?
>lotta loyality for a mummified gal!
>or perhaps he's wondering why someone would curse a man before throwing him out of a plane
>noone cared who i was until they put on the lid.

nice but this blends too much with background. how about about these? +some lighter background

Where these come from? DeviantArt? Source pls

>yfw mom walks in on you as you're masturbating

>in room with your Setepai
>dad walks in

I like that one, someone just needs to shift the colors and eyes I can't

T. Wage slave on break

Bumping for more best waifu the mummyfu
