What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

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2 nukes weren't enough

they should him some shitty zombies and called tehm sekeltons as a pitch for a new tv drama that wanst even an anime

They did the equivalent of showing DaVinci a robot that prints his drawings on paper.

what is he talking about?

He's a stubborn old luddite

the context is some video game designers showed him these weird 3D zombies that crawled around weirdly for some horror game. He said it reminded him of his disabled friend and that he basically considered it a gross, pointless waste of talent. He's right too, zombies are a meme genre


he's a pedophile

The animation was done by a computer as well, I think.

It Japan, it is common for the purveyors of cartoons to take themselves very seriously as if they were real artists or accomplished storytellers.

>I would tear this oldfag a new one if my head wasn't shaped like a penisu

i fucking hate old people

>glorifying a war plane that was built by slave labor and killed millions is ok
>but animating zombies is an insult to life

Fuck this hypocrite

1) Miyazaki is know for finely crafted hand-drawn animation, this is an attempt to replace that
2) His works focus on the mystery and beauty of nature, this is hideous and grotesque and focuses on a perversion of nature
3) People who animate zombies for films and video games put a lot of effort into the movements of their characters, this looked like unusable trash
4) He is appropriately pointing out that machines have no ethos to instill in their art, and these "people's" program made something that showed no concern for life or the disabled

t. amoral, cultureless American dog

>something that showed no concern for life or the disabled

Oh shit, did it escape? How many has it hurt?

Perfect for humanoids infected by an alien like the Thing that is learning how to walk from scratch.

We'll have artists working on realistic walking for an awfully long time yet.

can you say that again but less retarded?

He said that story of this plane disgust him but he cant help but praise its beuty.

Do you understand how fucking idiotic it would be to use "amoral" as an epithet for an amoral person? Probably not, most gooks are stuck in a permanent state of heaven storming

>How many has it hurt?
Miyazaki was clearly butthurt, so at least one.

Japan calling America cultureless is like someone calling their own mother a vapid whore who shits out retards.

What is with the posts in this thread? Learn English, proofread, then post your shitty opinions.

Make me

>Amerifats believe they created Japanese culture


actually what they show him a demonstration of some machine learning ai program they created that looked like something out of dead space that they believed could possibly learn how to draw. Then he went off on a rant about how he has a friend that is paralyzed from rare muscular condition.

Japanese culture is the half-bred child of Chinese and American culture.

>Find your meaning and purpose in art and storytelling
>Hone your craft and tell beautiful stories as you see fit for decades
>Become one of the very few that still tells stories in your locale that are not just commercial merchandise machines
>This upstart group of youth want to show you something
>An AI that's impossible to tell a story, but is able to only produce struggled movements that resemble people on the throes of death
>This youth group instead of learning of using this new technology to say anything meaningful only developed something horrifically visual and only to sell to the aforementioned commercial merchandise machines

he's notoriously difficult to work with and unpersonable, as well as a terrible father. His son wanted to become a landscaper/architect, but Miazaki pushed him into animation. When his oldest son was working on tales from earthsea, he took away 50 million dollars from the budget during the middle of production. When it premiered, he slept though half the movie.


Are you his son? Sounds pretty personal

Thats not what hes saying. Hes saying that because AI doesnt have the human concepts of having experienced sadness, empathy and pain (and happy experiences as well,, although he doesnt mention it here), they can not create good art. That is why the AIs attempt at creating movements results in these grotesque abominations, polar opposites of the animations Miyazaki is known for.

IThe thing that disgusts him isnt the fact that the animations are zombie-like, but that the developers/pitchers cant understand that creation without emotion is the opposite of art and an insult to true animation.

>What was his fucking problem?
this is a gay meme for lazy retards, and should result in autoban

Lmao, is this truly a display of how fucking ignorant amerifats are? Y'all desserve to get nuked by North Korea, or at very least YOU desserve to be drafted and killed.

Did he touch a nerve, sweetie?

someone is jealous of superior western culture. go drink gutter oil

lmao look how assmad Canadian weebs get at Japan's culturelet status.

I'm watching Laputa in the Sky right now. It's fucking boring. What a hack.
His huge ego is based on nothing.

well I was interested in his son since he's constantly overshadowed by his father. I was interested in why from up on poppy hill was really good when tales from earthsea was a mediocre adaptation of an excellent series. Turns out his dad was constantly undermining him, and making a concerted effort to make himself look by comparison. look up any interview on the subject and you'll see just how hard he worked to be an asshole to someone that already thought would never live up to his fathers legacy. Now i've just gone and made myself angry.

All my keks

I'd be angry too after that butchery of the English language.

yeah, I realized how shit that was right after posting. kids dont drink and post.

read a book