
>wife literally cucks him
>get divorced because she wants to not because he does
>literally that much of a cuck
>still have her on your dungeons and dragons show
>reaching cuck levels never seen before
>cries on his friend's podcast
>wah trump is mean and wacist wahhhh
>says he proud of antifa for standing up to fascism

Other urls found in this thread:

This is what the white man evolved into.

How do we save him?

Can someone force him to reduce his carb intake (including alcohol) and start lifting weights?

When do we find out that he is a sexual assaulter and all around perv?

And he's got a qt gf and a wildly successful tv show and you don't.


How did Erin cuck him?

Just about to ask the same thing.

He defended Sup Forums's pedos on an episode of his podcast.

>still have her on your dungeons and dragons show
That parts not really that weird. They were likely friends for a long time before they got married, so they could go back to being friends again afterwards (after the emotional baggage dies down). It's different than when you get into a relationship from the start, and find out it doesn't work.

>says he proud of antifa for standing up to fascism
that's where I quit, hard not to feel sorry for the guy

She cheated on him and he knew she was cheating but let her keep cheating for months

Nope. They didn't even date for a year before they got married. She was on Duncan's podcast a couple years ago where she said the first week that they were dating that he loved her.

So now a "cuck" isn't someone who watches their wife get fucked by another man, but any man who is the victim of infidelity? Isn't that convenient for kissless, handholdess overweight virgins from Sup Forums who will never have to worry about infidelity because no one will ever even look at them affectionately? Is there anything funnier than a boot-licking submissive fascist using this type of rhetoric anyway? There's nothing in the world less masculine than being a fascist. No surprise that Sup Forums shares all the personality characteristics of SJWs.

roastie spotted

Sup Forums is Jerry daycare

Yup! They're just right-wing SJWs.

>So now a "cuck" isn't someone who watches their wife get fucked by another man, but any man who is the victim of infidelity?
I mean that's the LITERAL definition of a cuckold, yeah.

I think to get the literal definition of being a cuck you have to unknowingly raise another man's child

>she said the first week that they were dating that he loved her.
Oh god. That's a bad fucking sign if someone tells you that so quickly

Who did she cheat on him with?

Yeah he's a beta cuck

Some Irish fuckboy. So just another alcoholic.

Hillary lost. Get over it.

The original meaning of "cuckold" only implies that you are a male with an unfaithful wife. It doesn't extend anywhere beyond that.

I was hoping it was Wayne Federman.

>She cheated on him and he knew she was cheating but let her keep cheating for months

How the fuck do you know this?

That just raises new questions about why woman-hating virgins are glorifying women who cheat on their husbands and degrading the husband with insults though. Shouldn't obese MRA Sup Forums virgins be defending husbands who get cheated on?

She talked about it on her podcast

>this is what passes for "qt" in fatnerdland

yeah that's typical. the moment his star starts to fall she'll have him cucked

I'm not seeing where you're drawing the conclusion that because Sup Forumstards denigrate emasculated, cuckolded males that they must proportionally glorifying cuckolding women. There's no reason to believe that the female can't be denigrated equal to the male in a situation like that.

>we live in an age where celebrities just vent their dirty laundry in audio form

what fascinating, horrible people

>There's nothing in the world less masculine than being a fascist
wrong, the self denying fascists of antifa win that prize

That's how white-knights think.

What's the logical justification for denigrating a man that gets cheated on? Some fan fiction you invent about his personality? You are actually retarded, luckily you'll never have to worry about getting cheated on.

>Erin McGathy

>What's the logical justification for denigrating a man that gets cheated on?

wew lad

Not an argument, your IQ is two digits

The logic for someone of a Sup Forumsish persuasion would obviously be that he's emasculated and weak-willed, qualities unbecoming of a man, and therefore his lack in manliness are causally linked to being cheated on, because he doesn't have the masculine virtues called upon to maintain the loyalty of girlfriend/wife. The disloyalty of the woman is not therefore justified, though, because loyalty and submission is, in this framework, viewed as a virtue in the female as much as a commanding and loyalty-inspiring presence are viewed as a virtue in the male.

Also, I don't really know why you're assuming I necessarily think this is all true on the face of it just because I'm not as emotionally invested in the matter as you.

It's cool. He's only being used.

But I'm red-pilled and he's not.

He's very likely a creepo and a perv, like all fugly nerds who get famous. It's only a matter of time before the world finds out. We've been finding them faster and faster. What was it, Joss Whedon and that fat critic Knowles in as many months?

No one buys your good guy act anymore, nerdshits. If you look like a raunchy hobo who likes to fondle little girls, you probably are one.

>numale beard
all adds up

>Dan Harmon
>Good guy act

>you're a closet racist and beta male sexist
Was it projection or overcompensation?

>I'm proud of antifa for standing up to fascism

She bragged about cheating on Dan Harmon and then made fun of him for saying "i love you" on their first date? Jesus women were a mistake.

>women were a mistake


I really doubt Erin McGathy "bragged" about cheating on Dan and then made fun of him. She probably sobbed and stammered the whole time she was talking about it.

dude hes a fat white guy, what do you expect?

Cause Melania isn't Trump's prostitute, lol.

What's the point of bullying him? quit complaining about things that don't matter, you limp cunticle

white """""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""


His best work

I agree user, quit bullying Harmon just because you Pro-Trump niggers sucked Trump's limp faggot cock and think he's not LITERALLY WORSE THAN HITLER. God, I'm done with this fucking racist ass board. I'd downvote every one of you fucking bullies if I could.


How do all you puritans feel knowing you will never ever have a popular show in your favor?

Right? Fuck these guys.

/r/television was right about Sup Forums

But TNG was in our favor user.

no one cares

>Its Hypersensitivity when it disagrees with me, its "academic" when it agrees with me.

dude yt pipo lmao

That's what cuckold meant originally.

Look it up.