Other urls found in this thread:


Who was in the wrong here?

the guy who trips someone through a glass table?

she fell

you're as crazy as she is!

I wish they gave the women some lines

The loser who keeps making these threads.

hey lets talk about this cancelled show that had 6 episodes a year ago.

it's edgy because the guy has a wife.

>you tripped her. i saw it with my own two feet.

chill out tim its just a meme

What's going on big guy, you just made an abhorrent post

Field hockey wife*

That post you made, that we couldn't figure out what it was? It was a shitpost.


Two thousand dollars~

I like it when they joke about hurting women because no women like me. That's why I like World Peace.

choose your words carefully big guy. this is my show you're talking about here.

What are some other subtle comedies only Patricians will understand? Alredy watched Morty and Rick.

>Remember... i found you... under that bus? In Australia, that shithouse! I went over there, the people were disgusting. I was puking my guts out... You're great though!

Charls is the best

>dollar menu extreme

>I hope you're backing up your data. Someone is. It ain't you!

Hey, let's talk about this cancelled show that had six episodes a year ago because I can only enjoy something if it agrees with my politics!

I'm a wimpy guy who was never any good at sports so their biting commentary about water having female hormones gives me an excuse.

That's why this was the best show on tv.

>he fell for the redpill meme

the best part is when they tell me that single moms are to blame because I never had a dad either. I think it's the government's fault. Liberals.

Off the Air is the best thing Adult Swim ever did and all you do is sit around like bitches meming this RISD fag all day. Fuck ironic meta cringe humor.

>being this upset about a television program

Cop killer vs hey moon

Ok cuck, I love both

At his best, Sam barely looked human.

The left really can't meme

Sam used to be a cute twink when he was skinny.

>you will never drink zippy water

my favorite part was how the giga-trite, financebaby Williamsburg graphic designer faggots didn't make a single funny joke in 34 minutes of dog shit content

Yeah, they really nailed MDE.


you are just upset because you are exactly the type of thing everyone including you hates. and you saw it on the show thats why you come on Sup Forums and post "haha im ironically a being a faggot." type replies. youre just projecting. the universe does not lie for you.

when i saw that video i couldnt belive that there are people out there that feel the same way i do.

remember when sam bragged on the gavin mcinnes show that he really loved that one rare opportunity he had to get physically violent with a woman because she attacked him or something?

He was talking about what he'd do to lena dunham in a purely self defense situation

Was this supposed to be funny?

pretty sure he was specifically referencing an encounter he had, not talking hypothetically about dunham. maybe i misheard.

What made you like this? Why do you like communism?

>people are so far left that the idea of people liking Hyde makes them lose their shit
I love these threads.

>I am afraid of socialists because Iamverysmart and I don't want to share anything

only real intellectuals are libertarians

>being this emotional because nobody wants commie trash in the US
keep going

Stop trying so hard.

Ironic comedy is so 2014 that's really why it was cancelled. Tim and Eric as well as Eric Andre are both stale now.

>threads about Charls are laments for MDE's potential and content discussion
>threads about Sam are Sup Forums bait arguments between fags

Half shower, half bowl.

>threads about Nick are comparing antique rug prices

literally nothing I said was wrong.

>people who think MDE are ironic
>people who think Sam is playing characters
>people who still can't understand sincerity and are turned into the joke
>stream of consciousness dialogue is the purest form of sincerity and people think the random nonsensical dialogue is supposed to be a joke or a set up for a joke
>people who like MDE and consume their content buy abhore Sam simply because of a few !WRONG! opinions
You know MDE is doing something right when people have a meltdown at the near mention of the name. Sam Hyde is a genius and turns people into obsessive lunatics foaming at the mouth trying to figure him out and getting mad when he speaks the truth.

Ur mad

Why is Nick in The Prodigal Stunna one of the funniest comedic characters of all time

The loser? It's sad that your comedic senses are so dull that you cannot grasp his genius. All the best comedians have some inner struggle they use to channel their material. In Sam's case, it's his repressed homosexuality.

Tell me, would a straight comedian come up with a hilarious bit like this?


And have so much inner turmoil that he uses transsexuals as an outlet to deal with his gay demons?

If only you could comprehend how much he suffers for his art, just to make people laugh. It's the least you could do you ungrateful cunt.

Literally everything you said was false.

Yes, some twat tried to kick him in the head and he body checked her.

Defending yourself against hyper aggressive bull dykes is truly one of the great joys in life.

You're proving me right though.

Leftycucks are so easy to troll lmao.


>the network pulled it so you're FORBIDDEN from talking about it
Is this how Americans think?

Cool it tim. Everyone fucking hates you.

I like this post because it is reductive and easy to digest sarcasm. It makes me feel smart to read it and I don't have the attention span to actually examine it so I like it.

>Another reddit meme makes its way to Sup Forums

The only thing worse than MDE is this thread.

1. Why do you post this in every thread?
2. You have no evidence of what you're talking about in your post.
3. Why are you obsessed with the idea of Sam being gay? Do you want him to fuck you?
4. If the content of your post was true, why would anyone give a shit?


They should've cancelled the much less popular shows then, and not the most popular of the three.

>Ironic comedy is so 2014 that's really why it was cancelled
It had the highest viewership figures of any new show on the network the entire year.

The tap water sketch was about flynt michigan you ignorant philistine. Do you think you sound smart?

Hey let's repeat opinions we heard from buzzfeed because I can't even watch a show that someone said disagrees with "my" politics because I'm just that much of a pussy

said no one ever

How was it ironic comedy? What about the prison sketch or CEO sketch was ironic? You even watch the show?

Almost a decade later and its still the best capeshit ever made.

>tfw you fail at making a new thread

But I did watch it, dum-dum.

Then why would you postulate that someone could only enjoy it because it agreed with their politics? Are you too stupid to appreciate a work of art, dumb dumb?

Because there have been daily MDE threads since the show's premiere and they always devolve into Sup Forums garbage.

Fucking saved!

i saw it with my own two feet!

And once again there's literally only people like you crying about "Sup Forums garbage" and no one actually posting "Sup Forums garbage".

Hey Sam, Xavier Renegade Angel is better hahaha naw man, that show you had was the best thing that was ever on Adult Swim.
Well except Space Ghost and Aqua Teen sorry cuz

Are these 3 people the same person? What happened to this poor man?

The people crying about Sup Forums garbage are the same people who make these threads. These threads are nothing more than a way for them to argue politics on Sup Forums.

tim heidecker happened

Yeah, except anyone who criticizes the show is immediately accused of being a brainwashed liberal cuck.

I can't tell if the GET MY SHOW BACK I CAN'T AFFORD HEALTH INSURANCE was more Hyde irony or it was actually genuine.

Maybe because your criticisms were that it's "edgy" for kids that were "wimpy"?

That wasn't me, you goober.

>taking anything sam the man posts on public social media outlets as genuine

Well they're the only criticisms I see in this thread, except for that one guy who said "Fuck ironic meta cringe humor." but I'm not entirely sure what this mess of buzzwords is supposed to mean.

Mde fans cant have 1 thread to themselves witbout someone bitchin sorry bros

It's true though and it sounds like it struck a nerve with you. Are you one of those losers who showed up to HWNDU and tried to impress Sam?

>sounds like it struck a nerve with you
Did you really feel the need to stoop this low? All I said is that when your criticism is a one word ad hominem you shouldn't expect intelligent insight in return. We have a saying in Finland which loosely translates to "The forest answers the same way you yell into it".

Good saying, but you're still triggered it's obvious

>Forced lefty meme "I am forgotten" is getting spammed.
>Meanwhile there are daily MDE threads on Sup Forums now.
>There is more MDE discussion that Redditlettermedia now.

This is the change Trump promised.

lol who yells into aa forest? stupid finland

Isn't Sam Hyde that guy who sucked off a shemale?

Don't fool yourself. MDE isn't growing in popularity. These threads are made by the same handful of cretins who have been spamming this shit show since 2016.